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RE: Why I am still skeptical about Hive: Response to "How Steem Became Hive" by lukestokes

in SCT.암호화폐.Crypto4 years ago (edited)

It seems we are in agreement as to there being no right side of the issue of the Hive fork, @glory7. Luke strikes me as a genuinely nice person yet is delusional, in my opinion, when it comes to his libratarian rationalizations of why v.22.2 was not theft.

Traditionally a blockchain fork has some major technological difference between the old version and the forked version. Take Bitcoin's block size debate during the BitcoinCore/BircoinCash fork. We did not see that with the Hive/Steem fork. Not even witness voting retention was addressed. Only a 30 day cool off period before stake could be used in witness voting to give the Cabal enough time to @null fuck any new investor that may threaten their power.

Moving STINC's stake to the SPS fund was more administrative in my opinion. The fork seemed more about butting heads and marking territory. The V.22.2 Cabal were more interested in saving their influence/power than saving STEEM or its community in my opinion. The hard fork was always an option and there did not seem to be any rush other than the witnesses in question would have their STEEM faucet turned off at least for a while.

Although the ratios have changed, @blocktrades and @freedom still control 7% of a watered down overall stake. Watered even more so by the airdrop blacklist which cut out any opposition that they may have found on the new Hive chain. Is it only me that finds it incredibly ironic that the fork was predominately instigated by an account which runs an exchange of sorts? 😎

The V.22.2 Cabal through witness voting circle jerking have secured their place in the top 20. @theycallmedan is a big player yet he always seemed to want what was best for the project although showing to be naive to follow the bunch of pirates down the rabbit hole.

Hive looks a lot like the old STEEM to me. Good luck getting some project through SPS that the Cabal does not support. Good luck making it to the top 20 without the Cabal's blessing.

My accounts on both HIVE and STEEM are powering down. The HIVE is being sold as it powers down. Still hanging on to the STEEM to see what may happen with atomic swaps. It sounded like such a positive things when first announced by Mr. Sun. It could bring even more scalability to an already scalable blockchain. How it was turned into a bad thing is beyond me as it is used in BitcoinCore's Lightning Network for example. Perhaps there is something that is beyond my present understanding.

Judging from the price of HIVE it appears that my predictions may be correct unfortunately.

It was an exciting 3+ years and a lot of connections made to some great folks. Maybe the OpenSeed project will find a way of bridging such blockchain chisms. Only time will answer that one.



This is the longest reply I've read

My @devcoin background has me used to being paid by word count. :)

This is phenomenal. That's all I can say.

Thank you for sharing your opinion. And I actually made a very similar prediction to yours regarding the price of hive. Time will tell.

In retrospect, I should have kept myself away from all these power struggle drama. Oh well... the positive side is that while I have seen so many absurd words/actions, I also have had a chance to talk to people like you who I did not know before, so I guess every cloud has a silver lining.

곰돌이가 @glory7님의 소중한 댓글에 시세변동을 감안하여 $0.011을 보팅해서 $0.031을 지켜드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 7847번 $107.701을 보팅해서 $106.782을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

I hope you don't think that the price of Hive vs Steem is accurate rn. Lol, coordinated dumps were used to bring it down while Sun manipulates the Steem price to keep it up.

I hope you don't think that the price of Hive vs Steem is accurate...

The price is what the price is. One needs their head examined to go up against a billionaire with an exchange of their own in a price war in crypto.

Lol, one needs their head examined to think they can buy a community then blatantly lie on a blockchain

Very true. My contention is that both side performed miserably in this forked fiasco.

Could be true but the price of hive is also pumped by a few whales who have an incentive to keep the token from cratering. Both sides.

Only one side froze investors' and an exchange's tokens so they could not be sold.

Im not saying what jusin did was 100% correct but i agree with your interpretation of the old witnesses ans whale accounts like freedom etc. You seem like a smart and an interesting guy and man im sad to see you powerdown. Hope you stick around here and post some other good thoughts.

Rather than point fingers at anyone perhaps it would have been better to except that this stage of the DPoS experiment in Governance was a failure. For me at least Hive is a continuation of that failed experiment. Just look at this graph if you are one of those crying out about decentralization....


If one was not acting on behalf of their own self interests then perhaps a fork which started all existing accounts off as minnows may have been best for DPoS experimentation.

It will take a long time for DPoS to recover from this fiasco, if ever, in my opinion.

This idea is interesting, but its probably not realistic to wipe out people's steem that they bought. I wonder how you would correct for this.

. I wonder how you would correct for this.

Although an exact fix is not in my mind, on a general sense my feeling is that what is needed is a weighting of sorts to ones stake.

For example only, imagine that ones stake was weighted against how much value they are taking from the ecosystem. That would mean that those that posted with rewards turned off would have more power behind their stake than those set for 100% reward.

In this crazy example we can see that the status quo that often hold back sensible development like witness voting retention would be less likely to be halted due to self interests of those who stand to benifit by keeping things as they are.

There could also be code to remove witness voting from those accounts running witness nodes.

These are wild and crazy examples not presented in the hope of implementation but only to give an idea how DPoS governance might be made to work.

곰돌이가 @menerva님의 소중한 댓글에 시세변동을 감안하여 $0.021을 보팅해서 $0.021을 지켜드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 7846번 $107.690을 보팅해서 $106.751을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

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