The Hemp Revolution Happening Now

in #hemp7 years ago

The US congress passed the farm bill several years ago, back in 2014, and it paved the way for states to go ahead and set up their own rules surrounding industrial hemp and hemp research etc.

Since the passage of that bill, a number of different states have sought to take advantage of that initiative and move forward with their own hemp research and hemp farming plans.

It's estimated that at least 20 different states have already passed rules surrounding the growth and research of industrial hemp and many believe that this is going to be an extremely lucrative crop for their area.

Growing CBD Demand

One of the increasingly popular products that you can get from hemp is CBD oil and this is proving to be one of the most promising areas for the hemp industry.

The CBD oil market alone is having a dramatic impact on the success, growth, and demand for hemp. The demand for CBD products continues to grow rapidly and there are already many Americans who are using CBD to treat symptoms of epilepsy and more.

The CBD oil market is credited as being one of the fastest growing in the US at the moment, estimated to be growing at a rate of about 59 percent.

Aside from the CBD market, there are tens of thousands of different potential uses for hemp and so it really opens the door for a lot of job creation and economic growth to occur if this crop were to be accepted. It's expected that the hemp market will only grow steadily in the years to come.

For those states that do have rules surrounding hemp, they are allowed to grow it but they must do so under severely strict federal oversight.

They need to make sure that they get the okay from a number of different law enforcement agencies before growing this crop. Which seems like it's a giant waste of not only the farmers time but the law enforcement agencies as well, who you would hope would be mostly concerned with spending their time on more important criminal matters.

And despite trying to work with law enforcement agencies in order to carry out their various hemp programs, some in the hemp industry have accused federal authorities of working against them.

Hemp research programs have already been federally encouraged, yet those in the hemp industry trying to explore the possibility of these research programs, have accused federal authorities of trying to infringe upon their success of planting and growing industrial hemp.

Hemp has been outlawed federally for decades now and it's a stance and reality that many struggle to find justification for.

Thanks to the various school initiatives that are seeking to grow and research this crop, it's helping to deteriorate some of the stigma surrounding it.

There are an increasing number of efforts around the US that are seeking to educate the public on hemp, the benefits that could be derived from hemp, the differences between it and cannabis, and so on.

It appears that a lot of misconceptions about industrial hemp still exist.

Over time, as more become educated on the topic, it's likely that we will be able to expect that more people will be in favor of seeing some changes in this area, regarding hemp laws. When more people learn about the possible benefits that could be reaped from embracing rather than strictly prohibiting hemp, then perhaps more will be open to exploring the possibility of a hemp market.

Lawyers who represent the Hemp Industries Association just a few months ago filed a motion in court against the DEA for their classification of cannabis extracts (like CBD). The worry with the change from the DEA was that there would be a chance for sellers of hemp products etc to be targeted. That legal fight is still ongoing.

There is a strong pro-cannabis and pro-hemp community in the US and around the world and that community will likely only grow in the future. We can expect to see these sorts of legal battles continue and protests as well, as more of the public grow tired of the restrictions in place which just don't make any sense.

banner thanks to @son-of-satire

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Wouldn't it me great to see endless fields of It?...It'd be beautiful...

Hi! Hope your doing well 😊, that was a great read and I hope more people learn about it and understand especially the governors of each state I think soon that's the way its going to be everywhere, I have hemp lotion its so nice , enjoy your weekend😀✨

I've been farming hemp in my backyard since I was in highschool

I've been fighting for your right to do so legally since high school. ;)

We have talked about this before, hemp is the man!!!!!!!

Drive by voting of every one of your posts now complete, you are a good friend to me and all the truth based humanity dude.

100% power vote sent on this post too for ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love that phrase "drive by voting". Hemp is on of the many climate solutions we covered in the now NYT Bestseller "Drawdown". Check it out!

Hemp is truly a miracle crop. It should have never been illegal in the first place. The lumber and cotton industry conspired against it.

This is true...Hemp is/was the competition and competition to the boys on Wall Street is a SIN....Industrial Hemp is a precious commodity that can used for for just about anything; it can get us off plastics and stop the wholesale killing of old-growth forestry. Hemp grows just about anywhere within weeks, not years.

The confusion around hemp usually stems around the fact that the Male and female plants differ in uses and properties. Both would be a boon to the economy. After all, most of our industry has been shipped over seas -
we might as well get the economic benefit AND get stoned.

I for one wouldn't mind seeing more people ingesting various forms of THC in moderation than cook their brains, liver, kidneys and pancreas on Alcohol.

Besides, we could all use a good laugh...

Oregon just legalized Hemp farms and Colorado is working on it as well! It want be much longer before Americans can farm Hemp legally and produce products from it.

Almost makes that video the U.S. government made encouraging American farmers to grow hemp seem like a strange dream... but it isn't:

My old boss, Jack Herer turned me on to this decades ago and at the time, I was surprised to see it. Back then we activists were considered really out there, there was no internet and public knowledge regarding marijuana and hemp wasn't only limited, it was all but non existent. I have wondered if the internet and things like YouTube and Facebook have made it easier or more difficult. Perhaps a bit of both, it does seem to create a perpetual focus on the problem rather than solutions.

Oh I know, I should have said again...or we've come full circle.

great article and was looking at trying to grow hemp on my property to make stuff out of and maybe use some as feed for animals, who knows what else I would do with it

About time they are about to legalize it. I also have written articles about alcohol and weed. Cheers bro!

I write about crypto, personal life, sports and life on my profile. Will soon start blogging about food, travel and my adventures in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Philippines. You might be interested, love <3

Upvoted and Resteemed!
Thank you for the post. Wonderful work!

Good to know! :)

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