North American Harvard [Texan] NZ 951 to NZ 975 Mk 11 1940 to 1978 Part 2

in #history7 years ago (edited)

Lee Atwell
General Aviation

North American
Woordym Canada
Canadian Car and Foundry
SAAB Sweden
CAC Australia

Wing Span:
42 ft 0 in 12.81 M

Wing Area:
254 sq ft

29 ft 0 in 8.84 M

11 ft 9 in 3.57 M

24,200 ft 7,376 M

Speed: at 5,000 ft
208 MPH 335 KPH

730 Miles 1,175 Km

T/O Weight:
5,300 lb 2,404 Kg

1 Pilot
1 Student Passenger

All Through Trainer
Advanced Trainer
Instrument Trainer
Light Comms
Target Tug
Army Co-op

Total Manufactured:
21,367 All Marks

First Flight:
Mar 1937

Developed From:
North American Design NA – 16

1 .303 in, Synchronized in the top of Engine Cowl
1 .303 in, in Rear Cockpit
1 .303 in, in Right Hand Wing
up to
1,000 lb Bombs Externally

Qty Served:

Years Served:
1941 to 1978

Pratt & Whitney Wasp R1340 – AN1

9 cylinder, single bank, air-cooled, radial

5.75 in 146 mm

5.75 in 146 mm

1344 Cu In 22 L

Horse Power:
600 HP 447 KW

2,250 RPM

T/O Boost:
36 in

Compression Ratio:
6 : 1

Supercharger Ratio:
12: 1

91/96 Octane

O M D 370

41.6 in

51.75 in 1,341 mm

930 lb 422 kg

Power to Weight Ratio:
1 Lb = .694 HP

Overhaul Life:
950 Hrs

Production Started:

SFTS = Service Flying Training School
BOC = Brought On Charge
Sqn = Squadron
A/C = Aircraft
CMT = Compulsory Military Training
TTS = Trade / Technical Training School
ATS + Advanced Training School
TAF = Territorial Air Force
OTU = Operational Training Unit
ATC = Air Training Core
FOTU = Fighter Operational Training Unit
CFS = Central Flying School
FAC = Forward Air Control
TAC = Tactical Air Control
USA TV = Transport Vessel [ship]
A/F = Air Frame
FTS = Flying Training School
EFTS = Elementary Flying Training School
RD = Repair Depot
BR = Bomber Reconn
RAF/FAA = Royal Air Force / Fleet Air Arm

NZ 951

Constructors No.: 66 – 2764
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jul 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Recovered from a dive at 7,000 ft, then lost height
Until crashing into ground near Blenheim 1430 on 29 Jul 1941
LAC Morris Jurgens killed

NZ 952

Constructors No.: 66 – 2765
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jul 1941
To ATS Woodbourne May 1944
Declared surplus ON SR 416/58
Sold by Government stores board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound [$ 80]

NZ 953

Constructors No.: 66 – 2766
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jul 1941
To ATS Woodbourne May 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416 / 58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound [$ 400]
Included P & W, R1340 – ANI engine S/No 8779

NZ 954

Constructors No.: 66 – 2767
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
Converted to Inst 142 by 1 TAF Whenuapai 31 Aug 1950
Sold by Government Stores Board Tender No 6631/57
To A Ellis Onehunga Auckland

NZ 955

Constructors No.: 66 – 2768
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Crashed during a training flight from Woodbourne 18 Aug 1941

NZ 956

Constructors No.: 66 – 2769
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1942
To ATS Woodbourne May 1944
Declared Surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound [$ 80]

NZ 957

Constructors No.: 66 – 2770
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Mid air with Gordon NZ 638, the A/C swung during
Landing at Lake Grassmere into the path of the Gordon
Which was taking off 23 Jan 1942
LAC John Nelson killed

NZ 958

Constructors No.: 66 – 2771
Mark: MK 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Withdrawn from use at Woodbourne 3 Nov 1943
Written off reduced to spares 25 Nov 1943

