Why I am still skeptical about Hive: Response to "How Steem Became Hive" by lukestokes

This post is my response to the recent article How Steem Became Hive by @lukestokes, to show that where we do not agree and to find out how to facilitate potential discussion to go forward.

It will be posted both in Steem and Hive.

Before I begin, let me emphasized the following points first:

  1. I respect lukestokes a lot.
    While the only interaction with him is exchanging replies several times and reading his articles recently (so I won't be surprised that he does not really know me), I believe that he is one of the, if not most, considerate and reasonable witnesses and I would love to discuss and share views with him any time. In fact, even after him shutting down his steem witness node, I still vote for him as a sign of respect.

  2. I am writing this to fill the gap and move forward, if possible.
    That being said, I am not writing this to argue that one side is perfect and the other side is evil - it is more like a situation both sides did something wrong and two wrongs don't make it right. Since it seems that users with different opinions are scared of saying so, I decide to write a dark side of Hive. I do know that there also is a dark side of Steem Inc (or Justin), but I am pretty sure you have read thousands of them so I would skip here.

  3. I will focus on the core understanding differences on two main issues,
    as most of the topics are discussed in many ways already.

For the rest of the article, I will mainly use quotes from the luke's article (quoted and used the numbers from the original article, like ". 14. ") to start and put my views below.

1. It is 22.2 witnesses who initiated the attack (and changed their words)

Many users, including myself, became skeptical in supporting most 22.2 witnesses (most of them are the current Hive top witnesses) because

  1. They changed their words.

  2. They took someone's money first.

In January 2019, lots of witnesses publicly wrote that they will not touch Steem Inc. accounts.

. 2. The community is constantly frustrated with Steemit over the use of this stake with some even threatening to null out the keys for it last year. I and other witnesses stated plainly we will not do that. Example: https://steempeak.com/stopthepowerdown/@lukestokes/is-steem-centrally-controlled

I was not familiar with this matter, so I read the article and related links. In short, Ned was powering down steemit account as he feared that witnesses would fork his account out, and witnesses wanted to persuade him that they will not do such action.

For example, luke wrote

"I will not implement, support, or condone any hard fork that effects the balances, keys, or security of any accounts on the current chain," and

@therealwolf wrote (https://steempeak.com/statement/@therealwolf/public-witness-statement-therealwolf)

"I will not support any fork that is trying to alter/remove the balance/keys/stake of Steemit Inc. on the main-chain STEEM!"

It seems that other witnesses wrote something similar.

And this event, soft fork 22.2, comes, and everything changed.

. 8. Soft fork 22.2 freezes the ninja mined stake, prevents it from being powered down or participating in governance. It's an easily reversible code change and not a theft or ransom. All token balances are intact.

Let alone that there was not a single word of public "community discussion" before the actual fork.

  • If you were one of these "normal" users(like me) who did not know about this, make sure to check whether you really think people who made such decision would treat you as a community member.

Focusing on what happened: I still do not understand how one can think of this as "not a theft or ransom". This is clearly taking someone's asset as a hostage and asking for a random, at best.

Let me use an analogy of a reply to the 22.2 fork (I forgot who wrote this).

Andy took Bob's wallet with lots of money in it, without any notice.

Andy says it is "easily reversible", and "temporary", and Andy says that he may return it to Bob only if Bob agrees that he would use the money in the wallet in a way that Andy thinks correct.

Again, my understanding is that it's ransom at best, and probably theft.

And lastly, it is not "the" ninja-mined stake - it is one of the ninja-mined stakes.

At this point, we all know that there are lots of other ninja-miners and lots of 22.2 witnesses (and Hive witnesses) are ninja-miners themselves or getting witness votes from ninja-mined stakes (blocktrades, freedom, berniesanders, etc.)

When I point this out, some people argued that Steem Inc. stakes are different as there is a "promise" that these stakes should be used in a certain way.

Okay, I think now we are ready to move to the next core issue.

2. If you think "public interview" is a "promise", you should blame blocktrades (or Hive) for breaking "promise" and lying first.

