The Confession

in Dream Steemlast year

Image sourced from original contest

My Steemian friends,

Confusion... A word that so often can "confuse" us on its own, leaving us knowing even less than what we thought we knew.

Confession... A word that so few can utter as we grow up learning that "silence is golden."

I was invited by @dove11 to partake in the latest contest in the Dream Steem community. CONTEST- Dream Steem Contest - The Confession

What makes this contest so interesting is that it takes you completely out of your comfort zone if you are not a fiction writer, like me. What "tickled my fancy" even more was one of the rules and a topic we've been reading a lot about lately here on Steemit, AI content. Today I am putting both to the test.

In this contest the author shares part of a story. It is then up to you to finish this story. I decided to accept the invite.

Story 1, will be the author's introduction to the story. Story 2, will be how I continued with it.

Story 1:

The Confession

The situation was getting worse! They were about 300 nautical miles away from the shore. The storm was increasing every minute, and their steamship's engines had stopped working. So the two engineers attending the engine room panicked, and both of them made a plan. They both took the only lifeboat and left the steamship, trying to find help on their own without informing anyone!

Oh no, not even the captain of the ship! Maybe he would have stopped them or at least kept a vigil on them. However, after two days of continuous sailing, they regretted their decision to leave the steamship. They wanted to help the team, but they were in trouble themselves.

As the storm was getting intense and their boat was tossing almost uncontrollably. Then suddenly it dawned on one of them, "Oh, I have one of those three doves in the boat."

He immediately took out his diary from his pocket and wrote a message. He knew this artificial budgie that their captain had kept for this special purpose would probably reach the steamship. They were a little more hopeful now. So one of them started writing a message on the paper. Finally, he finished writing it and read it for the last time before sending it through their artificial dove.

Story 2:

The Confession continue

They stood together, watching the dove get smaller and smaller until it was only a white speckle against the dark blue sky. Gone was the flapping of the wings. Only silence…

It was in silence that they sat down and bowed their heads, their lips cracked from the sun beating down on them over the last few days. Both men realized that the wind that was blowing was no longer there. No hissing sound came from the sails of the boat. No water was splashing over the bow. Only silence…

It felt like hours that they were sitting like that. They had no idea of the time. They had no idea of the directions, and they had no idea if they would ever be found. Their hope is now in that white speckle that disappeared.

Goosebumps rose on their bodies as the day started to darken. Nightfall is upon them for the third time. Will they open their eyes in the morning?
If only they could put their lips on a bottle of water. Quenching their thirst will still relieve the hunger pains. Nothing! There was nothing left to drink… nothing to eat. Only silence…

It was only the two of them and the thousands of lights in the sky. Will the moon tell them tonight where they must go? Will the stars make them smile for the last time as they close their eyes? Stars? But there are no stars in the sky. It is doves. Pure white dove with eyes shining like marbles with wings flapping, ready to take them home.
Home where there is silence…

They cling to each other as the cold night air rushes in, drawing that last bit of heat from each other. There are no longer shoes on their feet, and there is no longer hope in their eyes. By now, there should have been someone looking for them. The dove should have reached a cargo ship, a fisherman’s boat… land, long ago. This is not a dove that can return with a green leaf in its mouth. Was it lost in the waters of the ocean there were a new storm was brewing?

It was time, time to close their eyes and say their prayers. Miraculous things still happen. Words form over their lips where sounds cannot be uttered. Together, they are united in thoughts and prayers. They could feel each other’s last word, "Amen".

As they opened their eyes, they saw it shining in the moonlight, the white dove. A white dove with a note wrapped around one foot. Then they saw a second dove. Where is the third? Frantic, they start searching for it… nothing. How can it be? How could they have sent the wrong dove to become that speckle in the sky? Confused they look at each other. Who was to blame?

Tears were leaving shining paths on their faces. Tears of ….silence and no confession.


Image Source

In closure:

Confusion...Sets in when I checked my story with no more than 5 different AI detectors.

Confession...This in 100% my own story.

Go on! Put this contest to the test.

Vote @pennsif.witness for growth across the Steemit platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high yield developments with the resources available.

What "tickled my fancy" even more was one of the rules and a topic we've been reading a lot about lately here on Steemit, AI content. Today I am putting both to the test.

Haha, it means that you also got scared of AI content and checked your post with 5 detectors for satisfaction even though you didn’t need to. 😁

Your unique writing style is such that no detector can declare you as AI. The problem is for users like me who use tools like Grammarly, which sometimes causes some of my sentences to be declared as AI and I have to rephrase them.

I have been facing this problem for the past few days. The fewer grammar mistakes in your post, the higher the percentage of AI content will be shown by some detectors.

As for the accuracy of these tools, you can read the comments on this post.

Plus, you have written this story in a beautiful manner and I wish you good luck in the contest. 😊

Cc: @dove11

 last year 

To be very frank I am not scared with AI detection since I checked

"I am an engineer" and the detector said 100% AI generated, then I added
"and a Management graduate" it gave me a little concession and said it was 89% AI generated.

Actually AI picks the first word or phrase and takes its decision so as long as I am sure I am not copy pasting, I don't care about AI or plagiarism checkers.

Oh gosh! I hate these AI detectors.
Like you've said, in one of your comments, it is creating a lot of extra work for all of us.
At this stage I feel totally lost with AI.
Best is to give a warning and advice on how to not be part of it and then to keep an open eye.
PS: Back to the story, thank you for reading it and your lovely comment.

 last year 

Wow, a perfect story with no AI involved! I think there was no one to blame since they took the only lifeboat from the steamer and tried to escape in the name of supporting their mates. I hope this story will set an example for others.

Oh yes! There is someone to blame... Who was the one who set of the wrong artificial dove? (•ิ‿•ิ)

PS: Thank you for your kind words.
Fingers cross for many more entries 🤞

Estee... si has escrito algún libro a en algún momento decides escribir uno por favor recuerda recomendármelo, me gusta mucho como iluminas cada escena de forma tan detallada que uno puede dibujarla con facilidad en su mente.

Oh wow! Now this is a huge compliment as this is not my style of writing. As you should know, I will rather "speak to the heart".
I have published a book a few years ago. Had high ambitions to wrote more but never got to do. TIME. It takes a lot of time especially if you have to do a lot of research.
Maybe one day when I am old and boring... (•ิ‿•ิ)
Thanks for the visit!


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