Starting to use Actifit | Why don't you join my challenge?

in #healthier20196 years ago (edited)
Countless times I've tried to lose weight. Most of the times I've been able to do it.

On many occasions I've set for myself the goal of eating healthier. If it is a temporary goal, I manage to fulfill it.

But as I mentioned in some of my previous recent posts, I'm not 18 anymore and starting fit and healthy has become more of a challenge. I tried eating healthy a few weeks ago and i wasn't able to keep a strict regime and of course I didn't lose any weight.

The thing is, a few days ago I went to the doctor and got some pretty bad news, which means either I change my eating habits and stay active or I'm going to have serious problems.

That's why I creates the account @afitsoul. Get it? Cause I'm a Nomad soul but since this account will be about fitness, then I'm a fit soul. Get it? Yeah I know, it isn't that clever but I like it.

The challenge

The New year is at the next corner and I'm going to take this chance to have a healthier life in 2019 as one of my NY propositions. I know, I'm so basic it hurts, but I don't care.

Join me on this path to a healthier life!

Take a before picture of yourself and make an announcement post about starting to use Actifit for the #healthier2019 and set some goals for yourself like:

  • Losing X amount of kilos or pounds in Y amount of months.
  • Growing X% of muscle.
  • Losing X percentage of body fat.

These are just examples, the world is yours, set achievable goals for yourself and fulfill them during the next year!

Every Sunday you can make an update post about it using the tag #healthier2019 and I'll be curating those posts. For example, every Sunday I will upload my excercise routine for the next week, my diet, my current weight and body mass and perhaps I'll even upload a video of my excercise routine.

You can also post your @actifit report every day and join their discord channel for extra support and motivation.

So now you know, eat, drink and smoke as much as you want during 2018, because next year, it will be a #healthier2019.

I can't ask you to join a challenge and upload a "before" picture if I'm not balsy enough to do it myself, so here I am, as thumbnail and all, this is how I look right now.



MetricCurrent situationGoal
Weight90 kilos78 Kilos
BMI28.4Below 20
Cholesterol252Below 200
Triglycerides642Below 150
Lypids1250Below 750

The goals are to be achieved within 6 months, and then I will strive to mantain them for the rest of the year.

It's always easier to fulfill a goal if you write it down, so here I am, having the Blockchain as witness of this challenge.


Good luck homie!

I’ll be joining in on the action. My life depends on being healthy and I’m not doing the best job.

I may start making a weekly meal plan for anyone who wants to join.

Ahhh, now that would be very useful! I'm debating between going to a nutritionist appointment and have a specific diet for me. Good to see you're joining the little challenge man :)

The goals are to be achieved within 6 months, and then I will strive to mantain them for the rest of the year.

Imagine with hivemind or other dapps you could add the incentive of say rewarding commenters but the curation rewards of that get counted and added to a rewardpool instead. Then you make polls each time you make an update post and have people guessing if you're gonna make one of your goals or not, winners get the rewardpool in 6 months divided to the ones that guessed the right amount in all polls. :D

Oh man that would be amazing, perhaps there is a way of doing that without hive minds (although it will be harder and more complicated than just doing it through hive minds :( ).

I'm thinking of all the liquid of said posts can be towards everyone who, after 6 months, fulfilled their own goal, but I'm not sure if there's a way around the cheating (who's to say I truly lost 12 kilos? It could be easily rigged).

Damn, we desperately need these features that's been promised for so long

(who's to say I truly lost 12 kilos? It could be easily rigged).

If only we had a reputation system that worked better. xD

But for these low pools maybe you can get away with the benefit of the doubt that you won't cheat a little contest. :D

Lol, might as well try it out and see how it works out :D you should join :P

Health is not valued till sickness comes by Thomas Fuller
A healthy mind in a healthy body by Juvenal.
The importance of health cannot be stressed enough.

Hey nice quotes! And yeah, better late than never! :D

I've found the best way to get fit is to move. You have to find somewhere that you can walk to local places and actually do it. Biking works too, but it can't be too far, or you lose the motivation to go.

I'm thinking of exactly that, biking to a daily place I need to go (and can arrive sweaty) and then at night just hitting a local park and do some pullops, that should get me started at least (hopefully).

When I used to work out I would often randomly do "push ups" off walls and counters. It's far easier than a normal push up, but very effective, as I eventually managed to do over 100 push ups in one setting between that and weight lifting. The weight lifting obviously had more impact in the long term, but in the beginning, the random push ups off walls and counters had a huge effect. I could only do a few normal push ups at first. Very quickly I managed to do 10, then 20, etc.

Weight lifting is all well and good, but you often only do a few reps every other day. Spreading out a low intensity workout throughout the day gets your muscles into shape very quickly. It's like they know that they have to get in shape because you're not just gonna be doing an intense workout for a few minutes occasionally, you'll need them to work all the time.

Yes! I love this. I'm in. Just need to get over my horrible shyness of taking my own picture. And... um... I'll be wearing a whole lot more in my picture than you are in yours! I recently started Actifit and I love it. But I do need to get serious about my goals, so this is SO perfect. Thanks @anomadsoul, for creating the best challenges!

If you don't feel that comfortable then do that, use more clothing haha the point is to put it on the Blockchain do we can't back down from the challenge haha :* have a great New year @jayna, good to hear from you!

Exactly! Putting yourself out there and announcing your goals isn't easy, but it is awesome for accountability. Then you're like: "Damn, I just said I was going to lose weight and now I had better do it!" Thanks for the inspiration. My post is here:

You can do it, Eric! Using the @actifit app too and definitely need to burn some fat after two days (and a years) of excess! 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Ahaha definitely. I'm not one very keen on New year's propositions but this time is mandatory!

That's what they say every year 😂 good luck with the mandatory resolutions 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Good luck, Eric 😊 though I must say, I don't really see a problem with how you look.
Focus on the exercise and eating healthy. If you can develop a working out routine, you're set.

Posted using Partiko Android

I just need to go back to the days where I excercised a lot daily and are healthier (altought it's easier said than done haha) :P

I agree with you @honeydue at first glance thought the same!👀👍😁

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't know if I can do this - for no other reason than having to post a before picture. Great initiative though @anomadsoul! :)

It could be a picture with a shirt on if you don't feel that comfortable with a shirtless one! The idea is to start being healthier and have some extra motivation :D

I hope you achieve the goal of losing weight .... it is desperate to try and when you weigh yourself, not having lost anything! I say this from my own experience ... but now I do not have that problem anymore ...

Exactly! Especially when a few years ago it was easy as hell to lose weight haha, oh well, I guess adulting comes to bite all of us in the ass sooner or later haha

Bro, yo empece algo así hace un par de meses, alcohol, cigarro fuera, incluso empece una rutina de ejercicios. Aun así me puedo unir, quizás no proponiendome perder peso, más bien aumentarlo? Me gusta esta actitud que estás tomando, bieeeen, ♥

El alcohol es el principal agente de cambio aquí! Jajaja si lo dejamos implica un gran cambio, eso intentaré :P

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