Urdu Community Contest || S2W2 ||Steemit and Covid-19||How did Steemit play a useful role in improving your life during Covid-19? by @cryptobitcoins


I hope all of you will be fine and enjoying good health with the grace of Allah Almighty. My name is Ali Hassan and Today I'm going to participate in the Steemit engagement contest. This post is actually my participation in the Urdu Community which is selected for the Season 2 contest.

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COVID-19 as Epidemic


Covid-19 is actually a Virus and It's name is Coronavirus and COVID-19 is said because it discovered in 2019.

*The first case of COVID-19 was founded in Wuhan, China. The actual case of the transmission of this virus into Human being is unclear. There is no clear picture about how it start spreading because there are many rumors about it.
Covid-19 is really an epidemic as it changes the complete life.


Here i want to describe some figure which show you how Coronavirus effect people and deaths.

United States86.1M1.01M

As you can see that Pakistan has very low no of cases and deaths but all of this is due to the Strict rules and regulations of the government.

Here i want to show the cases in the Provinces of Pakistan.

Azad Kashmir43,354792

In my age I haven't see such a epidemic condition in which million of people become the victim of it and thousands of people died due to it. There was complete lockdown in the world. Everyone was worried about it's life and there was fear every where. Coronavirus was declared as an epidemic in 2020 by World health organization (WHO).

It was increasing day by day and the cases were increase with the progressed of the next day. Doctors were saving people life by keeping thier life in danger.
Everybody was looking towards biotechnologist for Vaccine.


With the invention of Vaccine the condition settled a little bit but even today the virus has it's fear in it.

Difficulties I personally encounter during Covid-19?

As I'm a student so the problem i face those days that the colleges were shifted from physical classes to online. As i never online class so i fave many issues like Internet connectivity and some other issues regarding understanding the topic.

As a teenager i know how difficult it is to not go go outside for fun. Coronavirus complety lock us and we can't go outside to meet our friends and for playing sports and doing some other outdoor activities.

I become bored remaining all the time at home. And in this way I can't go for walk and gym this effect my health also.

Besides these thier was a fear about that may i also become the victim of COVID-19 so i have to check up myself and test myself that i am safe or not. My Parents and all of my relatives were afraid of this condition.

How Steemit blockchain helped you during Covid-19 ?

Although the Cryptocurrency like all other financial markets were crashing but Steemit which was the innovation of cryptocurrency urged to help people in that situation. As most of the people were free at home like me so they strated Blogging on Steemit and start earning handsome income.

Although I'm a new Comer on Steemit so I don't know about this platform in that epidemic but i worked on Steemit in last lockdown and I really got benefit from Steemit.
I start earning good income from Steemit and Steemit become my part time job.

After completing my homework i started writing and reading articles in this way Steem i managed my spare time in a healthy activity and never got bore. I wished i may join it in 2019 but it's okay for me because Steemit has become part of my life.

How many people in your household were affected by Covid-19 disease and what was the condition?

Our family consist of five members. Me my parents, one brother and one sister. Me and my siblings with the blessings of Allah become safe and not become the victim of COVID-19 but unfortunately my parents were reported COVID+ve.
I took care of them and they make a good decision to isolate. Due to thier decision we became safe and they constantly take medicine and follow the advice of doctor. Thier condition was not sever and they cure within two months. Allah blessed upon us and now they are healthy as they were before COVID-19.

How did Steemit keep you busy or rely on information when you were home locked during covid-19?

Steemit keep me busy and helped me to manage my spare time. Steemit never leave me bore in lockdown. I really enjoyed the Article and got much information about different topics.

As i got too interested in steemit so i spend most of my time on it rather to use other social media platform because they can't give me any money and benefits. In this way i got double benefit through Steemit by gaining knowledge, entertainment and as well as good source of money.

When the college started and lockdown end i feel that I'm much improved in my writing skills so all of this is due to steemit because it urge us to write creative things and then as a result this becomes our habit.

Did you sell steemit earing during covid-19 to reduce or eliminate the problems you face in your daily life?

No I don't sell my steemit earning. As i don't face any sever financial problem so i don't sell my steem coins and SBD. Rather i prefer to buy more steem and convert my earning into steem power.

I do it so because i know thag i can withdraw even from steem power in the hour of need. And once a time came when i need some money so i also make a withdraw request but most of the time i prefer to Power up.

Did steemit help other people besides you in your country, city during covid-19 global epidemic?

Yes, Steemit help many other people even in my city Depalpur many people were working on Steemit and earning good income. Some of my friends @steemdoctor1 and @jani786 were also working on Steemit.

They make Posts on daily basis and they make awasome article so they got good support from the Curators and in this way they helped thier family financially in the hour of need.