. 1. in 2016, Steemit, inc launched a PoW blockchain and ninja-mines 80% of the tokens telling the community they will be used for the community and not for Steemit, inc's own profit. There is no contract between them and the community, but see interviews, 2017 roadmap, etc

There are some users who kept saying that there was a "promise" or "social contract" of Steem Inc. As he notes, the only "evidence" is indirect anecdotal pieces from like 3 years ago.

. 14. Within less than a day of launching Hive, the list of accounts that will not be included in the airdrop is released. CoinDesk interview of Blocktrades says it will be ninjamined stake. Hive announcement says it will include those who support centralization.

This. If anyone thinks that "promise" regarding Steem Inc. is broken, he or she should attack Blocktrades(or Hive) too. He backtracked on what he publicly interviewed, in a couple of days.

and it seems that luke did not want to discuss more of "lies", but let me present them here again.

so this is the CoinDesk interview luke mentioned: Steem Community Plans Hostile Hard Fork to Flee Justin Sun’s Steemit

  • By the way, this CoinDesk article has been updated a bit from the initial one - but it still contains these "lies".

For this initial hard fork, one key thing will change: The tokens from the original development fund controlled by Steemit will not be carried over to the new chain. Everyone else's will be ported over.

Everyone with tokens on Steem will also have tokens on the new chain; that is, except for the Steemit wallets controlled by Sun’s Tron Foundation.

As we all know by now, the day after this interview Hive changed words: not going to airdrop to a select group of users by a random, subjective criteria which was not disclosed to most users, even including many Hive witnesses in advance.

Furthermore, they lied about the tokens from the "Steemit wallets". It clearly states even twice that Steemit tokens will "not be carried over". And what actually happened?

They took it to @steem.dao, along with the stakes from the 326 airdrop excluded users' stake, which is under control of the "community", or in fact basically the top Hive witnesses and whales.

This reply from Chanse Bradell summarizes what actually happened:

So you guys are taking the ninja-mined stake and using it? LOL.

Just to add, in Why I won’t be compromising with Justin Sun blocktrades wrote that the financial resource will come from "several prominent stakeholders."

No mention of using "confiscated" Steem Inc.'s tokens (and potentailly airdrop excluded tokens) in steem.dao account to "fund" Hive.

Does the community have the resources to launch a blockchain?

Yes, we do. It’s actually much easier for us to launch a chain, because of the many lessons we’ve had operating the Steem blockchain. And as far as financial resources go, several prominent Steem stakeholders have privately offered both computing resources and significant financial support, including my own company, BlockTrades. Even at this early stage, I’m utterly convinced we have sufficient support to launch and develop this new blockchain.

This article went much longer than I had initially guessed.

Let me wrap up quickly.

While I understand that Steem Inc (and/or Justin) has made lots of mistakes, I also believe that the 22.2 witnesses (or Hive witnesses) have done many wrongdoing (or mistakes), and it seems that they are the ones who attacked first.

When both sides change words(and make mistakes), I believe that the initiator is more responsible. That's why I am still skeptical about supporting Hive.

That being said, I also believe that unnecessary aggressive attitude and actions from both sides would not make things any better. I hope that there could be a positive development and we may find a nice solution.

To do that, I think understanding each other is the necessary first step - and luke's article would show how Hive users think and hopefully mine would show why Steem users are hesitant to support Hive.


Congratulations. You are now responsible for a user losing >$30k of tokens. Join Steem - where the witnesses give a fuck about the safety of user funds.


Well, if there wasn't a cause for him to seek a legal remedy, there certainly is now. This guy isn't even a witness, I'm still trying to figure out why they chose him in the first place!

They chose him simply because he voted for non sock puppet witnesses

Who are you? Do you know him or the receiving account?

It would be wise to hold any statement before the account owner himself states his opinion.

The receiving account is inactive since 4 years.
He tried to change it to bittrex, which is visible in your node logs.
And he did give a statement.

You talking about wisdom is funny.

As far as i can tell, no one entered the wrong delegation powerdown account for him/her. Unfortunate, but people make choices. And choices have consequences.

