#fitness2020 20reps Challenge 4 episode 3 - Everything gone wrong

in Threespeak4 years ago

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Today is the 4th day after Chinese Lunar Calendar new year, and things went back to normal. I had to go back to work, and my workout routine being rescheduled back to evening. As I look at myself in the phone camera, indeed I've grown some meat on my face, and the result after the workout, is devastating! I'm not going to write it down, because I know it is temporary. Who doesn't gain weight during festive season? I'm just going to continue my workout and burn them off gradually!

Previous episodes for Week 4
Day 2
Day 1

Week 3 conclusion can be found here
Week 2 conclusion can be found here
Week 1 conclusion can be found here

Contest(Week 4)

Here's the #steem part I would like to put up. I would like to invite friends to participate in fitness. I am the guy who sign up a gym membership, but didn't go there even once because lack of workout buddy. I like "social fitness", literally go to the gym for social purpose. To me, gym is a lifestyle. I need peer pressure and I certainly hope this even will help you to continue posting daily because of the workout.


20 SBI for the winner

5 SBI for 2nd

3 SBI for 3rd

1 SBI for anyone who complete the challenge and make a summary workout report

If there's little participants, I'll just wipe my ass and walk out continue my workout with a few buddies. If there's enough participants, I will try to increase the top 5 prizes with snowball effect. When there's no taker, I will continue to add up the amount. Each week if nobody come forth and claim the reward, I will add it to the top 3.


  1. Do the workout. 10 jumping jacks, 10 push up/knee push up, 10 sit ups/crunches, 10 squats/hand assisted squats, and repeat the whole set again and we will have 20 reps!
  2. Record a video as prove of work
  3. Upload it to any social media that can allow user to watch without sign in, preferably dtube or 3speak
  4. Make a post with your prove of work and tag #fitness2020 for ease of curation
  5. Make an extra summary report by the end of challenge.
  6. Contest end - payout date of the announcement post (this post)
  7. No spam, no recycle video
  8. If you have anything to say, keep the video short, within 7 minutes.

Why this contest?

You may be saying, Dave 10 reps for 2 sets is a joke. Why not take it up to 50? Well, despite this contest is a fitness workout contest, ultimately its an excuse for us to make a post. I would like to take this opportunity to promote fitness, and to keep author posting on a regular basis, an extra topic for everyone to participate. I have prepared some steem for fellow participants. Ultimately, it benefit myself too, because I need workout buddy. And you my friend, 1 post a day for the fitness, you earn your potential upvote, body is yours, fitness is yours, and do the summary report and 1SBI is yours. If you win because you're handsome, or have a sexy bikini body, there you have somemore SBI as per prize stipulated.

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帅哥/美女!欢迎在steemauto里设置跟赞 @cnbuddy 给整个cn区点赞假如我的留言打扰到你,请回复“取消”。

@tipu curate

Posted using Partiko Android

谢谢阿萍🙂 !shop

Exactly. We lose weight so we can celebrate by eating what we really like and next we continue losing again.

I did the Jumping J and tried the squats or perhaps you call it different🤔
It was good I did it in front of my bed (between bed and wall) I fell. 😐

Happy day. 💕

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Thank it easy babe. The idea is to get active. In the end these exercises can only burn little calories. Thanks for trying and hope you can keep trying. Dont worry about the speed. More importantly is, do it right so you don't get hurt 🙂

@davidke20 I take it easy if I can't do it. If it comes to being active I am the biggest part of the day. What I never learned was sitting still, take a break, do nothing. ❤️

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