Moecki - Witness Update - August 2023steemCreated with Sketch.

in Witness Activities11 months ago

Another month has passed. This month was mainly used for relaxing. Yes, even a witness needs that :-)
The servers should also run unattended ... and a few health checks additionally watch out and can step in in case of emergency...

Nevertheless I want to thank the users who continue to vote for me as a witness, and also those who now realize that they absolutely have to support me ;-)

I remain faithful to the platform not only as a witness but also as a conversation partner...

Latest Data (24/08/2023)

Rang56 (change: + 1)
Votes Received15,998.834 MV
Blocks Produced804 (+ 309)
Blocks Missed2 (+- 0)
Running Version0.23.1


It is important that you vote for witnesses who are active. So please check your witness votes from time to time. You can also take this opportunity to vote for me. Therefore, I would like to show you a few of my current activities below:

Complete the node setup

The time I took this month for the Steem, besides reading and commenting, was mostly to complete my setup.

So far I had installed the API node, but not all requests were responded by my own servers. At this point I would like to remind you that setting up a full node does not automatically mean that all requests will be responded by the servers of the respective witness. @rexthetech had already explained this well once.
Until a few days ago, it was also my practice to forward some requests to foreign servers, since I was not yet running an account history node (ah node) and a hivemind node.

About a week ago I installed the missing nodes and can now respond all requests through my own servers. A failure of the Steemit servers I could insofar compensate.

The installation of the ah node was quite a job. I had unfortunately underestimated the size of the database a bit. I had 2 TB of storage space on my server. But in the RAID array, only half of this can be used. This meant that the full node and the ah node could not run on the same server. So I had to get additional storage space (thanks to @ety001 for the tip about the storage requirements). Afterwards it went then completely briskly with his manual.

The installation of the hivemind node was still a bit challenging. Preparing and importing the database took some time and adjustment. Configuring the docker containers was also a bit tricky, as the hivemind container didn't want to talk to the full node container. Docker-compose stubbornly wanted to create its own network community and wanted nothing to do with the other containers ;-) Finally, I was able to figure out the necessary parameter with the help of @ety001, so now everything runs quite smoothly.
If I could write such nice tutorials like @michelangelo3, I would have written this down long ago ;-)


Below are a few facts about the servers. I don't write down all the details. The configuration is almost always the same.

Full Node Server
with all Services (New)
For my full node server I have rented a dedicated root server from Hetzner. Jussi is installed and active. As described above, my own hivemind node and ah node are now integrated.
You can test the node here: @symbionts: It would be nice if you added the node to your list on

Location Germany
CPUIntel Core i7-8700
SSD2x 1 + 1x 2 TB SSD
Network1 Gbit
OSUbuntu 22.04

Main Witness Server

The main server is a VPS server from Contabo with the following configuration:

Location Germany
CPU8 vCores
SSD1200 GB
OSUbuntu 20.04

Seed Node
This node is also on a VPS server from Contabo.

Web Server
For my website (Steem Search and Community Page etc.) I use a separate VPS server from Contabo.

Backup Server:

I use the backup server as a fallback option for my Steem page and for the Witness node. It is a VPS server from Strato.

Management Server

I also have a local management server that monitors the other servers in order to be able to react quickly to any failures. The concept as a whole is not yet fully perfected, but I'm working on it.

I would be very happy about additional votes

Vote for Moecki as Witness


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Nur zwei missed Blocks, ein guter Schnitt! Ich hab's auf 2169 geschafft ;-) Zu meiner Ehrenrettung muss ich aber sagen, anfangs lief der (Blurt) Witness nur auf nem RasPi und mein I-Net Anbieter hatte damals arge Ausfälle. Ja, ich muss gestehen, ich bin froh, das nicht mehr an der Backe zu haben. Von daher Respekt für deinen unermüdlichen Einsatz.

Danke dir!

Ich hab's auf 2169 geschafft ;-)

Das ist ja schon ordentlich. :-)
Es gab auch mal jemanden, der die Steem-BC auf dem Raspi laufen lassen wollte. Ich habs nicht mehr ganz in Erinnerung, aber irgendwann im Einrichtungsprozess machte der Raspi das nicht mehr mit. Es sind mittlerweile einfach zu viele Daten.

Ich hatte auch mal versucht, etwas lokal auf dem NAS laufen zu lassen. Leider hatte der Internetprovider gerade zu der Zeit mindestens zwei Havarien zu bewältigen mit stunden- oder tageweisem Ausfall. Teilweise zwar unverschuldet, aber das hilft mir dann auch nicht weiter. Insofern kommt das für solche zeitkritischen Anwendung nicht mehr in Frage.

as the hivemind container didn't want to talk to the full node container

So, so, solch Animositäten, wo der eine nicht (mehr) mit dem andren spricht, gibt's also auch unter Containern... 🤪

Lernziel erreicht? Der Rest bleibt mir leider nach wie vor ein Buch mit fünfeinhalb Siegeln. Aber ich würde mal sagen, der Möcki ist ein sehr fleißiges Bienchen mit regem Verstand im Bienenstock - hat voll hivemind!

Danke, dass du so ein nahbarer Witness bist und dich so bemüht in die Materie reinhängst.

solch Animositäten

ähnliche Parallelen hatte ich auch im Blick ;-)

Danke für deine lieben Worte :-)

Thank you very much for your work and informative post. I voted for you. Good luck to you and all the best.

@moecki Organize your information post.
Thanks for the post. Best wishes to you. stay well.

@moecki thank you so much for your nice comments.dear, stay well.


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through Curation Team#2. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @stef1


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66902.93
ETH 3441.22
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.63