North American Harvard [Texan] NZ 901 To NZ 950 Mk 11 1940 to 1978 Part 1

in #history7 years ago


Lee Atwell
General Aviation

North American
Woordym Canada
Canadian Car and Foundry
SAAB Sweden
CAC Australia

Wing Span:
42 ft 0 in 12.81 M

Wing Area:
254 sq ft

29 ft 0 in 8.84 M

11 ft 9 in 3.57 M

24,200 ft 7,376 M

Speed: at 5,000 ft
208 MPH 335 KPH

730 Miles 1,175 Km

T/O Weight:
5,300 lb 2,404 Kg

1 Pilot
1 Student Passenger

All Through Trainer
Advanced Trainer
Instrument Trainer
Light Comms
Target Tug
Army Co-op

Total Manufactured:
21,367 All Marks

First Flight:
Mar 1937

Developed From:
North American Design NA – 16

1 .303 in Synchronized in the top of Engine Cowl
1 .303 in, in the Rear Cockpit
1 .303 in, in the righthand wing
up to
1,000 lb Bombs Externally

Qty Served:

Years Served:
1941 to 1978

Pratt & Whitney Wasp R1340 – AN1

9 cylinder, single bank, air-cooled, radial, supercharged

5.75 in 146 mm

5.75 in 146 mm

1344 Cu In 22 L

Horse Power:
600 HP 447 KW

2,250 RPM

T/O Boost:
36 in

Compression Ratio:
6 : 1

Supercharger Ratio:
12: 1

91/96 Octane

O M D 370

41.6 in

51.75 in 1,341 mm

930 lb 422 kg

Power to Weight Ratio:
1 Lb = .694 HP

Overhaul Life:
950 Hrs

Production Started:

SFTS = Service Flying Training School
BOC = Brought On Charge
Sqn = Squadron
A/C = Aircraft
CMT = Compulsory Military Training
TTS = Trade / Technical Training School
ATS + Advanced Training School
TAF = Territorial Air Force
OTU = Operational Training Unit
ATC = Air Training Core
FOTU = Fighter Operational Training Unit
CFS = Central Flying School
FAC = Forward Air Control
TAC = Tactical Air Control
USA TV = Transport Vessel [ship]
A/F = Air Frame
FTS = Flying Training School
EFTS = Elementary Flying Training School
RD = Repair Depot
BR = Bomber Reconn
RAF/FAA = Royal Air Force / Fleet Air Arm

NZ 901

Constructors No.: 66-2694
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Wairuna Mar 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 14 Mar 1941
First Flight in N Z 25 Apr 1941
To Central Flying School Tauranga
Stalled while recovering from a steep diving turn and crashed
Into the ground near the airfield 26 Oct 1942
F/L Keith Penny killed

NZ 902

Constructors No.: 66-2695
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Wairuna Mar 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 14 Mar 1941
To Central Flying School Tauranga
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
Sold by Government stored board tender SR 416 / 58 – 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound [$80]

NZ 903

Constructors No.: 66-2696
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Wairuna Mar 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 14 Mar 1941
To TTS Rongotai
Converted to Inst 34
To TTS Nelson as Inst 107 23 Feb 1945
To TTS Hobsonville
Sold by Government Stores Board Tender 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti 1959
Cost 200.00.00 pound [$400] minus engine and stripped of instruments

NZ 904

Constructors No.: 66-2697
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Wairuna Mar 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 14 Mar 1941
To Central Flying School Tauranga
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound

NZ 905

Constructors No.: 66-2698
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Wairuna Mar 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 14 Mar 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
Crashed 1 Mile East of Irwell 31 Oct 1941
Pilot parachuted to safety
Written off /reduced to produce 21 Nov 1944

NZ 906

Constructors No.: 66-2699
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Wairuna Mar 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 14 Mar 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
Declared surplus on SR 41658
Sold by Government Stores Board Tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation, Te Kuiti
Cost 45.00.00 pound [$ 90]
Forward fuselage stored at Dunsandel S. I. with P Burns
To J Walsh stored at Blenheim

NZ 907

Constructors No.: 66-2700
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Wairuna Mar 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 14 Mar 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
A/C entered a turn shortly after take off, lost height and
Flew into ground 0100 on 3 Dec 1943
LAC John Rice killed
Written off 12 Jan 1944

NZ 908

Constructors No.: 66-2701
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Wairuna Mar 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 14 Mar 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound [$ 80]

NZ 909

Constructors No.: 66-2702
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Wairuna Mar 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 14 Mar 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
Converted to Inst 170 at 3 TTS Wigram 4 Feb 1957
To 4 TTS Wodbourne 1966
No disposal details
Major components stored with John Smith Mapua

