This is better than war

in Qurator5 years ago (edited)

The rare case when a store is littered with food, everything is there, but not the people. In these difficult times, people made some supplies in the refrigerator, and there is less and less money.

Тот редкий случай, когда магазин завален продуктами, всё есть, а народу нет. В эти сложные времена люди сделали некоторые запасы в холодильнике, а лишних денег становится всё меньше.

Someone wears masks, someone wears gloves. And someone walks as usual. The products in the store are full and people are calm. It may even be over the edge, but it depends on the approach to consideration. We were without masks and gloves. But just in case, I put one hand in a plastic bag. We did not recruit many products.

Кто-то носит маски, кто-то ходит в перчатках. А кто-то ходит как обычно. Продуктов в магазине полно и люди спокойны. Может быть даже через край, но это зависит от подхода к рассмотрению. Мы были без масок и перчаток. Но одну руку я на всякий случай засунул в полиэтиленовый пакет. Мы не стали набирать много продуктов.

Now the time has come for radical changes. A deep crisis can be resolved either by war (as it was always before), or by some other serious threat. Governments have chosen the path of the viral threat. This is definitely better than war.
Another aspect - the consumer society should pause and realize its decline.

If you understand these two things, then you can enjoy the development of the situation. There was a time to take care of yourself, review your life, make new assessments and conclusions.

We will not be the same. The question is what we will be.

Сейчас наступило время кардинальных перемен. Глубокий кризис может разрешиться либо войной (как это было всегда раньше), либо какой-то другой серьёзной угрозой. Правительства выбрали путь вирусной угрозы. Это определённо лучше, чем война.

Другой аспект - общество потребления должно сделать паузу и осознать своё падение.
Если понимать эти две вещи, то можно получить удовольствие от развития ситуации. Появилось время заняться собой, пересмотреть свою жизнь, сделать новые оценки и выводы.

Мы уже не будем прежними. Вопрос в том, какими мы будем.

At first we wanted to take a bank. Savings Bank, in which Mr. Comrade Gref works without closing his eyes. It turned out that we came ahead of time. Now it’s fashionable to open later and close earlier. It’s good that banks generally work. Although they do not work for us, it is for them. Well, grumbled, now you can show.

Вначале мы хотели взять банк. Сберегательный банк, в котором трудится господин товарищ Грэф не смыкая глаз. Оказалось, что пришли раньше времени. Теперь модно открываться позже и закрываться раньше. Хорошо, что вообще работают. Хотя это не для нас, это для них. Ну вот, поворчал, теперь можно и показывать.

There was no line in the bank and it was nice. Usually such a visit takes about half an hour.

So, I didn’t notice anything special, except that people wander less everywhere. On the one hand, it seems like a minus, but on the other ... for many, this is good and useful.

В банке не было очереди и это было приятно. Обычно такое посещение занимает около получаса.

Так что, ничего особенного я не заметил, разве что народ меньше бродит везде. С одной стороны вроде и минус, но с другой... для многих это хорошо и полезно.

Unless otherwise specified, the text and photos are mine

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Я тоже был на днях, точнее, в пятницу в Сбербанке. Давно я там не бывал. Думал, что мало людей будет. Я ошибался. толкаются всё также как и раньше.

Да... кому война, а кому мать родна. Сейчас много всякого делают под шумок.
Но не думаю, что исчезнет общество потребления. Именно потребление простимулировало прежний рост изобретений. А иначе зачем что-то придумывать, если оно никому будет не нужно?

понятно, что потреблядь не перестанут))
вот только когда потребство стоит выше всего и возводится в высший ранг и благо...
А именно это и навязывалось. Хорошо, что мы не успели систему здравоохранения перевести в ранг услуг медицинских. Хотя многое преуспели тут.
Изобретают люди умные и увлечённые и не только в силу запроса на потреблядство. Им это интересно, это своего рода кайф.

Просто надо менять приоритеты и всё будет пучком))

Ну, прям не знаю. Приоритет один - семья, жизнь.

