How history is written

in #history8 years ago

You face many troubles when you want to know much about the incidents that happened in the past – means history. This is because there were no records of those incidents and that is why those things have been forgotten. When people try to find out something from the past, they find their knowledge is very negligible. They don’t know about those people who lived many years ago.


Printed history

If someone asked me exactly what I was doing a year ago, I would probably not be able to give any answer, because I haven’t written down that information. If I had, I could tell him many things.


Same thing happened in history. We forgot many activities that happened in the past, because we have missed those records. Sometimes people had a record of the most important activities, but it was smashed in a war or by fire. Sometimes they have not recorded any happenings at all, because they hadn’t had any knowledge to write. As people say that around 4000 years ago in China, people could record their happenings, because they knew how to write. But we don’t have much knowledge about the people who survived even 200 years ago in Central Africa, because they had lack of knowledge of writing.


Remembered history

Sometimes, even if the people cannot write anything irrespective of knowing the past events that they have heard from their elders, they made songs, dances and stories about those happenings and performed and told for their next generation so that their siblings can know and remember it. Most of the people become happy to tell their siblings what their parents did in the earlier period. It may be called “remembered history”. People have written down some of these events, but it is not written using exact words that are told first time. If any incident is repeated in speech, most of the words are changed easily and this is why it loses its importance. If the events are written down at the same time, it is so precious to us.


When we dug-up history

When the people desire to know about the happenings that was happened in very ancient times, they get nothing, because either at that time the people had not learned to write or that records had been destroyed by fire. That is why all the events have been forgotten. There is only one way to find it by digging-up the buried things. Today we found many things from the places where the people used to live many years ago. Graves and fireplaces have also been traced in caves. So we can gather various information by studying those things like stones, weapons that have been used to fight, pots that have been broken into various pieces, ornaments and their bones.


But, in fact, you can’t be able to find out the information about particular men by studying these things. If you dig up a particular place and find cloth or metal or iron and other metals, you can assume that they could have been farmers or hunters or keepers of cattle and what they used to ate and what kind of cloths they used to put on. Sometimes you can also assume of how many years ago they used to live in the particular place. Thus, sometimes what the information you gained by digging up a particular place may be more precious when you don’t have any remembered and written history.


The span of human history

Our history has records of the events that have happened about 6000 years ago. Even then we only find the information of one or two countries which is very few and little. On the other hand, many events have been written recently when it was found after digging into various places. These things tell probably about the people who lived approximately 3, 50,000 years ago. There is no surety about it. This is said only based on assumption.

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Hi @mgibson, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads today and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

History is, has been, and will continue to be, written by the victors...and they will determine which segments of history are recorded for future generations. Even today, what we teach our children in school is the version written by those who were victorious in one way or another...true history can only be unearthed and investigated personally, through intense individual research, and there aren't many willing to do that in this day and age...nice read by the way, keep up the good work!

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History is an assemblage of interpretations that are based on the records of propaganda by old style media outlets.

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