He was well aware of the mistake and they prevented him from changing it through their soft fork. Surely you can't be this obstinate. Your thumbnail is lady justice?

Its a temporary measure so im sure he can work it out with the witnesses here. I believe this is a tactic that's been used before if i recall correctly? :)

It would be possible to fix this with a hard fork - as long as the receiving account doesn't sell it before. Let's see how long it takes them to code and deploy it.

He tried to correct it, but was prevented from correcting it by the current witnesses. All fault is transferred to them and what they are doing is theft.

곰돌이가 @menerva님의 소중한 댓글에 $0.028을 보팅해서 $0.014을 살려드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 7844번 $107.638을 보팅해서 $106.719을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

I hope you've got that anonymity locked down, you are now among those responsible for an actual steem investor losing a significant amount of funds. Funds that at no point did you ever have any legal claim to. Whether or not you agree with it, the community had at least some legal claim to the development fund Justin bought. You have nothing but a desire to prevent an investor from managing his investment. You are now liable for his losses. It's never too late to do the right and legally expedient thing.

Thankfully we have names and contact info for the people behind 22.888 https://steempeak.com/jjm/@jayplayco/team-jjm-introduction-of-team-members

It seems that you do not know what a legal claim is. Hope you may have a chance to learn someday.

Okay genius, clearly by your actions you do.

Is this your public declaration that you feel you had the right to restrict access to the account of @darthknight, preventing him from changing his outbound routes, which he was well aware of the typo and trying to correct it?

I thought you guys migrated to Hive with all of steem's contents, accounts, and tokens? If thats the case don't you have the same value of tokens at Hive? Its confusing because the goal posts keep moving and its hard to keep track.

Its clear that both sides have crossed the rubicon. Either airdrop everyone + unfreeze everyone's tokens or delete tokens for users that have chosen the other network. Easy and lets just move on with our lives and wish good luck. This is getting tiring.

Declaring yourself the purveyor of constant whataboutery must be tiring. It's certainly tiring to read.

Lol i had to look up those fancy words you used as an answer rebuttal. Good for you smart sir.

곰돌이가 @menerva님의 소중한 댓글에 $0.031을 보팅해서 $0.011을 살려드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 7845번 $107.669을 보팅해서 $106.730을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

Would you like to explain why @steemchiller was censored when he didn't support Hive?

I appreciate your reply. I will write a reply when I have enough time to answer it properly.

if i am not mistaken you are one of the accounts controlling @dev.supporters witness?

and you just publicly wrote one the blockchain that you think you are participating in "ransom at best, and probably theft."? so you think that freezing stake is theft and you are doing it?

Did i miss something? am i just stupid?

I doubt it is about right or wrong in this post. Matters are being weighed. No one is stupid in this case or can really be said to be

i don't even think about right and wrong. he wrote that he thinks freezing peoples funds is "ransom at best, and probably theft" so he is, by his words, actively involved in ransom and theft.
So he knows that what he is doing is wrong (maybe even criminal) but he is doing it.
I am lost and don't understand that.

I came here to read why you are skeptical about Hive.

I guess it's because you don't trust the Hive Aristocracy.

I'm doing what I feel is right and powering down both chains. Despite my namesake, I'm going all in on bitcoin.

Probably always should have been the strategy. I’m finally facing reality too.

You nailed it.

And after (or actually still ongoing) drama, now I am interested in bitcoin too.

Myself and a lot of friends have always been put-off by Steem because of Steemit stake being a constant threat over our head.


Maybe there's a bunch of clueless people that still didn't know about that and think everything has always been alright.

These people either had no stake or didn't do their due diligence. I don't know where you fit in there.

I've never been so bullish on Steem idea (Now called Hive) now that Steemit dumping, threats and empty promises are over.

Ps: I didn't read any of your post.

I didn't read this comment.

It seems we are in agreement as to there being no right side of the issue of the Hive fork, @glory7. Luke strikes me as a genuinely nice person yet is delusional, in my opinion, when it comes to his libratarian rationalizations of why v.22.2 was not theft.

