Easter Hike to The Top

in #hiking6 years ago

Looking out over the fjord

The 4 hour hike is totally worth it when you get to have this view in this weather.
The wind was harsh and cold on the top, some snow and ice still haven't melted yet and made the trip a bit slippery.
Never the less, it was a good hike. If you haven't been on a top this Easter you should get up there!
Life is so much better in hiking shoes!

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Been hiking in the Easter? Please show me in the comments!

Location: Lifjell, Norway
Camera: Nikon P900
No filter have been used
No editing have been made to these photos
Photographer: @flatman

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Eg vil ynskja deg ei god påskehøgtid @Flatman.
Denne påsken er eg på Andøya og har fine dagar med mykje snø og god mat (skrei). Om nokre dagar reiser eg tilbake til Vestlandet, men håpar å få teke nokre fleire bilete frå den vakre naturen her oppe i Vesterålen.

Beste helsing

Nei så spennende! der har jeg òg lysst å reise en dag. jeg synes du skal prøve å få tatt noen natt bilder av stjernehimmelen, det kan være spennende fra den lokasjonen og de har sikkert ikke så mye lysforurensing som vi har her på fastlandet.
Gleder meg til å få se bildene fra turen din.
Som en avsluttning på påsken skal jeg bestige et fjell til i morgen.
God påske!

Håpa du har hatt d flått oppe i Nord 😍😁

A trip to Tynda of the Amur Region last year (April).




I totally agree with you @Flatman, life is much better in hiking shoes :)
And it is good to see that you also have some leftovers from the winter even though it is on the top of the mountain :)

Luckily I have to go way up in the mountains to find snow.
Today I went way further up in the mountains, attempting to get on top of a 671m mountain, before I got there it started snowing and the fog rolled in, so I had to retreat back down, but it was a good trip in the hiking shoes :)

we didn't have easter yet :D

What? no Easter yet? I should come to Russia, that way I can eat Easter-candy here in Norway first, and then again in Russia =D

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