Puhihuia’s Elopement With Te Ponga

in #history5 years ago

There was formally a large fortified town upon Mount Eden, its defences were massive and strong, and a great number of people inhabited this town.

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In the days of olden times, a war was commenced by the tribes of Awhitu and of Waikato, against the people who inhabited the town on Mount Eden, or Maumga-whau.

There they engaged in a fierce war, one side persisted in their efforts for victory until they were successful, then the other side in their turn, succeeded in resisting their enemies, and gained a victory in their turn.

Thus the tribes of Waikato did not succeed in destroying their enemies as they desired.

After this, the people of the Waikato thought, for a long time,

“Well, what had we better do now to destroy these enemies of ours?”

Seeing no way to accomplish this, they determined to make peace with them, so, at last, they arranged a peace, and it appeared to be a sure one.

When this peace had been made, Te Ponga, a chief from Awhitu, and one of the fiercest enemies of the people of the town went, attended by a large company, to Maunga-whau,

While he was still a long way off, he and his party were seen coming along by the people of the fortified town, and they ran to the gates of the fortress, calling,

“Welcome, welcome, strangers from afar”.

They waved their garments to them, and the strangers, encouraged by these cries, came straight on to the town until they reached it.

Then they walked directly to the large courtyard in front of the house of the chief of the town, and there, they all sat down.

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The inhabitants being all now assembled in the town, as well as the strangers, the chiefs of each party stood up and made speeches.

When they had concluded this part of the ceremony, the women lighted fires to cook food for the strangers, and when the ovens were heated, they put the food in and covered them up.

In a very short time the food was all cooked, then they opened the ovens and placed all the food in baskets, and ranged it in a long pile before the visitors.

Then they separated it into shares, one of their chiefs called out the name of each of the visitors, to whom a share was intended, and when this allotment was completed, they all fell to at the feast.

The strangers, however, ate very slowly, knowing that they had better take but little food, in order not to surfeit themselves, and so their waists might be slim when the stood up in the ranks of the dancers.

So that they might look as slight as if their waists were almost severed in two, and as the strangers sat they kept on thinking,

“When will the night come and the dance begin?”, and the thoughts of the others were the same.

As soon as it began to get dark, the inhabitants of the town rapidly assembled, and when they had all collected in the courtyard of the house, which was occupied by the strangers.

Then they all stood up for the dance, and rank after rank of dancers was duly ranged in order, until at length all was in readiness.

Then the dancers began, and whilst they sprang nimbly about, Puhihuia, the young daughter of the chief of the town stood watching for a good opportunity to bound forward, before the assembly, and make the gestures usual with dancers,

She knew that she could not dance so well, or so becomingly, if she pressed on before the measure was completed, but that when the beating time by the assembly, with their feet and hands, and the deep voices of the men were in exact unison.

That was the fitting moment for her to bound forward into the dance, with the becoming gestures.

Then, just as they were all beating time together, Puhihuia perceived the proper moment had come, and forth she sprang before the assembled dancers.

First, she bends her head, with many gestures, towards the people upon one side, and then, towards those upon the other side, as she performed her part beautifully.

Her full-orbed eyes seemed clear and brilliant as the full moon rising in the horizon, and while the strangers looked at the young girl, they all were quite overpowered with her beauty.

Te Ponga, their young chief, felt his heart grow wild with emotion, when he saw such loveliness before him.

In the meantime, the people of the town went on dancing, until all the evolution's of the dance were duly completed, when they paused.

Then up sprang the strangers to dance in their turn, and they duly ranged themselves in order, rank behind rank of dancers, and began, with their hands, to beat time.

While they gave the time of the measure, the young chief, Te Ponga, stood peeping over them and waiting for a good opportunity for him to spring forward, and in his turn, to make gestures.

At last, forth he bounded, then he, too, bent his head, with many gestures, first upon one side, and then upon the other, indeed he performed beautifully.

The people of the town were so surprised at his agility and grace, that they could do nothing but admire him.

As for the young girl, Puhihuia, her heart conceived a warm passion for Te Ponga.

At last, the dance ended and all dispersed, each to the place he was to rest, then, overcome with weariness, they all reclined in slumber.

Except for Te Ponga, who lay tossing from side to side, unable to sleep, from his great love for the maiden, and devising scheme after scheme by which he might have an opportunity of conversing alone with her.

At last, he formed a project, or rather it originated in the suggestions of his slave, who said to his master,

“Sir, I have found out a plan by which you may accomplish your wishes, Listen to me whilst I detail it to you”

“Tomorrow evening, just at nightfall, as you sit in the courtyard of the chief's town, feign to be very thirsty, and call to me to bring you a draught of water.”

“On my part, I will take care to be at a distance from the place, but you continue to shout loudly and angrily to me”.

“Sirrah, I want water, fetch me some”.

“Call loudly so that the father of the young girl may hear, then he will probably say to his daughter”.

“My child, my child, why do you let our guest call in that way for water, without running to fetch some for him”.

Then, when the young girl, in obedience to her father’s orders, runs downhill to fetch water from the fountain for you, do you follow her to the spring, there you can uninterruptedly converse together.

But, when you rise to follow the young girl, in order to prevent them from suspecting your intentions, do you pretend to be in a great passion with me, and speak thus,

“Where’s that deaf slave of mine?, I’ll go and find the fellow.”

“Ah, you will not hear when you do not like, but I’ll break your head for you, my fine fellow”.

Thus the slave advised his master, and they arranged fully the plan of their proceedings.

