Sepotong Waktu yang Kita Punya (Piece of Time That We Have)

in Steem SEA4 months ago

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Muslim prayer: ""Merciful Father, I have squandered my days with plans of many things. This was not among them. But, at this moment, I beg only to live the next few minutes well. ... For all we ought to have thought and have not thought, all we ought to have said and have not said, all we ought to have done and have not done, I pray thee, God, for forgiveness."

Viking prayer: "Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers. Lo, there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning. Lo, they do call to me. They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever."


Sebuah adegan favorit saya, yang ada dalam film 13th Warriors. Adegan ini merupakan bagian penting dalam film ini, yang mana para Wendols (para manusia liar yang hidup dalam hutan dan goa) melakukan serangan besar-besaran terhadap sebuah desa Viking setelah "The Mother" para Wendols dibunuh oleh tiga belas pejuang Viking, yang dipimpin oleh Beowulf.

One of my favorite scenes, which is in the film 13th Warriors. This scene is an important part in this film, where the Wendols (wild people who live in forests and caves) carry out a massive attack on a Viking village after "The Mother" of the Wendols was killed by thirteen Viking warriors, led by Beowulf.

Dalam doanya menjelang pertempuran, Ahmed bin Fahdlan (Antonio banderas) berdoa dengan sepenuh hati. Doa itu mengandung makna yang dalam, meminta agar dia bisa menggunakan sisa waktunya yang sedikit untuk melakukan hal yang berguna dan bermakna. Terlebih lagi ia menyadari bahwa telah banyak menyia-yiakan waktu sebelumnya. Doa para Viking juga tak kalah mendebarkan nurani, sebuah doa yang penuh keberanian dalam menghadapai maut yang datang. Inilah dua doa yang saling melengkapi dan penuh dengan makna, doa mengingatkan untuk menggunakan waktu sebaik-baiknya dan bertindak secara berani bilamana memang waktunya tiba untuk itu. (hpx)

In his prayers before the battle, Ahmed bin Fahdlan (Antonio Banderas) prays with all his heart. The prayer had a deep meaning, asking that he could use the little remaining time he had to do something useful and meaningful. Moreover, he realized that he had wasted a lot of time before. The prayer of the Vikings is no less heart-rending, a prayer full of courage in the face of impending death. These are two prayers that complement each other and are full of meaning, the prayer reminds us to make the best use of our time and act boldly when the time comes for that. (hpx)

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