NZ 910

Constructors No.: 66-2703
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Wairuna Mar 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 14 Mar 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound [$ 80]

NZ 911

Constructors No.: 66-2704
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Wairuna Mar 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 14 Mar 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodmourne Mar 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost: 40.00.00 pound [$ 80]

NZ 912

Constructors No.: 66-2705
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Wairuna Mar 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 14 Mar 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416/ 58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound [$ 400]
Included P & W, R 1340 –ANT engine S/N 8778

NZ 913

Constructors No.: 66-2706
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
Declared surplus on SR 294/57
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No
To G Bennett Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound
Included P & W, R1340-53H1 engine S/No 8775

NZ 914

Constructors No.: 66 – 2708
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonnville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound [$ 80]

NZ 915

Constructors No.: 66 – 2708
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
During solo night flying training at Wigram the A/C entered a
Diving turn just after taking off before diving into ground 2135 on 15 Apr 1945
LAC Keith Robertson killed

NZ 916

Constructors No.: 66 – 2709
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
Crashed and burned during a training flight from Woodbourne 17 Feb 1943
Written off 25 Feb 1943

NZ 917

Constructors No.: 66 – 2710
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1943
The A/C climbed to 200 ft after take off, turned and dived into ground 0040 on 19 Apr 1943
LAC Ralph Brownie killed
Written off at Woodbourne 11 May 1943

NZ 918

Constructors No.: 66 – 2711
Mark Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
Converted to Inst 135 for CMT Trainees at Taieri Apr 1950
To Hobsonville
Declared surplus on SR 294 / 57
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pounds [$ 400]
To Jaycee’s and installed in children’s playground at Pahiatua Nov 1963
Reported in NZ Herald that the town was raising $ 5,000.00 [$ 10,000]
to spruce up the A/C that was still in the playground and has become a
Town Icon 8 May 2003

NZ 919

Constructors No.: 66-2712
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
Declared surplus on SR 294/57
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound [$ 400]
included P & W, R1340 – ANI engine S/No 8710

NZ 920

Constructors No.: 66-2786
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Mid air with Harvard NZ 923 at Woodbourne, this A/C struck NZ 923
In the rear quarter after the pilot failed to see the other camouflaged A/C,
It then dived into the ground and burned 26 May 1942
F/O Robert Cowper LAC Derek Lippett killed

NZ 921

Constructors No.: 66-2787
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
The A/C gradually lost height after take off before crashing into a
Hill near Renwick, exploded on contact 1930 on 19 Aug 1941
LAC Arthur Hathaway killed

NZ 922

Constructors No.: 66 – 2735
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound [ $400]
included P & W, R1340 – ANI engine S/No 11483

NZ 923

Constructors No.: 66 – 2736
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Mid air with Harvard NZ 920, the seriously damaged A/C was landed
At Woodbourne 26 May 1942
Repaired and returned to service
LAC R Nairn uninjured
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound[$ 400]
Included P & W, R1340 – ANI engine S/No 11503

NZ 924

Constructors No.: 66-2737
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to N Z under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound [$ 400]
Included P & W, R1340 – ANI engine S/No 11503

NZ 925

Constructors No.: 66 – 2738
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound [$ 80]

NZ 926

Constructors No.: 66 – 2739
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound [$400]
Included P & W, R1340 – ANI engine S/No 9007

NZ 927

Constructors No.: 66 – 2740
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Hit fence after a cross wind take off from Woodbourne 17 Nov 1941
Converted to Inst 44 at TTS Rongotai 14 Jul 1942
To TTS Nelson
No further details

NZ 928

Constructors No.: 66 – 2741
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Stalled and spun into ground while executing a steep turn at 400 ft
Near Woodbourne 23 Jan 1943
LAC John Rutherford killed

NZ 929

Constructors No.: 66 – 2742
Mark Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsomville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Crashed while landing at Woodbourne from training flight 18 Feb 1942

NZ 930

Constructors No.: 66 – 2743
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Struck trees while low level flying training near Woodbourne 27 Jan 1943
Written off at Woodbourne 12 Feb 1943

NZ 931

Constructors No.: 66 – 2744
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to N Z under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Declared surplus on SR 294/57
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound [$ 400]
Included P & W, R1340 – S341 engine S/No 11519

NZ 932

Constructors No.: 66 – 2745
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cosst 200.00.00 pound
Included P & W, R1340 – ANI engine S/No 8747

NZ 933

Constructors No.: 66 – 2746
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Struck trees while low flying and crashed into Wairau River 1450 on 6 Apr 1943
LAC John Hadley killed