NZ 959

Constructors No.: 66 – 2772
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Stalled when landing at Woodbourne 10 Nov 1942
Written off 28 Nov 1942

NZ 960

Constructors No.: 66 – 2773
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1942
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound [$ 80]

NZ 961

Constructors No.: 66 – 2774
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Missing on flight from Woodbourne to Lake Grassmere 21 Jan 1942
Seat cushion washed ashore near Cape Campbell 5 Feb 1942
This was the only wreckage found
LAC Donald Mc Kenzie LAC Jack Villers killed

Missing – Chris Rudge –

LAC Donald Hugh McKenzie, age 20, had 112.55 hrs total, 54 hrs solo, 59 hrs on Harvards,
and LAC Jack Trevor Villers, age 25, with 120 hrs total, 60 hrs solo with 61 hrs on Harvard.

Both were from course 21 B, at No 2 Service Flying Training School at Woodbourne, they
were tasked to fly from Woodbourne to Grassmere Landing Ground.

McKenzie was to pilot the A/C as there were no dual controls fitted.

They departed at 0705 hrs. the range safety officer of the day was P/O Charles Alexander Watchlin,

He arrived late in a Fairey Gordon, NZ 638, due to arranging replacement A/C for those who were
found to be unserviceable in the pre-flight inspections

He phoned Woodbourne to confirm that NZ 961 had departed, when this was confirmed he notified
S/L Reginald Shelton Agar and the search began.

With nothing found the search was called off on 26 Jan.

On 2 Feb a yellow seat cushion, which was identified as coming from a Harvard was washed up on a beach
1.5 miles west of Cape Campbell, no other wreckage was found.

NZ 962

Constructors No.: 66 – 2775
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Crashed inverted into a hill side in low cloud near Ward 1100 on 24 Oct 1942
Sgt Graham Steele LAC Charles Rickey killed

Fitting 25 lb bombs to the underwing racks

NZ 963

Constructors No.: 66 – 2776
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1942
To ATS Woodbourne May 1944
Declared Surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 [$80]

NZ 964

Constructors No.: 66 – 2777
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Missing on training flight east of Woodbourne
No wreckage found, presumed somewhere in Mount Richmond
Forest 18 Aug 1942
LAC John Orbell killed

Missing without trace – Chris Rudge

LAC John Ronald Scott Orbell age 24, a member of course 28B, was authorized by F/O Wilbur Lamge,
instructor in F flight of No 2 Flying Training School, Woodbourne to carry out solo aerobatic practice,

Take off was at 0755 hrs, the flight was to last an hour, and he was instructed to practice rolls to the left as well as rolling off the top of a loop.

All flying exercises were to be carried out in the local flying area. Approx a 12-mile radius of Woodbourne.

When Orbell failed to return by 0910 hrs F/O Lange became concerned, when he was 30 min overdue he requested the
duty pilot to check up on all the auxiliary landings grounds to see whether Orbell had landed elsewhere,

He then rang S/L Donald Charles Campbell, Chief Flying Instructor, to inform him of what had happened.

At 1000 hrs Campbell ordered the first 2 aircraft commence the search, over the next 8 days, 99 hrs 40 min
were expended searching a huge area including all of the Marlborough Sounds, Mt Richmond forest park,
and all the river valleys between Wairau River and the Kaikoura coast.

