Community Appeal for HELP: Long Term Steemian @chelsea88 Needs Our Help!

in #help6 years ago

I don't much do this sort of thing, but "one of our own" needs help!

Long-time community member and Steemian friend @chelsea88 is facing hardship and a critical medical situation that's requiring her to make a sudden move from Minnesota to Georgia.

With more than 12,500 posts to her name, Chelsea is an active contributor of quality content as well as someone who's always ready to engage in the community. Chances are you've run across at least a few of her supportive and insightful comments if you've been here for a while.

And now she needs OUR help!


Here's How YOU can help!

The most obvious way to help is by visiting her original appeal post and upvoting both IT and then throwing a few upvotes at any of Chelsea's responses to comments on the post to boost the value.

For example, I put a 100% upvote on her post, and then the same on 8 comments. Yeah, it'll drain your voting power for a day, but this is human life we're dealing with, here. You'll recover!

Resteem her post for more visibility!

Make a direct donation of Steem/SBD to @chelsea88 via her wallet. Every penny counts!

If you're willing to help out with a fiat donation, Chelsea also has a GoFundMe set up.

If you feel moved to do so, create your own awareness post to help out by reaching your own following. You're welcome to copy this post as a "template" to build on. If you choose to do this, use #helpchelsea88 as one of your tags, so people can easily find all the fundraising posts and support them! And if you do so, link to your post in the comments below, and I will re-steem your post to 4500 followers.

Upvote and re-steem THIS post! ALL author rewards — liquid AND SteemPower (converted to Steem) — will transferred to Chelsea when this post pays out.

Spread the Word, Folks!

Time to pull it together and show the world — once again — that Steemit is about a lot more than just a bunch of people "blogging for money!"

Thank you for your attention and help... we will now return to our regularly scheduled programming!


(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 181027 23:28 PDT


It might be easier to just let us upvote her posts. This way instead of donation she can just earn and get support that way.

Thank you so so so much. This means more to me than you'll ever know. I rsteemed this.

Also if anyone has seen my broken glass ppost it has been happening AT THE SAME time as everything else. To say i feel overwhelmed is an understatement. But you abd my other steemit friends and family are truly a god send at this time . Thank you again so very much!!!!!!

This is what Steem is for!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, I think it can definitely be one of the more important community functions.

I'll visit her page

Thank you @wales

Thank you @wales!


Thank you @animal-shelter.

I dont know this person, but I follow you and trust your judgement. Done and i hope it works ❤️💕 Noone should ha e to struggle like that xx

Thank you very very much @sarahewaring. I'm following you anyone following and regularly engaging @denmarkguy is someone with getting to know . I agree he is wise and does have remarkable good judgment of character and intent

Thanks @sarahewaring! As I said, I very rarely ask for this kind of effort for people, and if I didn't know Chelsea quite well, I probably wouldn't have made this post... but this is also a "gift economy" so paying it forward — even in small ways — can really help people.

So nice of you to do this @denmarkguy! I saw her post the other day and sent a little help via her wallet. All hardfork, RC bullsh*t aside, this is the true purpose of steemit ... people helping people ;)

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