
The buffalo had a worse time of it than did the Indians. Their story is enough to make any feeling adult feel shame for our collective behavior!

Hi @willymac, I am just amazed in the information age, how much we are uninformed. How can we progress from barbarity if we are not taught the mistakes of the past? We have to teach each other what we didn't learn in our indoctrination centers called school.

The news of the carnage was so bad even for back then that the numbers in official reports to Washington would have a digit removed from the right side because the reviewer assumed it had been grossly exaggerated. In some cases, according to contemporary reports, that "correction" would be made yet again by someone higher up before passing it on to the top; reporting 1/100 of the actual reported number.

It was that biggest slaughter of animals in human history.

That was a true "disturbance in the Force."

My two top losses are the burning of the Library of Alexandria, and the slaughter of the Bison.

Wow. Thanks for the additional information.

It nearly killed me seeing that photo @willymac! Such despicable behaviour; so sad.

How are you doing by the way? Haven't had a chance to talk with you lately :)

Hello, @lynncoyle1! Outdoor chores have consumed all my time for days and I have barely made a dent in what needs to be done! The winds last month left a lot of clean-up and that is slow going when it means picking things up one at a time, hauling them to a safe place and burning them. Cleaning one area around the gazebo meant picking up over 1,300 pine cones! When the heat index in 95 degrees, that wears me out!

I have not touched the book I was writing before starting Steemit. The entry page needs a big WARNING! ENTERING HERE TRIGGERS ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOR! sign.

I'm working on a companion to Sterling:For the Republic and that created another addictive behavior in me. Sterling is so real to me, I have problems separating some of the characters from actual people in my life and that reality from my "now" reality.

My deepest everything to you and Brian. I have been embarrassingly absent but my life has been spent on the fringes of many things I cannot control because I can empathize there as well as anywhere else.

This farm girl understands completely how physical work in the heat can wear you out! No apologies necessary @willymac; real life takes precedent :)

I love how your fictional characters get intertwined with your reality! To me, that's the sign of great fiction...feed the addiction my friend :)

Thank you for the "deepest everything" to Brian and I. I know exactly what that means coming from you, and it's a lot!

Thanks for the update; happy to know you are doing well.

When I was working on that book I had been in the fictional town all morning and it was getting very real in my head. I got up from the keypad for lunch and had a brief disorientation because the room was different from the one I remembered. After eating, I had to run an errand and turned in the wrong direction at the end of my driveway because that's the way it was in the story.

Actually, it was a really cool feeling!

I still have a weird feeling that if I go the the place, the little town will actually be there.

Which reminds me of the dream where I took a wrong turn on a foggy night returning home and had car problems, got the car started again, and parked in front of The Hotel California!

In the dream, I knew it was not real but I said nothing because who would ever get that opportunity again?

hahaha good call on the dream! You need Time to stand still for even a moment at that point in time :)

That is so weird; talk about getting into character, and plot and setting haha

If I really worked at it, I imagine I could get there mentally and stay. Not at the California; they ran out of wine - but MY town. Everything there is perfect and I like the people! Of course, their world is ending, so I might need a rewrite before I get too comfortable there.

BTW, what has been your favorite writing adventure? Care to do a post about it?

Of course when you spend enough time there in your head @willymac, it would all tend to become rather comfortable!

Wow, that's a tough question and one I'd have to ponder on. I've never thought about it though...thanks for the idea 😅

thank you @squirrelbait! yeah I guess the government wouldn't want that advertised, they massacred(well almost) a great and noble species to extinction in order to starve and subjugate many Indian nations.

it's one of the few government programs that actually worked as planned. thank you for your kind words, I had to rush to get it out so I wasn't exactly thrilled with it but it's ok.

Oh I think it came out just fine and you're welcome!

I took your advice by the way and started a weekly S.B.'s Rambles series ( article like posts) and a Bug Out Bits series of little tidbits of info or suggestions. I have several done so I don't feel pressured. Keeping it fun. These give a different format for info than videos as not everything is best done that way. All the other platforms I use are video only so only Steemit will have the additional stuff. I think it will round out my Steemit blog nicely. Thanks for your encouragement. I wouldn't have put as much thought into the idea without it. I'm not a writer but I think I can get the ideas across okay. Thanks again @janton for helping me grow out of my comfort zone.

howdy again @squirrelbait! well, you are so welcome..since you are so relaxed on camera I didn't think you had any uncomfortable zones!

I like that strategy though, that will work. you're moving up in rep steadily aren't you?

I got a big upvote on my newest video. Very unexpected. That propelled my rep. That's good as I like to vote on other people's content. Too much as I can spend my SBD down quite a bit. It's strange. What I think is my best stuff tends to have the least votes. It's interesting. Meanwhile, I have more content coming. So much yet to do.

You're doing well too. I'm always happy to see that as I know how much time and effort you're putting into it. These latest series of posts are just great. I like your writing style as well. Feels good to so your own thing your own way doesn't it?

howdy today @squirrelbait! yes I saw that big upvote from Dtube! yeah, the people who do those videos seem to get on dtubes radar and after awhile every video is upvoted like that! that's how people are making the money on here..well except the giants.

so I think you will be rising fast once they start voting you consistently.
thanks for the encouragement, I'll keep plugging away.

I don't think so but we'll see. It's more important that people watch them. You'll do fine it just takes time to grow. You are not offering fluff as content. It just takes time. I slowly pick up more followers as time goes by. Patience my friend. I found you so others will too and more people are signing up all the time.

yes Ma'am I heard that several hundred a day are signing up so it's stil growing pretty well. ha! I don't put out fluff but I'm going to today because I'm so tired, not much sleep last night and it's hard to think very much.
thanks squirrelbait!

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