Believe your eyes are healthy (Eng) - Yakin Matamu Sehat (Ind)

in #healthy7 years ago (edited)


In this post I want to share how we can measure the level of our eye health.

For your steemian friends keep your eye health, it is so precious of this infinite gift of Allah, so much beauty we see with eyes that we can not paint into a painting. Some say the door of the door to the heart, it is true these words.

Source Image ( mettre du mascara)

In daily keeping your eyes, do not read in the dark room, pay attention to the brightness of the light, if you travel wear UV glasses and other, in terms of food consume lots of carrots.

Let's test your eyes, a site at provides an eye-checking service through an interesting game, where the colored boxes appear in many of the boxes we have to choose one box of different colors with another . Span of time provided around minutes, if have score above or equal to 31, then you like a pilot, score 20 until 30 eye you normal category.


If 15 to 20 then the size of the speed and eye health is rather weak, and if the 15 down then here is said this may God help you, Check with your doctor immediately. The word that makes us afraid, then steemian friends keep your eyes healthy.

WhatsApp Image 2017-07-23 at 12.37.19.jpeg

May be useful. Successful greetings steemit and greetings community steemit Indonesia

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Pada postingan ini saya ingin membagikan bagaimana kita dapat mengukur level tingkat kesehatan mata kita.

bagi sahabat steemian jagalah kesehatan mata anda, sungguh sangat berharga karunia Allah SWT yang tak terhingga ini, begitu banyak keindahan yang kita lihat dengan mata yang tak bisa kita lukiskan ke sebuah lukisan. Ada yang mengatakan mata pintu menuju ke hati, memang benar kata-kata ini.

Dalam keseharian jagalah mata anda, jangan membaca di ruang gelap, perhatikan kecerahan cahaya, jika anda berpergian pakailah kacamata UV dan lainnya, dari segi makanan banyak mengkonsumsi wortel.

Mari kita tes mata anda, sebuah situs di , # memberikan sebuah layanan pengecekan mata melalui game yang menarik, dimana muncul kotak-kotak berwarna yang dibanyak kotak tersebut kita harus memilih salah satu kotak yang warnanya berbeda dengan lain. Rentang waktu yang disediakan sekitar menit, jika mempunyai skor diatas atau sama dengan 31, maka anda seperti seorang pilot, skor 20 sampai 30 mata anda kategori normal.

WhatsApp Image 2017-07-23 at 12.37.19.jpeg


Jika 15 sampai 20 maka ukuran kecepatan dan kesehatan mata sudah agak lemah, dan jika 15 kebawah maka di sini disitus ini dikatakan semoga tuhan membantumu, maka segeralah ke dokter. Kata yang membuat kita takut, maka sahabat steemian jagalah kesehatan matamu.

Semoga bermanfaat.
Salam sukses steemit dan salam komunitas steemit indonesia

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They all are really beautiful as always.


Hai @tuehanh .....i am not sure your humans, why are you commenting so fast, are you an autoresponder robot?

Nice luar biasa salam dari abu

Hi Muslem @slempase, thats was great post about eyea health. I'm not sure about my eyes health, because I feel one of them are feeling blur. That was my left eye. But I cant use glasses, I feel dizzy if I use it. About your links, I can finish it with high score, I think I hane no problem of color, but just blur one.
What about your eyes, is it good? Congrats @slempase very good post about health. Eyes was one of very impprtant of our indra.
I have followed you, please follow me back, upvote, comment, and reblog too. Glad to see you, keep posting, I have upvote your post, command and revlog too. Good luck @slempase,have a nice day.
Beat regards @azizali.

Thanks comment so long...i like you comments

Makasih @raziatulakmal17
..Terima kasih telah berkunjung

Terima kasih @kakilasak ..Sambil santai bisa kita cek akurasi dan fokus mata kita

Masih sehat. InsyaAllah :)

Dapat skor berapa bang @kakilasak
..Dapat skor status mata seorang pilot kan...Semoga kita selalu bisa menjaga kesehatan kita semua terlebih mata, yang merupakan anugerah yg sangat berharga

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