Urdu community Contest / S2W1 – Title by @patjewell

in Urdu Community2 years ago

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It is hard to believe that social media started way back in 1844 with a few dots and dashes.

Yes, I am referring to Samuel Morse, the founder of Morse code, and his famous message “What hath God wrought?”

Today millions of global users are using social media platforms as a form of communication. And this is exactly what social media is for me, a platform through which users communicate online. Morse’s famous words are now replaced with “OMG”.

In 1999 I was told that if I don’t have a computer I will be illiterate.

In 2002 I was told that if I don’t join LinkedIn I won’t be able to run a successful business.

That is how my journey with social media started, with a LinkedIn account.

Me and Social Media

I am not as social media junkie. In fact I stayed away from social media platforms as far as possible for the simple reason that I have seen so many people get hooked and my life is my privacy.

I do understand that individuals like to;

  • stay in contact with family and friends
  • share information and photo’s
  • express themselves and their opinions
  • share their “knows” and interest with others
  • grow their working careers
  • gain knowledge

What amaze me is that for each of the above points there is a platform.

WhatsAppTo stay in contact
InstagramShare of information and photos
TwitterExpress themselves
FacebookShare “knows” and interest
LinkedInGrow careers
YouTubeGain knowledge

Images from Alexander Shatov

Out of all the social media platforms I only use 3 of them on a daily basis apart from Steemit.

WhatsApp – For communication +/- 1 hour a day

Benefits for me:
  • It is an easy, convenient and fast way for me to communicate with my family either via chat, photo and video sharing, calls and video calls
  • It allows for sharing of documents
  • It is wonderful for group chats which I use for school, community news and Steemit

Telegram – For Steemit communication +/- 30 minutes a day

Benefits for me:
    It allows for secure communication with Steemians
  • Group chats are allowed
  • Sharing of photos and links
  • It has a nice personalization interface

Facebook – For sharing +/- 30 minutes a day

Benefits for me:
  • It is a great avenue for advertising of goods and services under local communities
  • I hardly use my personal Facebook page. I do have a business page on which I share photos I have taken with an uplifting Christian message every morning. This I’ve been doing for the last 7 years

  • There is no two ways about it, the list of social media platforms is increasing with each day. This makes it difficult for users to choose the right platform.

    Of importance is to determine which platform is going to work the best for what you plan to do.

    What I have also notices is that social media platforms are forever adding new features to enable them to stay ahead of the kid on the block.

    Me and Steemit, my favorite social media platform

    I am sure you can all remember the “STEEM GROWTH CONTEST - Theme: How many hours have you spent on Steemit in the last week”

    Participating in this contest was a shocker for many Steemian. I don’t think before this question we actually realized how many hours we do spend in total on Steemit.

    Let’s put on the info together and see where it brings us regarding the hours per day and also for the week I have spent on Steemit in the last week.

    Link to post

    There must be solid reasons for me spending this amount of hours on Steemit.

    I am sure you don’t want to read a book so let me just name 10 of them.

    1. Steemit is now my… job
    2. I am building a wallet - I am in Steemit for the long run
    3. Steemit helps me to open up towards other. I never thought I would have shared my personal life with others
    4. I am making the best of friends from all over the globe
    5. I am discovering the world through reading the posts of fellow Steemian
    6. I am sharing my knowledge with others and hopefully it will help them to further their careers
    7. Through my time on Steemit I am learning. Never have I thought I will ever want to learn about crypto currencies and blockchains
    8. There is nothing nicer than rewarding, uplifting and encouraging others which I like to do hours on end
    9. Steemit is not only my job, it is also my “me time”
    10. I am discovering what is mutual respect

    Steemit has for sure helped and is still helping me to grow into being the best ME.

    Steemit vs. other Social Media platforms

    They say you must compare apples with apples but in the case of Steemit and other social media platforms it is like comparing apples with pears where Steemit is for sure the red shining apple!

