The Iberian Crusades: Muslim power takes root

in #history7 years ago (edited)

In 722 after the victory in the battle of Covadonga Pelágio is the new ruler of the mountainous people of Asturias which is the last Christian territory in Iberian Peninsula.

Since 716 the Muslim part of the Peninsula is ruled from Córdoba (its capital) by a governor nominated by the Caliphate of Damasco. The first governantes organize the Islamic State and help in the resettlement of Arabs, Sirians and mostly Berbers. Focusing military on expeditions against the Franc kingdom in nowadays France.

A golden dinar from 716-717, around these time no Christian Kingdom would make gold coins because of the lack of the resource, but the Caliphate had plenty to make it´s own gold dinar!

The new Muslim rulers respect the Christian and Jewish population because they are also Abrahamic religions and so they are also part of the umma (Muslim community), their rights and religious practices are respected, some older Visigothic rulers are even able to maintain certain posts and territories inside the new caliphate.

These new rulers of the land were often seen with good eyes over the last Visigothic rulers because they were freed from the oppression and internal strife that was common before. For the Governor in Córdoba Christians and Jews were also tolerated because as they practice other religion, they would pay a special tax for that right of religious freedom!

Iberian Peninsula under Damasco Caliphate control around 718

The new Islamic Community in Iberian Peninsula, the Umma, divides itself into free men and slaves, and on ethnic lines with Arabs, Syrians, Berbers, muladíes (Christians converted to Islam), mozárabes (Christian living in the Umma), Jews and also slaves from Africa.

In the year 750 in Damascus, the Abbasids family kills the Omeyas and steals the power, transferring the Caliphate from Damascus to Baghdad.

Then, in 756 Abd al-Rahman separates the Iberian Peninsula from Baghdad power, creating an independent Emirate in Córdoba. These new state is ruled be "visires" or ministries and will soon be transformed into a Caliphate of its own right!

Last chapter of the story:
The Iberian Crusades: Prologue

Thank you for reading,
Peace, Carlos

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I'm currently studying the period of the Visigoths on the Iberian Peninsula,It's fascinating, Thanks for the post

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