🍰 Helpie's Fork Position 🍰

in #helpie6 years ago

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Helpie's Fork Position

Recently, a lot of discussion has been happening concerning a recent hard fork pull request, and Steemit's reaction to it. We would like to make our position clear concerning this matter.

In quick summary, there was some discussion where a quick PR was coded up which would have targeted select accounts and effectively make their funds inaccessible. It was nowhere near being adopted, but it was the cause of delegations being removed and power downs from the main Steemit account going directly to exchanges.

In general, we do not support, and would never consider any fork that would freeze funds of any account on the chain.

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Thoughts From the Team


I think it goes without saying that none of us think that the fork is a good idea. My general take on the current crazy: overreaction and snowball effect. Almost nothing about the situation has actually changed. Yes, power down and delegations pulled, but exit scam? Not even close.

Steemit stake powering down is actually good for us. There are concerns about hiding and market manipulation, but I think that's such a minor, minor issue. Even in the worst case, let it happen. I'll be buying. STEEM communication obviously was non-existant, which is the cause of the panic. But, I am glad that communication is happening.

Further, I am okay with the way Steemit is prioritizing its resources. Hivemind is launched and that opens up a lot of possibilities. They were also doing what they said they were... reducing costs.


I am 100% against the fork. While there may be arguments on the way the stake was obtained, that is now well behind us. We must look to the future, and I feel that adding the threat of being able to remove stake on the whim of a few people hurts the chances of luring any investors that may be interested. I do not feel that adding more problems is the way to solve any current issues.


I am strongly against any fork that would remove or freeze funds from any stakeholder.

In my view, nothing has changed. When I joined the platform, Steemit was the biggest stakeholder. When I bought STEEM for the first time, they were still the biggest stakeholder. I accepted this as part of the deal, so to speak.

The idea of the biggest stakeholder on STEEM working against their own interest, being equated to a bad actor, is also something I can't accept, both logically and ethically.

Yes, Steemit Inc. has made bad choices. Yes, their communication has often been lacking. But again, their mistakes don't make them our enemy and they certainly don't justify forking them out of the main chain, as some have suggested.

The final four of us (Carrie here🤩) are all in agreement: Fork is no bueno.

We have no ground-breaking new thoughts to add but simply wish for you all to use forks as they are meant to be... for cake. 🍰 We'll get through this, guys. Just hang in there. 😍


The @helpie Witness Team


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Hey! we recently announced some changes to our Witness!

Check out THIS post for more!

vote for witness helpie.png

We are up and running again!


Now how do you feel about chopsticks?

Pro-chopsticks...and pro-spoon!

Oh! Thank goodness. That could have been been the end :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Depends.. The piano tune or the utensil?

use forks as they are meant to be... for cake. 🍰

LOL! Too fair!

@helpie I am against the fork as well, it will cause a split in the community and maybe even more forks would form like did with ethereum and ethereum classic.

Posted using Partiko Android

Fully agree with you on this one. There are a lot of things that I can wait out and see what happens but if accounts were forked out because people didn't like how much was in there it would be a changing point for me and one that could make me sell up shop. Fortunately it only seems to be a minority of people supporting it.

Posted using Partiko Android

I am really happy to find some explanations. Sure I have many doubts left, but they are fewer now. I have been reading some posts on this matter by other witnesses and seeing comments by stakeholders, and even sticking my nose into their wallets and their Steemworld and Steemd records, checking Ned's wall, etc... Everything is confusing, and the lack of clarity and information is just frustrating.

Thank you @helpie team.

You are right. I am also strongly against any fork that will be a danger to our funds in our

Good to know guys! I hope everything pans out, so waiting for some acknowledgement from the powers at be!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think that was the only thing I saw the Steemit company do in a very very very long time.

This post has been included in the latest edition of SOS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

When this fork discussion came up, it was for the purpose of discussing how to change the fact that steemit inc has the controlling interest in it's stake, thus more or less centralizing control of the steem blockchain. Well, now steemit inc is powering down their stake, thus giving up their controlling interest in the blockchain. So, in effect, the people who were discussing this issue have managed to produce the result that they were discussing. As for how this will turn out, who knows?

I did forget one thing. Another aspect was the fact that maybe they weren't actually going to sell it, but make it so that really nobody knows where their stake lies now that it's mixed with exchanges. If that's the case, then it's not clear if anything changed other than transparency. However, leadership has reached out and... Well, let's see how it goes.

Posted using Partiko Android

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