
Hello, @lynncoyle1! Outdoor chores have consumed all my time for days and I have barely made a dent in what needs to be done! The winds last month left a lot of clean-up and that is slow going when it means picking things up one at a time, hauling them to a safe place and burning them. Cleaning one area around the gazebo meant picking up over 1,300 pine cones! When the heat index in 95 degrees, that wears me out!

I have not touched the book I was writing before starting Steemit. The entry page needs a big WARNING! ENTERING HERE TRIGGERS ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOR! sign.

I'm working on a companion to Sterling:For the Republic and that created another addictive behavior in me. Sterling is so real to me, I have problems separating some of the characters from actual people in my life and that reality from my "now" reality.

My deepest everything to you and Brian. I have been embarrassingly absent but my life has been spent on the fringes of many things I cannot control because I can empathize there as well as anywhere else.

This farm girl understands completely how physical work in the heat can wear you out! No apologies necessary @willymac; real life takes precedent :)

I love how your fictional characters get intertwined with your reality! To me, that's the sign of great fiction...feed the addiction my friend :)

Thank you for the "deepest everything" to Brian and I. I know exactly what that means coming from you, and it's a lot!

Thanks for the update; happy to know you are doing well.

When I was working on that book I had been in the fictional town all morning and it was getting very real in my head. I got up from the keypad for lunch and had a brief disorientation because the room was different from the one I remembered. After eating, I had to run an errand and turned in the wrong direction at the end of my driveway because that's the way it was in the story.

Actually, it was a really cool feeling!

I still have a weird feeling that if I go the the place, the little town will actually be there.

Which reminds me of the dream where I took a wrong turn on a foggy night returning home and had car problems, got the car started again, and parked in front of The Hotel California!

In the dream, I knew it was not real but I said nothing because who would ever get that opportunity again?

hahaha good call on the dream! You need Time to stand still for even a moment at that point in time :)

That is so weird; talk about getting into character, and plot and setting haha

If I really worked at it, I imagine I could get there mentally and stay. Not at the California; they ran out of wine - but MY town. Everything there is perfect and I like the people! Of course, their world is ending, so I might need a rewrite before I get too comfortable there.

BTW, what has been your favorite writing adventure? Care to do a post about it?

Of course when you spend enough time there in your head @willymac, it would all tend to become rather comfortable!

Wow, that's a tough question and one I'd have to ponder on. I've never thought about it though...thanks for the idea 😅

Of course when you spend enough time there in your head @willymac, it would all tend to become rather comfortable!

But it's my safe place!

I'm pretty sure I'm not going to end up sitting in a corner, sucking on my thumb, and with a blank stare in my eyes

hahaha @willymac, you forgot rocking and banging your head against the wall 😅

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