NZ 965

Constructors No.: 66 – 2778
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1942
To ATS Woodbourne May 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00 pound
Included P & W, R1340-ANI engine S/No 13191

NZ 966

Constructors No.: 66 – 2779
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To ATS Woodbourne May 1944
Used as Inst Airframe at Woodbourne no No recorded
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound [$ 80]

NZ 967

Constructors No.: 66 – 2780
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
Test flown at Hobsonville 22 Sep 1941
To 2 SFTSWoodbourne
The A/C was completing a low level, high speed, diving turn when the
Starboard wing detached, crashed into ground in an inverted position
In Omaka Valley 17 Feb 1942
F/O John Ferguson LAC Allen Hansen Killed

NZ 968

Constructors No.: 76 – 3825
Mark: Mk 11
RAF No.: AJ 855
From British Purchasing Mission Contracts
Shipped to Auckland on Hauraki Dec 1941
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jan 1942
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Crashed into sea during training flight from Woodbourne
Believed pilot lost control of A/C during aerobatics 17 Dec 1944
LAC Ray Emmerson killed

NZ 969

Constructors No.: 76 – 3826
Mark: Mk 11
RAF No.: AJ 856
From British Purchasing Mission Contracts
Shipped to Auckland on Hauraki Dec 1941
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jan 1942
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
To ATS Woodbourne May 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound [$ 80]

NZ 970

Constructors No.: 76 – 3827
Mark: Mk 11
RAF No.: AJ 857
From British Purchasing Mission Contracts
Shipped to Auckland on Hauraki Dec 1941
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jan 1942
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
To 45 .00.00 pound [$ 90]

NZ 971

Constructors No.: 76 – 3827
Mark: Mk 11
RAF No.: AJ 858
From British Purchasing Mission Contracts
Shipped to Auckland on Hauraki Dec 1941
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jan 1942
To ATS Woodbourne May 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound [$ 400]
Included P & W, R1340 – ANI engine S/No 8736

NZ 972

Constructors No.: 76 – 3829
Mark: Mk 11
RAF No.: AJ 859
From British Purchasing Mission Contracts
Shipped to Auckland on Hauraki Dec 1941
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jan 1942
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Mid-air with Vincent NZ 344 at Lake Grassmere airfield 11 Mar 1944
Written off at Woodbourne 15 Apr 1944

NZ 973

Constructors No.: 76-3830
Mark: Mk 11
RAF No.: AJ 860
From British Purchasing Mission Contracts
Shipped to Auckland on Hauraki Dec 1941
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jan 1942
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Pilot bailed out following engine failure on a training
Flight from Woodbourne 26 May 1943
Written off 29 Jun 1943

NZ 974

Constructors No.: 76 – 3831
Mark: Mk 11
RAF No.: AJ 861
From British Purchasing Mission Contracts
Shipped to Auckland on Hauraki Dec 1941
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jan 1942
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold Government Stores Board tender No7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound [$ 400]
Included P & W, R1340 ANI engine S/No 9005

NZ 975

Constructors No.: 76 – 3832
Mark: Mk 11
RAF No.: AJ 862
From British Purchasing Mission Contracts
Shipped to Auckland on Hauraki Dec 1941
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jan 1942
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
The A/C struck the ground target with its port wing during a camera gun exercise,
a portion of the wing broke off and the A/C rolled into the sea
Near Woodbourne 24 Nov 1943
LAC Robert McLintock killed

Part one :

part one source

unsourced photos through the Ohakea Museum

with thanks to son-of-satire for the banner


Beep!Beep! @shadow3scalpel & listkeeper @chairborne have your six new veterans, retirees and military members on STEEM. We’ll be patrolling by to upvote your posts (because you are on the list) and we'll answer any questions you leave us. Comment by @shadowspub. This is a opt-in bot.

hi! when you copy the link info make sure you get the [ ] bracket stuff too. then it will show up with just the title of your post you are linking :D

so much to learn, so much to stuff up.

you will get it!! Never give up!! :D
My son moved to Colombia, South America and I get so frustrated sometimes on the computer that he is not here to physically show me how to DO something.
They need "rent a young one" that you can call and they come right away and show us how to do things with a smile! :D

Even 2 1/2 hours away is too far, My son seems to think he should have his own life, be able to run his legs off when he wants to, and explain things in tech talk.
Thanks for correcting my bobo, I think I have it correct this time.

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