The discovery of Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter - part 2

in #history7 years ago

Not only Tesla was a bit different from most of us, so was science in Tesla’s days. In this post we’ll have a look at some of the main differences between science as Tesla knew it and how we know it.

In case you have missed the first part of this series, you can find it here


Matter can not act where it is not.
At first this seems like a perfectly logical and sensible axiom. In order to exert a force on an object there must be physical contact of some sort. It can be direct contact, like when I am pushing my car, or indirect contact like when I use a rope to pull my car.
In the latter case the rope conveys my pulling force onto the car.
So this axiom rules out all kinds of magical influence.
But we are confronted with a number of situations where we can not easily identify how a force is being conveyed, and we don’t even have to search far. There are magnetic forces, electro static forces and there is gravity. The first two forces seem closely related and these were of prime interest to Tesla.

Properties need a carrier
I admit that these are my words but they describe a crucial difference between science back then and now. Suppose I am looking at a red car, and now the car leaves. Does its property -red- remain?
I expect this question will not incite much discussion and we will all agree that if the car leaves, so do all of its properties. These properties are connected to the car and can not exist on their own. You can not split a red car into a red nothing and a colourless car.
You’ll probably think that this goes without saying and wonder why I even spend so much time on such an utterly trivial point. Well, there is a reason...

The ether
Today uttering this word will get you expelled from the scientific community. We all know that Einstein said that there can be no such thing so any self respecting scientist avoids this term at all costs.
But hang on a sec. Let’s pretend to be stupid and look up what Einstein actually said on this subject:

To deny the ether is ultimately to assume that empty space has no physical qualities whatever. The fundamental facts of mechanics do not harmonize with this view. (1)

Recapitulating, we may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether. According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense. But this ether may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable media, as consisting of parts which may be tracked through time. The idea of motion may not be applied to it. (1)

So there you have it, straight from the horse’s mouth. I think that leaves little room for discussion now, does it?
The last two sentences of this quote are the trouble makers to modern science, but they were nothing new back then. Ether was supposed to be a homogeneous incompressible medium filling up all space, the idea of motion must be very different for such a medium.

The vacuum
Modern science assigns properties to “the vacuum”. Though syntactically that may be correct; as we have established that properties require a carrier, the vacuum could be this carrier, semantically it doesn’t make sense at all, for “the vacuum” refers to the absence of any possible carrier.
It is like using the money from an empty bank account; there is no money so you can not use it.

Mathematics for experiments

Today's Scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. (2)

Today’s scientists talk about fields as if they have a physical reality. They seem to forget that a field is a mathematical description of the distribution of certain properties over space. For example an electric field assigns an electric potential gradient to every point in space. It is a vector field, meaning that every point gets assigned a quantity and a direction. But it completely ignores and by-passes the fact that these properties require carriers and there must be some mechanism that creates this situation. In other words, if I isolate point A and B within an electric field then what is the difference between these two point that causes them to have different electrical properties?
We’ll get into this in my next post.

Tubes of force
In Tesla’s days electric and magnetic forces were conveyed through “tubes of force”. Tesla saw these as physically existing:

About fifteen, years ago, Prof. Rowland demonstrated a most interesting and important fact; namely, that a static charge carried around produces the effects of an electric current. Leaving out of consideration the precise nature of the mechanism, which produces the attraction and repulsion of currents, and conceiving the electro-statically charged molecules in motion, this experimental fact gives us a fair idea of magnetism. We can conceive lines or tubes of force which physically exist, being formed of rows of directed moving molecules; we can see that these lines must be closed, that they must tend to shorten and expand, etc. It likewise explains in a reasonable way, the most puzzling phenomenon of all, permanent magnetism, and, in general, has all the beauties of the Ampere theory without possessing the vital defect of the same, namely, the assumption of molecular currents. (3)

I have tried to find more about this theory of tubes of force, but I could not find anything substantial…
It would be interesting as Tesla proposed to use this in his wingless flying machine. Not to screen against gravity, as in anti-gravity schemes, but to create a force to counteract the gravitational force.
Notice that Tesla describes these tubes as moving molecules, which according to our modern views would rule out electrical and magnetic effects in the vacuum. But we must realize that in his days atoms, molecules and electrons were not as well defined as they are today, and Tesla uses these terms very loosely. I will get to electrons in a later post but with atoms and molecules Tesla refers to the smallest parts that make up the medium that fills up a space. And though a vacuum does not contain air (gasses) it may contain some other medium.