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That's an interesting tour of Corona land. It's a little different here, though I don't know how different because I haven't been in the street or in stores for weeks. We live in New York, in a "hot spot" of the state, Long Island, where cases are increasing.

My husband and I are in our 70's. We order everything online and my kids make sure these goods get to us. Banking also, online. It's kind of weird, of course. But people we know have died and are ill. Young people and older people, so it would seem foolish to venture out until the surge has declined, or until there is a way to treat this thing.

Do I sound like a coward? If I get it, no ventilator for me. At my age I'll just hope for the best.

Hope you and your family stay well.

The media is constantly talking about an increase in the number of infected and dead from the Crown. I have many friends and acquaintances in different cities of Russia. Among them there is not a single sick person, much less dead from this virus. I tend to think that the scale of the epidemic is specifically exaggerated.
Yes, there is a virus. But every spring there is an exacerbation of the influenza virus and its epidemics appear. Mortality from influenza is no less. In addition, there are many other dangerous diseases. I suspect that many of the deceased are being misdiagnosed. All cases are attributed to the Crown. So someone is profitable. A huge fortune has already been made in the production of test systems. There are many other political benefits as well.
If you have health problems with age, then as with any virus attack, it is better to protect yourself. This is not cowardice, this is a normal reaction of an intelligent person.
I wish you and your family health :-)

Thank you for your good wishes. I promise not to go on ad infinitum about this, but your response deserves the respect of a reasonable reply.

Flu kills, every year. Thousands. But I never knew anyone who died of the flu. However, I do know people who have died of this disease. And the virus has only been circulating for a couple months (here, in the U.S.).

It's hard for me to imagine that the hospital in Manhattan (New York) where my friend of many years died is in a conspiracy with the hospital in Virginia where my husband's colleague died. It's hard for me to imagine that the hospital in Mineola (New York) from which a friend has just been released, and where his sister died, is in a conspiracy with the Virginia hospital and the Manhattan hospital. And it's very hard to believe that the extremely well-educated physicians in these institutions are not informed about the tests they administer.

These cases are the ones closest to me. There are others. The son of my husband's best friend is recovering. This young man is in his thirties and has access to excellent medical care. A 'confirmed' case, such as his, only exists when a test is positive. Another case, husband of a friend of a friend, father of 3, died a few weeks ago.

In New York, it is very difficult to get tested for this disease, because the tests are scarce. Once diagnosed, a person is often tested again, to confirm a positive reading.

Because of the scarcity of tests and lack of treatment, it is more likely that the number of COVID-related illnesses and deaths are under reported. For example, home deaths in New York City have soared, from an average of 20-25 a day to 200 a day. It's true, someone may be lying about these numbers (they'd have to be in on the conspiracy), to fool us and keep us afraid. But that's really hard to pull off in the U.S., especially in New York. We are skeptical here. We ask questions and challenge authority. It's in our culture. It's certainly in my nature.

By next year, we'll know more about this virus, not only about how it is spread but how to treat it. We'll know more about its origins, and the number of people who made mistakes. We'll know about some of the profiteers and the liars (not all).

You speak from your experience and I speak from mine. These are vastly different, not only in relation to COVID but in relation to so much else in life.

We each speak the truth as we see it. Ah, truth, always a moving target.

Be well and peaceful :)

I would also not like to talk a lot about this topic, but however I will note the following.

They die mostly not from the flu or coronovirus. These viruses are such that they affect a person and complicate the diseases that he already has. Complications of other diseases occur after the flu and this causes death.

Coronovirus is no exception. Its peculiarity is that it kills the lungs and people die from pneumonia.

I am not saying that there is a conspiracy between hospitals and I don’t know how things really are in your country. I only spoke about my friends. I don’t know any sick yet. Maybe everything happens for you differently. Different countries, different people, different healthcare systems.

Viral infections are seasonal. I think it will be much easier in the summer. In any case, take care of your health :-))

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