Coming up Threes: FullForce Radio Episode 33 Tonight — LET'S GO TO SPAAAAAAACE

in #heavymetal6 years ago (edited)

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Three weeks, three playlists, three hours of live streaming killer music and your favourite ra-di-o-la-dy-so gird your loins and prep your speakers... Join me tonight, and let's go full force!

I'm ramping up to doing weekly show posts by popular demand, but until I've got my shit together you get these gigantor blasts of metal awesome in the face. The theme of threes suits the fact that being busy af with Steemit and witness stuff I have to combine almost a month's worth of shows into one full force post, but lets pretend it's on purpose one more time — tonight you better put on your galaxy pants, because I'm taking your asses out of this world. LET US WORSHIP IN THE BLACK VOID OF SPACE. So are you gonna listen, or what? I've got a rocket with your name on it.

Your consolation for the fact that you've had to wait a month for FullForce info? Here are THREE more killer playlists full of the metal and hard rock that drove you wild when you heard it live with me. Tonight, I — crimsonclad, Miss Modness if you nasty — am a twinkling explosion in depths of the galaxy; an explosion of magnitude, light years away, streaming live to your ears with the fury of a thousand suns. Yes, that means space operas, star gazing, and music inspired by the vastness and the beauty and mystery and the terrors of the universe around us. Since I'm pretty terrible about posting, I definitely suggest you give @msp-waves a follow so you get a reminder about all our kickin' rad shows for when I'm lax. But since I've strapped you in for liftoff by actually writing something here, check out these three lists of over five hours of heavy music from the last three live shows — I broadcast French and Quebecois metal while partying in Montreal, we got fuzzy and fucked with stoner sludge, and there were bees and there was smashing and it was good. I never think each week can get better than the last, and then we go ahead and blow that shit right out of the water with diverse tastes, open minds, and inappropriate friendships. Truly, my friends: with you, it is an honour.

Tonight we raise our eyes to the stars, and prepare to launch from the pond with the rest of the metal minnows... chatting, singing, afterburners engaged in the PALnet Discord interactive audience channel! You can also listen to the radio directly on our site, through our Twitch stream, or in voice chat on Discord: harder, better, faster, stronger.... less bandwidth. WHAT TIME IS IT AGAIN?


Each of these shows get more interactive and more engaging — thanks to YOU guys.

Keep coming and chatting. Keep thinking up the hashtags I name the shows after. Definitely keep hugging each other (hard). Get your thrash on. Yell, "ONE GIANT LEAP FOR CRIMKIND," over and over. Discord allows me to show you right on my profile what I'm playing while I play it, so if you're there, you'll be able to keep up easily by watching the live feed, or clicking on my chat avatar! Hop on Spotify any time to follow any of the episodes that you love, follow me to stalk what I'm listening in real-time, or cherry pick your perfect poison off a list down below.

There's just nothing that I enjoy more than playing my favourite music really loud and shooting the shit with you guys. Thank you.

Follow Episode 30 for sexy French accents

view an image of this playlist

Episode 31 is the best and most chill trip you've had in ages

view an image of this playlist

Put on Episode 32 and you'll probably start breaking things, sorrynotsorry

view an image of this playlist

...and don't forget we now have The FullForce Radio Master List of Epic Metal, Complete Fuckery, and Imminent Headbanging.

Everything I've ever played: 800 plus songs, 63 hours long, and growing!

So are you gonna listen LIVE TONIGHT, or what? Meet me every Thursday for a little excessive force.

Tune in live every Thursday night, 6pm PST//8pm EST//1am UTC. You can find all of our current shows and DJs on the MSP Waves homepage. Use the instructions there to listen on the site, use Twitch, an RTMP stream, or Discord to catch all the action. Check out our growing line of shows, and support this crazy, diverse Steemian backed MSPWaves broadcast network...all without pants.

Not a huge metal fan? That's okay... I always make sure to mix in accessible stuff with classics and new discoveries from all over the world, plus a bit of hard rock too! We spend tons of time just talking because it's impossible to shut me up. Did you tune in and hang out for any of these last three shows? Let me know what you thought! (It's the only way I'll stop sucking, so help a poor girl out why don't ya) 🌶️


Discover more heavy music on Steemit — find your tribe on Discord.

Episode 1 Playlist & ShownotesEpisode 2 Playlist & Shownotes
Episode 3 Playlist & ShownotesEpisode 4 Playlist & Shownotes
Episode 5 Playlist & ShownotesEpisode 6/7 Playlists & Shownotes
Episode 8/9 Playlists & ShownotesEpisode 10/11/12 Playlists & Shownotes
Episode 13/14/15 Playlists & ShownotesEpisode 16/17/18 Playlists & Shownotes
Episode 19/20/21 Playlists & ShownotesEpisode 22/23/24 Playlists & Shownotes
Episode 25/26/27 Playlists & ShownotesEpisode 28/29 Playlists & Shownotes

Hi, I'm Crimmi. I help run a top 20 STEEM witness with my project partner @followbtcnews. Feel free to reach out to us on Steem.Chat or Discord any time! If we haven't earned your vote, please consider our tools, our work on Discord, and with STEEM.Chatvote for followbtcnews if you feel we're doing a good job.


I’ve missed the last few shows. I’ll probably miss today’s show too. But, I will say to all those non metal heads. Usually I find at least one song that doesn’t terrify me :)

Sometimes, one song that doesn't scare the poop out of you is the most anyone can hope for.

Just letting u know I am following you now based off of this video:
Love your voice!

how awesome of you to come say so, and how embarrassed I am, but also how glad I stopped to do something fun, silly and decidedly un-metal :D

Daym I thought I was busy :)
So good.
Peace :)

it turns out that being heavily involved in STEEM is bad for the meatsack :D

To be honest Crimson, I haven't thought about Steemin some meat in weeks now.
I am simply to busy to think about it and I live in a country where the chicks are just not my type.
This bastard Steemit has raped me of my lust... i will have a quick 10 mins on Steemit replies rather than Chaturbate these days.
Oh dear, what has my life come
It's ok though. I like Steemit.

space, the final frontier...

Deep Purple - Space Truckin' or it didn't happen.

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