The next day, Te Ponga went to visit the chief of the town and sat in his house watching the young girl, and before long, the evening closed in, and they retired to rest, and some time afterwards, Te Ponga pretending to be thirsty, called out loudly to his slave,

“Holloa, Sirrah, fetch me some water”.

But not a word did the slave answer him, and Te Ponga continued to call out to him, louder and louder, until at last, he seemed to become weary of shouting.

When the chief of the town heard him calling out in this way for water, he at length said to his daughter, “My child, run and fetch some water for our guest, why do you allow him to go on calling for water in that way, without fetching some for him?”

Then the maiden rose, and, taking a calabash went off to fetch water, and no sooner did Te Ponga see her starting off than he too rose, and went out of the house.

He was feigning, by his voice and words, to be very angry with his slave, so that all might think that he was going to give him a beating.

But as soon as he was out of the house, he went straight off after the girl.

He did not well know the path which led to the fountain, but led by the voice of the maiden, who tripped along the path, singing blithely and merrily as she went, Te Ponga followed the guidance of her voice.

When the maiden arrived at the brink of the fountain and was about to dip her calabash into it, she heard someone behind her, and, turning suddenly around, Ah, there stood a man close behind her.

Yes, it was Te Ponga himself, she stood quite astonished for some time, and at length, she asked,

“What can have brought you here?”

He replied, “I came here for a draught of water”.

The girl replied, “Ha, indeed, Did I not come here to draw water for you?, Why then, did you come?” “Could you not wait at my father's house until I brought the water for you?”

Then Te Ponga answered, “You are the water that I thirsted for”.

As the maiden listened to his words, she thought within herself ’He then, has fallen in love with me’ and she sat down, and he placed himself by her side, and they conversed together.

To each of them, the words of the other seemed most pleasant and engaging.

Why need more be said?

Before they separated they arranged a time when they might escape together, and then each of them returned to the town to wait for the occasion that they had agreed upon.

When the appointed time had arrived, he desired some chosen men of his followers to go to the landing place on Manukau Harbour, where the canoes were all hauled on shore,

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They were to wait for him, and Puhihuia, and he directed them, when they got there to prepare one canoe in which he and his followers might escape.

He desired that this canoe should be launched and kept afloat in the water, with every paddle in its place, so that the moment that they embarked it might put off from shore.

He further directed them to go around every one of the other canoes, to cut the lashings which made the top sides [Ruawa] fast to the hulls, and to pull out the plugs, so that those following them might be checked and thrown into confusion at finding that they had no canoes in which to continue their pursuit.

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Those of his people to whom Te Ponga gave these orders immediately departed, and did exactly as their chief had directed them.

The next morning Te Ponga, told his host that he must return to his own country, so all the people of the place assembled to bid him farewell, and when they had all collected the chief of the fortress stood up.

After a suitable speech, he presented his jade [green stone] mere [adze] to Te Ponga as a parting gift, which might establish, and make sure of the peace they had concluded.

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Te Ponga, in his turn,presented, with the same ceremonies, his jade mere to the chief of the fortress, and when all the rites observed at a formal parting were completed Te Ponga and his followers arose, and went on their way.

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Then the people of the place all arose too and accompanied them to the gates of the fortress to bid them farewell.

As the strangers quitted the gates, the people of the place cried aloud after them,

“Depart in peace, depart in peace, May you return in safety to your homes”

Just before the strangers had started, Puhihuia and some of the young girls of the village stole a little way along the road, so as to accompany the strangers some way on their path.

When they joined them, the girls stepped proudly along by the side of the band of strange warriors, laughing and joking with them.

At last, they got some distance from the town, and Puhihuia’s father, the chief of the town, seeing his daughter going so far, called out,

“Children, children, come back here”.

Then the other girls stopped and began to return towards the village, but, as to Puhihuia, her heartbeat but to the one thought of escaping with her beloved Te Ponga.

So she began to run, she drew near some large scoria rocks, and glided behind them, and, when thus hidden from the view of those in the town, she redoubled her speed.

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Well done, well done, young girl.

She runs so fast that her body bends low as she speeds forward.

When Te Ponga saw Puhihuia running in this hurried manner, he called out to his men,

“What is the meaning of this?, Let us be off as fast as we can too”.

Then began a swift flight, indeed, of Te Ponga, and his followers, and of the young girl, rapidly they flew, like a feather drifting before the gale, or, as runs a Weka which has broken loose from the fowler’s snare.

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When the people of the town saw their young chieftainess was gone, there was a wild rushing to and fro in the town for weapons, and whilst they thus lost their time.

Te Ponga and his followers, and the young girl went unmolested upon their way, and when the people of the town at last, came out ready for pursuit, Te Ponga and his followers, and Pihihuia had got far enough away,

Before their pursuers had gained any distance from the fortress, Te Ponga and his people had almost reached the landing place at Manukau Harbour.

By the time the pursuing party had reached the landing place, they had embarked in their canoe, had grasped their paddles, and all being ready, they dashed their paddles into the water.

They shot away, swift as a dart from a string, whilst they felt the sides of the canoe shake from the force with which they drove it through the water.

When the pursuers saw that the canoe had dashed off into the Manukau Harbour, they laid hold of another canoe and began to haul it down towards the water.

But, as the lashings of the top side were all cut, what was the use of their trying to haul it to the sea? they dragged nothing but the top sides, there lay the bottom of the canoe unmoved.

The story does not record the following war this caused.

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