    Receive reward for postingNo rewards
    Receive reward for commentingNo rewards
    No plagiarismPlagiarism
    Quality control on postsNo quality control
    ContestsNo contest
    Blockchain technologyNo blockchain technology
    Decentralized – you controlCentralized – no control
    Encourage investmentNo investment
    Apples are red -lifePears are yellow - sunshine

    As I have mentioned although I have accounts on other social media platforms I never use them. Facebook is the platform I’ve been using every day for the last 7 years.

    With 7,038 followers, nearly 2,500 posts since the first day and 18,255 post reach with 3,042 engagements over the last 28 days Facebook has not given me one dollar!

    I am sure that we will all find disadvantages in the Steemit platform as a social media platform but for me the advantages outweigh the disadvantages by far!

    Steemit, my favorite social media platform by FAR!

    I invite:


    Woow nice to know that steemit is your favorite social media platform. With no doubt, it should be because of how dedicated you are to this platform. The three social media platform that use daily which are WhatsApp, Facebook and telegram are very good platforms and they are very common and use by a majority of people worldwide. I also use them on daily basis but my most used one is WhatsApp. When ever my data is on, my WhatsApp most be running because is used it every blessed minutes, hours and daily 😂

    As concerning steemit, there is no regrets when someone spends time using it because of its high level of benefits which is ranging from the rewarding system to the system where people get to know each other, people get to learn new things by reading at people's articles. I am happy i have met a lot people in the real world as a results of this platform which is what I will never forget. I am also happy I got to know a high profile person like you through this platform. Hopefully, my wish Is now to see you In the real world

    You have done great job in giving the the difference and similarities between Steemit and other social media platforms. This will go a long way to help readers know thier differences and how steemit is extremely very important

    Your entry is great mom. I enjoyed every moment reading and enjoying it

    Gosh! It is only you who can write a post as a reply!
    You are so gifted! And.. you know just how to keep me busy.
    Where do I start? I can hear you, “Start at the top”😊

    You are right, no regrets for joining Steemit and no regrets for spending the amount of time we currently do. I my heart I know it is worth it.

    High profile? Nope, I am just an ordinary women of.. nah, I’m not going to give you my age😊
    I just think that in the end there are so many similarities between us.
    I will be great to meet in real life! 🤞🏻

    Thank you for engaging with my post. For your reply and effort I think you derseve to get 🍎 🍎

    Thank you for engaging with my post. For your reply and effort I think you derseve to get 🍎 🍎

    Ooooh my God 😊, thanks for the gift mom

    High profile? Nope, I am just an ordinary women of.. nah, I’m not going to give you my age😊

    Hahaha not just ordinary na, you are an inspiring woman, very social and with kind heart... Hihihihi, why aren't you giving me your age na🌝

    Now you should be old enough to know that a womens's age is taboo. And I will never ask you to give me some of your Steem in turn for my age.

    Enjoy your Saturday my friend!

     2 years ago 

    Respected thank you very much for taking participate in Steemit Enagement Challenge | Season2, Week #1.

    Post informationStatusGrades
    Steemexclusive✅ /1/1
    Plagiraism / Bot free✅ /1/
    300 words/soruce✅ /1/1
    Quality of content✅ /2.5/3
    Club 75✅ /2/2
    Markdowns✅ /1/2

    You made good post and yes it is good to know that steemit is your favorite and other media reason of use it only steemit. You disscussed your experience very nicely thank

    Thank you so much for your feedback! Kindly have a look. I am in Club100 (•ิ‿•ิ)
    Also can you please tell me where I can improve on the markdown style. I had a look and I used 10 different types. I truly don't know where to improve my post.

    They say you must compare apples with apples but in the case of Steemit and other social media platforms it is like comparing apples with pears where Steemit is for sure the red shining apple!

    I love this statement, steemit can not be compared with any other platform because of its unique which you have mentioned in your article.

    I never know that social media started in 1844, that time i was not even on this planet 😁 thank you for this information. And I wish you all the best in this contest.

    Next time you think of Steemit all you have to do is to think about the nice, red and juicy apple! 🍎
    I'm glad you've enjoyed the history lesson.

