Discrediting Power: Whoring Monarchs

in #history6 years ago


I'm running a series on wrongfully maligned historical figures over on @adsactly (feel free to check it out if that's something that might interest you) and I'm also watching the wars raging here on Steemit (as well as a good dose of everyday politics) and one thing that strikes me is how different smear campaigns are from men to women.

Now, you guys know me. You know I'm not a feminazi and just the other day, @winstonalden was praising me for not wanting to burn men at the stake, so you know I'm not one to go on crazy rants about how unfairly we're being treated as opposed to men. Just different.

And yet, the more I look at history (and at the world today) I can't help but note that it's really interesting to see the different methods people use to discredit the two sexes.
For example, women are always, always accused of being whores. They get accused of having countless lovers, being part of huge orgies and performing all sorts of other promiscuous sexual acts. It's happened to any woman throughout history who had even an ounce of power - Cleopatra, Elizabeth I, Cahterine the Great, literally any woman in a seat of power. And it happens today, event though we like to believe we're part of an equal opportunity PC world. Despite all this PC bullshit, that's the go-to attack whenever a woman is strong and independent and basically being a pain in someone's ass. Even if it's another woman. Women are vicious, especially when it comes to their own sex and they're all too willing to discredit and spread disgusting gossip about another woman as long as it helps their purpose. Talk about female solidarity...

And it's an awful thing to say about someone, it hurts the woman involved on a very personal level. Because it is attacking a personal, intimate part of her life. But again, I'm not complaining. This isn't a post to bemoan how unfair this is to women, because although men are discredited differently, it's not less shameful or intrusive than it is for women.

Let me explain.

Men are never attacked because they have a lot of lovers or behave inappropriately. I mean, even Bill Clinton got off rather lightly (I seriously didn't intend for that pun to happen), in my opinion. And whenever a powerful man is discovered to be having affairs, it's usually blamed on the mistress, on the woman and not the man. Somehow, it's bad for women to want to fuck a lot, but good for men. I suppose it's to do with all that "women are nesters and men are...whatever, really horny" thing I suppose.
But that doesn't mean men are in any way privileged when it comes to misinformation and propaganda. Just look at Donald Trump, the whole world has heard how he is sexually impotent, how his penis is small, his wife is unsatisfied/cheating... It's different for men, but in no way less hurtful, see?
This is particularly hurtful for men who wield great power, who have an important political status, such as kings, emperors, presidents etc. If you are not capable of screwing your own wife, it is generally assumed you are unable of keeping the country in order. And I don't think that is, in any way better, you know, to have the entire world laughing at your dick. I mean, powerful women may be harlots, but at least they're getting some. In many ways, being a man is (in this case) worse, I think.

It's interesting to note how duplicitous people are, how very full of double-standards. Because most men would love to meet such promiscuous women and love most of those horrible inappropriate acts she is accused of. And yet, it's a terrible thing she does them. What, with other men than you, you mean? Yes, how very sad.

I've always felt such slander is disgusting and it takes away from the conversation a lot. All the people I named above, they all had and have flaws, no doubt about that. But attacking them on such a private matter seems to discredit all that. If you equate Trump's disastrous foreign politics to the size of his penis, then how can you expect to be taken seriously?
Suddenly, this whole serious fact-based bit about his skill as a president is discredited by the fact that you felt the need to mention his dick. How can I consider you intelligent and worth listening to now?

Well, that's how I see it but many don't feel the same. The masses are generally all too happy to hear about Trump's penis, his marriage, whatever intimate detail you might find. It's the same with all rulers and it always has been. Because it's easy. Anyone can understand the problem when your dick is too small, the wife is screwing around, you're marrying someone way younger etc. Whereas not everyone can understand the problem and the deeper political implications in conflicts such as Venezuela, Lybia etc. It's harder to research things. I can't research who his wife sleeps with or how good/bad he is in bed, which makes it easy. I can laugh at him and seem smart while not actually having to do any work. How cool is that?

By the way, I am in no way a pro or against Trump. One president/party is much like any other. I used Trump as an example because he is accessible and the first example that comes to mind regarding current events.

Thanks for reading,



I don't think the disdain for the harlot is going to end any time soon, unfortunately. In some ways it's probably a reaction to the power that women hold. An unsuccessful man can look at a woman who is sleeping with all these other men, and think, who are they to have all the fun? It's her fault I'm unhappy.

And of course other men can think, Yeah, I'd bang her, but she's not marriage material. How could she be loyal to me if she likes sleeping around that much? And so there's a devaluation that happens almost subconsciously. Why women should look at a promiscuous man and not feel the same disdain, I don't know. Maybe they value power and success over loyalty?

Possibly, though women usually value loyalty a lot. Isn't that supposed to be our thing? Like you know, looking to build a stable family or what not?
I don't get it either. This is a bit far back, but I suppose a promiscuous king meant any woman could rise to power.
Look at Elizabeth Woodville who became Queen. Or all the chicks Charles II slept with. Or you know,pretty much anyone who ever got a title that way :))

An unsuccessful man can look at a woman who is sleeping with all these other men, and think, who are they to have all the fun? It's her fault I'm unhappy.

I find that mentality downright dangerous. But yeah, I suppose it explains it. Besides, if it's a woman in power and she doesn't fancy you, it's double irritation. One that you're not deemed sexually attractive and two, that you don't get the same political benefits.

I upvoted it anyway, because I haven't been on all day and my VP needing taking down a peg. ;D
This is the first I've heard of Trump penises and I rather wish I could get it out of my head now! 😆
We can't escape that we are hierarchical creatures and, like chickens, we always feel the need to bring others down and make ourselves feel a little more superior.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, thank you :)
It's gone down a bit (no pun intended, I swear). But it was pretty "famous" during his campaign - anything to discredit the guy, I suppose and people normally love that sort of gossip. Even now, if you listen to people controlled by the MSM, you'll hear some snipe about his younger wife who can't possibly be happy with him.
And I'm sorry for getting that in your head :))

We do. Mainly because we're always tormented by some feeling of inferiority, eaten away by our insecurities. I guess it's nice to know or at least think we know there's someone out there who's got it worse than us. what a glorious species, indeed...

It's gone down a bit

😨 and now more pictures. The last time I had a conversation with someone about Trump that gave me bad images he made things worse by showing me this:

Now I share my pain with you...

I still don't know how to reply to this, trump sick is small, so what, though I've never heard of that before, all thanks to you. But it's crazy to know such.

Also, it's no big deal here, in African setting there are herbs and concoction a man can drink that will make him knock his wife out every night.

But in this your story, the fuss was too much on the dick thing.

The title caught my attention and your link with adsactly.

Posted using Partiko Android

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