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RE: Great Moments In History Began With Baby "Steps" | Dealing With Racism As An Adoptee

in #healthy-home6 years ago

The racism thing is a big concern for us too. We hope to bring them up with enough to let it slide but it's sad that they and we have to endure it. Although to quote a song from one of my fav musicals "Avenue Q", "Everybody's a little racist sometime". That show is hilarious. Have you seen it?


I haven’t ... I’ll have to look it up! But I agree with that sentiment ... we all make judgments based on what we see. We just shouldn’t always act on them 😂

The tough part is that it’s so unexpected! I have friends who practice ahead of time. Thankfully, Matt’s used to it because of the comments I get.

As a side note, your son will definitely be watching how you handle those comments to figure out how he should respond. I remember my mom would get angry. My dad usually had some funny comment prepared (“doesn’t she look just like me?”) It wasn’t until I was out on my own that I realized I preferred being a “trainer” and tried to help people understand. Usually I’ll answer their questions with straightforward responses ... until it becomes a conversation where they’re just trying to get me to answer with the response they want to hear (like, “yes, I wish I hadn’t been adopted.” Or “I still feel connected with my culture.”)

I hadn't realised that you were adopted yourself. Its wonderful that you have two little ones of your own now. I think I will be straightforward, my hubby probably wittier lol. :)

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