4 glorious years 光輝歲月

in Threespeak5 years ago

▶️ Watch on 3Speak

A song about a glorious years had past. Despite of tiredness, we fight and we defend for freedom, looking forward to receive victory. Special thank to my friend from Hong Kong who collaborate this song with me. We are Chinese, Chinese is a race, I felt just like you felt how are we being treated. Don't brand me together with the new owner.

在他生命裡 彷彿帶點唏噓
是一生奉獻 膚色鬥爭中

  • 年月把擁有變做失去


願這土地裡 不分你我高低
是因它沒有 分開每種色彩

Not going to put up my #fitness2020 video because I did plank today, nobody wanna see a fat guy planking on the floor.

▶️ 3Speak


About being fat. I'm fat too and even bigger and weight more than you. No problem about that. The important is currently I have no Hypertension, no diabetes excluding my red blood count 😅

I always believe that I'm fat but I also have a nice body shape. It's just hidden underneath my fats 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You're doing motivational video bro, don't be demotivated by yourself. I'm just starting to think about your march workout. Let me think again 😅😅😅 I'm praying for more time to give.

Your singing made stephen chow passed by my mind. He is an actor that is always have funny moments in his movies. One actor that make me smile. You are too.

Not a motivational video on this one 😅 and you relate me with Steven Chow pulak 🥴

That is actually the first thing come to mind bro 😅😅 stephen chow singing voice. It made me smile.



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@tipu curate

Why should anyone brand you with the new owner? Is there anything wrong with the new owner or witnesses who already frozen and scold at him before he even started?
Sorry, to say but their behaviour..I guess the meeting for March 9, 2020 is cancelled?

Fat looks different. It's not motivating if you keep saying this. 🤔

You're right. I should stay focus and forget about what happened behind the scene. I haven't been weighing in since two weeks ago, my subconscious keeps reminding I'm fat. I need to get out from that negativity from now on 🙂 thank you for your support.

How about weighing daily and write it down but only counting it once a week?
Ten more months to go so time enough. 👍💕

Sounds like a good idea. I will try to do that.


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