NZ 934

Constructors No.: 66-2747
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTSWoodbourne
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound [$400]
Included P & W, R1340 – ANI engine S/No 6593

NZ 935

Constructors No.: 66 – 2748
Mark Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound [$ 80]

NZ 936

Constructors No.: 66 – 2749
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
Crashed during a training flight at Woodbourne 9 Feb 1943

NZ 937

Constructors No.: 66 – 2750
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 45.00.00 pound [$ 90]

NZ 938

Constructors No.: 66 – 2751
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1942
To ATS Woodbourne May 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound [$ 80]

NZ 939

Constructors No.: 66 – 2752
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound [$80]

NZ 940

Constructors No.: 66 – 2753
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Limerick May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 2 SFTS Wigram
Declared surplus on SR 416 / 58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound
Included P & W, R1340 – ANI engine S/No 13189

NZ 941

Constructors No.: 66 – 2754
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1942
Declared surplus on SR 416 / 58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound [$400]
Included P & W, R1340 – ANI engine S/No 10575

NZ 942

Constructors No.: 66 – 2755
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1942
Recovered from a spin at low altitude then dived into ground
Near Cust 1400 on 16 Nov 1944
F/O John Robinson LAC Leonard Cunningham killed

NZ 943

Constructors No.: 66 – 2756
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hosonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound [$ 400]
Included P & W, R1340 – ANI engine S/No 18183

NZ 944

Constructors No.: 66 – 2757
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
Test flown 8 Jul 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1942
To 1 SFTS Wigram 4 Mar 1944
Into Storage
Flown 1970.25 Hrs 22 Sep 1945
Converted to Inst 153 at Hobsonville 1951
To MOTAT Auckland 3 May 1962
On display in wartime yellow colour scheme

NZ 945

Constructors No.: 66 – 2758
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 20 May 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne Mar 1942
To ATS Woodbourne May 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416 / 58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound [$ 400]
Included P & W, R1340 – ANI engine S/No 11543

NZ 946

Constructors No.: 66-2759
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jul 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
Converted to Inst 144 by 3 TAF Wigram 31 Aug 1950
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 262/55
To Horrell Co, Ashburton
Cost 25.00.00 pound [$ 50]
Presented to Jaycees for use in Methven Play Ground 1967
Fuselage stored with J Walsh Blenheim
Other components with E Billman Auckland

NZ 947

Constructors No.: 66 – 2760
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jul 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
Mid air with Oxford NZ 1332 while landing at Woodbourne 23 Apr 1942
To ATS Woodbourne May 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government stores board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound [$80]

NZ 948

Constructors No.: 66 – 2761
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jul 1941
To 1 S TS Wigram
Converted to Inst but no No recorded May 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government stores board tender No 7078
To Bennett Aviation Te Kuiti
Cost 40.00.00 pound [$ 80]
Fuselage to C Darby stored in Auckland
Believed to be being restored to static condition using parts
from numerous other A/C
To P McQuarters Ashburton

NZ 949

Constructors No.: 66 – 2762
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jul 1941
To 1 SFTS Wigram
To 2 SFTS Woodbourne
Crashed into sea on training flight, was seen descending through
the clouds in a spin, and did not recover before hitting the sea 18 Dec 1942
P/O Gerald Odlin LAC William Johnson killed

NZ 950

Constructors No.: 66 – 2763
Mark: Mk 11
Issued to NZ under Empire Flying Training Scheme
Shipped to Auckland on Waiotapu May 1941
Assembled at Hobsonville
B O C Hobsonville 5 Jul 1941
To ATS Woodbourne May 1944
Declared surplus on SR 416/58
Sold by Government Stores Board tender No 7079
To Bennett Aviation Ltd Te Kuiti
Cost 200.00.00 pound [$400]
Included P & W, R1340 - AN 1 Engine S/No 8730

photos from the Ohakea Museum

with thanks to son-of-satire for the banner


Ahh! really creative, you are awesome definer, it's will help for traveler

Thank you for your comment. I have tried to put down all that I know to help someone in the future.

(you hear an engine rev and horn honk)
(the window on the humvee rolls down to reveal a warm smiling face)
"Hello! I'm @shadow3scalpel and with the help of my protege, @chairborne, we are actively assisting veterans, retirees and active servicemen and women here on Steemit. We feel it is our 'duty' to support each other. Any questions or comments you may have, simply respond to this comment, thank you!"
(the window rolls up and the engine roars as it drives to the next person on the list)
Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.

This is a very good airplane. During the Second World War these planes were delivered to the USSR

The Harvard was just one of many delivered to the USSR.
Later, is a bit of the history of the RNZAF's involvement in those shipments.


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