    Thank you for always reading my post and for engaging with it. I truly appreciate it!

    You are always welcome 😊

    You are right, Steemit encourage us to invest with the reward we get from posting and commenting, we are able to learn and teach others what we know, we don't just post like other social media but post a quality article that is free of plagiarism. Truly Steemit is a red shinning apples. This is a beautiful article ma. I wish you Good Luck.

    Thank you for the kind words! Just for this I am giving you a Steemit apple this morning. 🍎
    I am so glad I came back to this platform. It has enriched my life in so many ways.

    Yes, there are times that I do feel down and wonder if it is all worth it, especially when you think there is no fairness on post BUT then the doubt goes away and I start writing again, learning and teaching.

    Well you have said everything that needs to be said
    Steemit wins!! it is forever a shining red apple 🍎

    But what if other social media platforms eg Facebook start paying even it's baby users, will the tables turn around?

    Umh.. now that is a million dollar question! I wish I had a crystal ball so that I can answer you.

    In my mind I doubt it that FB will ever go that route. FB is a money generating platform and I don't think that as a business they will give revenue away.

    We might see a new platform emerging like Steemit but Steemit will be way ahead of them and I am sure will do everything from their side to stay ahead.
    That is the beauty about competition, it brings out the best in you.

    Thank you for reading and engaging my friend! 🍎

    You are very correct Ma 🥰 I love your analysis

    Goody!! 👏👏

    Well said Other Social Media Platform is basically for communication mostly. I also respect your opinion of not being a social media junkie for the sake of your privacy.
    Nice entry
    I wish you good luck in the contest

    Thank you my fellow Steemian! 🍎

    I must admit that somehow Steemian got me sharing my personal life. Something I thought I will never do.
    I've opened up more and maybe I can now say that I have become a Steemit junkie.

    Thank you for your support!!

    I love your presentation ma'am. Today you have educated me on the history of social media, and i thank you for the free knowledge. I wish to be like you someday ma'am.

    No no no! You cannot be like me my friend. You are your own individual and you know what? You are doing a GREAT job of doing it! 👍
    Keep up the good work.
    Thank you for your support! It is appreciated!

    Apart from being decentralized (i.e., there is no authority or control), Steemit has shown to be the best social media platform because it allows users to earn for posting original and high-quality content, which is significantly superior to any other social media platform.

    You've highlighted each point in such a way that even newbies will be able to grasp the ideas and understand what you're presenting.

    I enjoyed reading

    Thank you for the great compliment!
    It was great of you to see that I have tried to write the post as simple as possible, for all to understand.
    Just for that you deserve to get an 🍎

    Thank you for engaging with my post. It is appreciated!

    I see!

    I have never known about Samuel Morse and that's so great information I have learned too.

    You're definitely not a social media person and it's a got thing you're into it because of family and friends.

    Your choices of social media are the very best and same with mine.

    Your activity alone shows how much you love steemit and that alone how dedicated and committed you're.

    Explicite comparison between steemit and other media.

    Best of luck🌹🎉

    Great news that you now know about Mr. Morse and his morse code (•ิ‿•ิ)
    It is always nice to drop something that my fellow Steemians learn from.

    You are right, I don't just like Steemit. No, I LOVE Steemit!

    Thank you for dropping by my friend! 🍎

    There are a whole lot of reasons that have glued you to steemit and am glad to read them all. Being your job, it's worth it considering the earnings potentials

    With 7,038 followers, nearly 2,500 posts since the first day and 18,255 post reach with 3,042 engagements over the last 28 days Facebook has not given me one dollar!

    I can't stop laughing after reading the statement above. Upon all these data yet no single dollar. Hmmm, you have made the right decision to remain glued to steemit. Kudos to you and many more successes to you my dear friend

    You know what my friend? The money I earn on Steemit is so little compare to what I can earn in real life BUT I truly LOVE what I am doing and no money in the world can compensate you for that. (•ิ‿•ิ)

    The love for Steemit and my fellow Steemians is worth every moment I spend on the platform.

    I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support!🍎

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