Many other people were working on Steemit during Covid-19. Even i noticed that most of people take Steemit as thier sole Source of earning money. Steemit proved as gift for us from Allah in such epidemic.

As i told that I'm not a old user of steemit but i joined Steemit i think in 2021 but there was still the epidemic of Coronavirus. As i were getting much befits from Steemit so i decided to tell about this platform to my friends but they don't much interest because they were unknown to Blockchain projects.

I try to explain them but instead of joining Steemit they strated making Videos on YouTube. So, I don't force them to work here on Steemit. I also shared about this amazing platform on my social media accounts and i find that my post was engaged and many new user came through my posts on social media.

You informed people about steemit during covid-19 so that they too can get out of trouble by joining steemit.
My Experience

As I told earlier that I'm a student and the major problem i faced in the epidemic was mostly regarding my studies. My paper were near and my preparation was likely to zero. I was afraid both about my health as well as about my studies. I were not understanding my topics on online classes and even our teachers Don't have any practice for giving online classes.

Beside this I face fitness problem because government Don't allowed us to go to gyms so my fitness was not improving.

  • I can't go outside for walk and jogging.
  • I can't enjoy myself by playing sports.
  • I can't meet my friend.
  • I was worried about the health of my parents.
  • All the roads and markes were empty and there was complete silence all over the cities and all of the people were afraid that was horrible condition.

In this Frighting condition Steemit help me to Manage my time in useful activities. These are some benefits which i gained during Covid-19 through Steemit.

  • I Improved my Creative writing.
  • I learn how to manage time. Because i have to manage time to research, write and then publish my article. It take too much time so I learned how to manage time.
  • I learned how to sum up things.
  • I share my thoughts and ideas to different community.
  • Steemit help to meet me different writers of the world and I learned much from them.
Tribute to Steemit



Coronavirus proved as a epidemic and cause a huge loss for mankind. Steemit play it's amazing role in this epidemic and help it's user to earn a handsome income by writing Articles. Steemit change many things during Covid-19 and i think Steemit is a gift from Allah.

Best of Luck stemians.

I want to Invite my friends @steemdoctor1 @jani786 and @blue0 to this amazing contest.


Coronavirus proved as a epidemic and cause a huge loss for mankind.

Indeed covid 19 cause a huge loss to almost every life on earth, even super natural countries could not stop it.
I learn a lot from you.

Thank you so much for your kind comment. Keep reading and commenting my posts.

Thank you.

I give praise to Allah, that none of your families was a victim of this virus, the life that this virus has claimed cannot be compared, the outbreak of ebola cannot be compared, ebola was contained but Covid-19 couldn’t as i became a while before the vaccine was produced.

Thanks for yiur publication

Thank you so much dear.
May Allah give you healthy life. Please keep reading and commenting my posts. And if you can follow me than this will a great favour for me.

 2 years ago 
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I really liked the way you have answered all the questions and indeed steemit has helped us all I understand your situation being a student the survival was difficult but again thanks to steemit for supporting us.
Thanks for your participation.
Good luck with the contest!

Thank you so much for reviewing my Article and giving your precious advice. Inshallah i will improve and will give my best in next week.

Thank you again

I feel like crying each time I think of the effect COVID 19 had on the world. It is really sad to see that we had to stop so much Activities just got COVID-19..

It is sure fact the impact Steemit has had on people.
I wish you luck in the contest..

Thank you so much for your comment on this post.
Keep reading and appreciating me.

As you can see that Pakistan has very low no of cases and deaths but all of this is due to the Strict rules and regulations of the government.

Thanks to your government for this wonder work .it really slowed down the spread of the disease the best way it could.

It is nice to see how important Steemit was to you, helping you to do more in your house. The COVID 19 was a very difficult period. We thank God we ate counted amongst the living..

Good luck in your contest

As I'm a student so the problem i face those days that the colleges were shifted from physical classes to online. As i never online class so i fave many issues like Internet connectivity and some other issues regarding understanding the topic.

Dear friend, I can understand your problem. Actually, reading online is not fun because some people do not understand online lectures due to internet problems.

I Improved my Creative writing.

Wow do you really improve your creative writing during this situation thats a great improvement. You are a really hard working person. I appreciate your work.

Thanks for sharing with us.

Greetings 🇵🇰

Although I'm a new Comer on Steemit so I don't know about this platform in that epidemic but i worked on Steemit in last lockdown and I really got benefit from Steemit.
I start earning good income from Steemit and Steemit become my part time job.

Although you were new to the Steemit platform during the lockdown. Even then you worked there and during Covid 19 you made a lot of good income. It was good to know. I also got a lot of help from this platform and was able to become self-sufficient

Congratulations for getting good rewards from Steemit during Covid-19 and lockdown.

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