Which Website Name Do You Like Best - Please Help Me Choose A Domain Name For A Minnows Guide To Steemit

in #help8 years ago (edited)

I need your opinion for the best name for a new users guide to Steemit.


I'm developing a website to help new users succeed on Steemit. My friends would love to join Steemit, but are having difficulty finding their way around the site.

It can be a chore learning how to navigate, post images and build momentum. I'm going to help and would love your opinion.

Please Choose One

Of the three domain names for this new site, which one do you like best? Please select your favorite name of the three choices below. Just add your favorite name in the comments below. All ideas and opinions welcomed.

Which website name do you like best?

  1. SteemUnity.com
  2. SteemCart.com
  3. SteemWeaver.com

Oh, I almost forgot. To make the new site as helpful as possible for everyone it would help to know what your biggest challenges are. Share with me the challenges you're having are having at this post:

What Are Your Biggest Challenges Using Steemit

Thanks for helping me help you and Steem on.

luzchypher hallowween.png

Follow @luzcypher


@luzcypher definitely #1. Embodies the kind of feeling the community promotes evoking in us minnows. Love it. SteemUnity!

I'm licking it. Sounds like the most popular one based on these comments.

Steem + Community = Steemunity

Steemians are liking it.

#1 Then #3
Like #1 the best.

Yes no1
Cart sound like u gonna sell them something or so.
Weaving is what spiders do with their nets b4 they eat u isnt it ?
So id vote for Unity :)

SteemCart does sound like sales, right? Never thought of the spiders and webs connotations in SteemWeaver although it seems obvious now that you mentioned it.. I was thinking it sounded like DreamWeaver, but there is a software out by that name and a great song you can hear in the comments of this post. SteemUnity seems like a clear favorite so far. Kind of describes what we're about, doesn't it?


  1. the state of being united or joined as a whole.
    "European unity"
    synonyms: union, unification, integration, amalgamation; More
  2. the number one. (In Mathematics)

Both these definitions of unity seem to describe who Steemians are and where we're headed. Thanks for the input, it really helps. Let's see what the rest of the commenters that stumble here have to say by the end of the day. But so far it looks like they like SteemUnity.


Seems to be a favorite so far.

SteemWeaver - help me weave my way through the Steammaze.

You can have a bit fun using this domain for noobs.

I'm reminded of the old-school song...

Ooh dream weaver
I believe you can get me through the night
Ooh steem weaver
I believe we can reach the morning light
Fly me high through the starry skies

In a classic Casey Casum voice he says;
Here's a classic from June 1975. Coming in at number 2 on the charts, Gary Wright's Dream Weaver

Id also say no1 SteemUnity.com !
cos Unity really is all we need :)

Unity is all we need

I like that thought. And a whale upvote never hurt anyone, right?

Heres a Tune for u can digg !?
U.N.I.T.Y by Mono & Nikitaman

Cool song. Had me getting up and dancing.

SteemWeaver.com is my favorite of the three. Also, the Steemit Ambassador's Toolkit that @sykochica is putting together might be good for you to get in on, as there may be some project overlap that the two of you could take advantage of.

Thanks for the input and the tip. @skyochica and I have been talking and I shared some files with him for his project. His idea is more of a toolkit to help people interested in promoting Steemit. We both have sales backgrounds. I'm interested in promoting too, but this idea is more of a tutorial that walks a new user through the steps of signing up, posting and curating. Making it as simple for them as possible. I have seen a few tutorials that helped me, but I think I can make something that flows better. I welcome any ideas you think of and thank you.

I vote for steemunity. Sounds more like a help site, for beginners.

Steemweaver could be for advanced writer tips, and advanced subjects once someone graduates from steemunity.

My 0.02 steem cents. :)


once someone graduates from steemunity.

I never thought of graduating people.


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