The scientists from Franklin to Morse were clear thinkers and did not produce erroneous theories. The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly, One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane. (2)

(to be continued)

Quotes from

  1. May 5th, 1920: Einstein’s lecture at Leiden University “Ether and the Theory of Relativity.”
  2. July 1934: “Radio Power will Revolutionize the WORLD”, by Nikola Tesla
  3. May 20th, 1891: “Experiments with Alternate Currents of Very High Frequency and Their Application to Methods of Artificial Illumination”, lecture by Nikola Tesla

No, I didn't. I'll need some time to consume it.

"The ether
Today uttering this word will get you expelled from the scientific community."

When the concept of ether was abandoned, "science" was set back by a century or more.

Better to be expelled than to continue down a path of falsehood...



I am not done checking out all the info on your page. Nice job and a great article. The first Axiom "Matter can not act where it is not" is incorrect because it does not explain or even examine where matter comes from. Thus it is a statement made based on a lack of data. Just because they could not measure magical occurrences doesn't mean that magic doesn't exist. The only truthful statement about such is "I don't know". Unfortunately I don't know doesn't put food on the table. I don't know doesn't fill people with confidence in your understanding of science either. So such a statement can only have one reason. To inculcate the people with awe, and to misdirect those who study natural science.

I have read most of what you have shared here and have to say you have a great grasp of the details. I wish to share my own idea about electricity and "I have tried to find more about this theory of tubes of force, but I could not find anything substantial…" I think the tubes of forces are a kind of vortex created when the aether is stressed. The aether is stressed for example by copper wire. The electricity doesn't actually go through the copper, but follow the stress produced by the matter inside the copper. "Tesla saw these as physically existing:" he was right they do exist.

The fact of the matter is that without a true explanation of how we get electricity the use of it amounts to magic. Those materials that stress the aether produce electrical charg. Is it all matter that stress the aether or only the one that have been identified? Everything I have tested shows that everything has a very low static field. The earth produces an electromagnetic field of its own. That low level static field seen in all material is the force that is attracting everything to the earth. Fluid dynamics pushes everything down dependant upon the density of the objects. That is the explanation for gravity. It doesn't exist as the force explained by Newton or the theory of relativity. You're doing a super job explaining Tesla and the ignorance of the so called scientific community. Keep it up. From time to time I will share when appropriate.

On the axiom
What you are saying is true. But it can be expanded to include everything with the result that we can not say anything about what we see around us. I think this axiom does not only say something about the act of acting on something but also adds to the definition of matter.

on electricity
You show a great understanding of Tesla's work. Thank you for your contribution. Food for thought.
In my next post I will show what Tesla said about what electricity and its cause are.

"I think this axiom does not only say something about the act of acting on something but also adds to the definition of matter." The quote is really just a side note to what the axiom is saying. It is telling us that we can only know that which exist as matter. One could even say that it is dividing existence into two categories. That which we can know as human beings and that which we cannot know through the scientific method.

Another way to say this is that it is the method's limit. The scientific method is limited to the material world, but the world is more than just material. A lot of Science is discovering the invisible connections to things. A lot of times we know because of the effect that there is a connection but we cannot always discover the physical reason for the connection and that is where the idea of magic comes in. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that there is magic. What I am saying is that the scientific method cannot ever under any circumstances discover such because it is outside the parameters of the method.

When a scientist claims that such does not exist they are really disclosing their ignorance of the scientific method and the parameters set by it. One can Google Schooler and look at the out of body studies showing that consciousness is not produced by the body or brain and realize that the corporal is real and exist. We may use science to find out where matter and the corporal interact, but we will never using the scientific method alone be able to explain the corporal.

One of the big difference in Tesla's time vs today is that
Capacitors today, Tesla called condensers.

Sizes of capacitors are usually measured in pico and nano, so they really do not have much capacity.

However, when you think of them as condensers, and add that the tubes analogy, you get a much clearer understanding of what electricity is actually doing.

Funny that you mention this, the condenser issue. That is closely related to my next post.

I am glad you are writing about it. Then I don't have to do so myself.
I got lots of other "science" that needs a good beating.

The man is a fascination for humankind!

@mage00000 I am sorry I got excited a blew up your comments. In the future I will try not to write such a long comment. I will also try not to be first if I do write a long comment. I hope I didn't make you lose money! Sorry bro.

What are you talking about? I am very happy with the comments that I get and especially if they have something substantial. Keep 'm coming!

Well I just was thinking that some people may have not commented, because there was this huge page long diatribe at the beginning of your post. Some others who read my post might have a predictive programing cycle if they read the part about gravity. A lot of how people think is not really there thinking. lol. I will be reading your post and commenting when appropriate. I just didn't want you to feel like I was taking over or being a know it all or something.

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