Traditionally a blockchain fork has some major technological difference between the old version and the forked version. Take Bitcoin's block size debate during the BitcoinCore/BircoinCash fork. We did not see that with the Hive/Steem fork. Not even witness voting retention was addressed. Only a 30 day cool off period before stake could be used in witness voting to give the Cabal enough time to @null fuck any new investor that may threaten their power.

Moving STINC's stake to the SPS fund was more administrative in my opinion. The fork seemed more about butting heads and marking territory. The V.22.2 Cabal were more interested in saving their influence/power than saving STEEM or its community in my opinion. The hard fork was always an option and there did not seem to be any rush other than the witnesses in question would have their STEEM faucet turned off at least for a while.

Although the ratios have changed, @blocktrades and @freedom still control 7% of a watered down overall stake. Watered even more so by the airdrop blacklist which cut out any opposition that they may have found on the new Hive chain. Is it only me that finds it incredibly ironic that the fork was predominately instigated by an account which runs an exchange of sorts? 😎

The V.22.2 Cabal through witness voting circle jerking have secured their place in the top 20. @theycallmedan is a big player yet he always seemed to want what was best for the project although showing to be naive to follow the bunch of pirates down the rabbit hole.

Hive looks a lot like the old STEEM to me. Good luck getting some project through SPS that the Cabal does not support. Good luck making it to the top 20 without the Cabal's blessing.

My accounts on both HIVE and STEEM are powering down. The HIVE is being sold as it powers down. Still hanging on to the STEEM to see what may happen with atomic swaps. It sounded like such a positive things when first announced by Mr. Sun. It could bring even more scalability to an already scalable blockchain. How it was turned into a bad thing is beyond me as it is used in BitcoinCore's Lightning Network for example. Perhaps there is something that is beyond my present understanding.

Judging from the price of HIVE it appears that my predictions may be correct unfortunately.

It was an exciting 3+ years and a lot of connections made to some great folks. Maybe the OpenSeed project will find a way of bridging such blockchain chisms. Only time will answer that one.


This is the longest reply I've read

My @devcoin background has me used to being paid by word count. :)

This is phenomenal. That's all I can say.

Thank you for sharing your opinion. And I actually made a very similar prediction to yours regarding the price of hive. Time will tell.

In retrospect, I should have kept myself away from all these power struggle drama. Oh well... the positive side is that while I have seen so many absurd words/actions, I also have had a chance to talk to people like you who I did not know before, so I guess every cloud has a silver lining.

곰돌이가 @glory7님의 소중한 댓글에 시세변동을 감안하여 $0.011을 보팅해서 $0.031을 지켜드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 7847번 $107.701을 보팅해서 $106.782을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

I hope you don't think that the price of Hive vs Steem is accurate rn. Lol, coordinated dumps were used to bring it down while Sun manipulates the Steem price to keep it up.

I hope you don't think that the price of Hive vs Steem is accurate...

The price is what the price is. One needs their head examined to go up against a billionaire with an exchange of their own in a price war in crypto.

Lol, one needs their head examined to think they can buy a community then blatantly lie on a blockchain

Very true. My contention is that both side performed miserably in this forked fiasco.

Could be true but the price of hive is also pumped by a few whales who have an incentive to keep the token from cratering. Both sides.

Only one side froze investors' and an exchange's tokens so they could not be sold.

Im not saying what jusin did was 100% correct but i agree with your interpretation of the old witnesses ans whale accounts like freedom etc. You seem like a smart and an interesting guy and man im sad to see you powerdown. Hope you stick around here and post some other good thoughts.

Rather than point fingers at anyone perhaps it would have been better to except that this stage of the DPoS experiment in Governance was a failure. For me at least Hive is a continuation of that failed experiment. Just look at this graph if you are one of those crying out about decentralization....


If one was not acting on behalf of their own self interests then perhaps a fork which started all existing accounts off as minnows may have been best for DPoS experimentation.

It will take a long time for DPoS to recover from this fiasco, if ever, in my opinion.

This idea is interesting, but its probably not realistic to wipe out people's steem that they bought. I wonder how you would correct for this.

. I wonder how you would correct for this.

Although an exact fix is not in my mind, on a general sense my feeling is that what is needed is a weighting of sorts to ones stake.

For example only, imagine that ones stake was weighted against how much value they are taking from the ecosystem. That would mean that those that posted with rewards turned off would have more power behind their stake than those set for 100% reward.

In this crazy example we can see that the status quo that often hold back sensible development like witness voting retention would be less likely to be halted due to self interests of those who stand to benifit by keeping things as they are.

There could also be code to remove witness voting from those accounts running witness nodes.

These are wild and crazy examples not presented in the hope of implementation but only to give an idea how DPoS governance might be made to work.

곰돌이가 @menerva님의 소중한 댓글에 시세변동을 감안하여 $0.021을 보팅해서 $0.021을 지켜드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 7846번 $107.690을 보팅해서 $106.751을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

While I come at it at a slightly different view:

I also respect Luke, he wasn't here right before this all broke out and he bought the spin instead of understanding what actually happened.

Both sides have displayed why people wanted code based solutions, because humans are prone to emotion and make bad decisions when they are overcome with emotion.

DPOS under the current deployment has shown a weakness with only a 20 percent stake.

If the selling point is good vs evil.. centralized vs decentralized, I just don't find it compelling or honest based on results.

I agree with you that this is an excellent example that shows the necessity of written agreement (be it code, contract, law, whatever).

곰돌이가 @glory7님의 소중한 댓글에 시세변동을 감안하여 $0.018을 보팅해서 $0.024을 지켜드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 7849번 $107.726을 보팅해서 $106.841을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

@whatsup, over the last few weeks, I have seen a lot of your comments on random posts and with everyone else going nuts with, you have been making the most sense. I'm not sold on either fork and I wish there was third option without the ninja-mine or the unfair-airdrop, so we all start at zero, but I don't think that will happen.

Anyways, I know it's not always easy going against the grain, but I have enjoyed reading your take on all of this.

It's been really hard to go against the grain, but also very enlightening.

...I wish there was third option without the ninja-mine or the unfair-airdrop, so we all start at zero...

My suggestion had been that all existing accounts start as minnows.

he wasn't here right before this all broke out

That's not true. I have been here consistently since I joined in June of 2016. ngc has tried to argue I "left" for EOS but that is factually untrue and can be proven on chain with my activity and my running witness nodes.

I was directly involved in all of this since it started on February 14th. I was quote in both CoinDesk and Cointelegraph and retweeted by people like Peter Todd and Vitalik Buterin. To say I "bought the spin" is disingenuous and insulting.

I didn't mean to be insulting. I can understand feeling that though, as you have offered to "explain" this to me. :)

I do respect you, I saw no harm on you working on EOS as well. All experience is good experience.

Maybe I am wrong, but your visibility was different, and it looked to me like maybe you missed a few events.

I realize that could have been worded differently. Sorry.

I've been to the last three Steemfests, the last two with my family. I've shown up to many Discord events, though I don't attend them all because most of them don't accomplish much, IMO. It would be accurate to say my visibility has changed, but I've also posted on chain as to why that is. eosDAC, FIO, etc. Thanks for the apology. That's a rare thing these days with emotions high. I don't get annoyed all that much, but I do not like seeing facts misrepresented, especially when it comes to facts about me or my intentions. I've still got plenty of pride to work through to be bothered even less by that stuff. :)

No insult intended.

It was hardly an attack.

Thank you for your services, you being vocal has meant a lot to many of us. You're free to take a breather mate you deserve it.

Sweet Jesus, a gag is coming on.

Good thing you didnt say this before the fork, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten Hive tokens... its very dangerous to say things that powerful people dislike or disagree with.

Ha funny enough he was excluded. I wonder why.

In case you did not know yet, I was on the hive exclusion list.

Ya me too. Oh well. As they said, Im just glad those people who were so desperate to leave, left. Hopefully that helps them and helps Hive and Steem do their own thing.

Good luck to them I say.

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