in #healthchallenge6 years ago (edited)

Aside being a contest, this post might help you learn how you can also relieve stress. Stress seems to be an inseparable part of our day-to-day activities these days, especially for those of us who live in developing countries like Nigeria and would love to make ends meet. You just have to lay your hands on as many things you consider productive as possible. I am a medical student and my study here is very stressful. The curriculum is very big and the books voluminous. And you must read! Yea. No shortcut. In addition to my studies, I also try to make out time for steemit and other things I love doing or can earn some money from to support myself and my studies. It's not easy, even a bit. The stress is much. These are some of the things I do to de-stress after a stressful day or period.

A LITTLE WORK-OUT: Sounds weird right? Lol. It sure does work for me. Whenever I return from school or after a hectic day, I quickly take my bath and rush to a penthouse just a floor above where I live. We have some metal and iron bars we used to construct a crude gym. Lol. I stretch my muscles by lifting those irons. I do some press-ups and then skip around with a skipping rope. The concomitant feeling after is always great. My muscles relax. My mind calms down and my mood changes to a happy one. There is this 'life-is-good' feeling and satisfaction I derive; knocking the stress off my body.


WATCHING A ROMANTIC MOVIE OR COMEDY: This is my second line of action in relieving stress. I may watch any kind of good movie when I am not stressed out. However, I carefully select nice romantic movies or comedies when I want to relieve stress. What do the movies do for me? I see myself smiling uncontrollably and happily when I see a romantic scene. Lol. Also, good comedy movies leave me laughing heartily. They help to make me feel better. By the time the movie is over, I usually discover I am lightened up already and also re-energized. May be, hormones and other chemicals are released into my bloodstream at those happy moments making me to feel relieved by the time the movie is over.


I TAKE A COLD BATH AND TAKE A STROLL: Yea, this is another important thing I do especially after so much mental work. Mentally exerting work is more stressful to me than energy-demading work. I usually feel this 'hotness' in my head after studying for long hours or after doing other intellectually-demanding works. I take a cold bath after such works. I ensure I pour the cold water on my head many times. Then I take a stroll along the bush path near my hostel. I look at and appreciate nature and her endless beauty. Most times, I take pictures of interesting things I see. I always come back feeling better and without my head feeling hot.

Below are some of the pictures I took.



GISTING WITH FRIENDS: This helps me too to de-stress. When we gather to gist especially about football and politics, it helps me to cool off. The arguments, tantrums, name callings and jokes usually get everyone cracked up. Before the gists are over, the stress will be nowhere to be found. I go back to my room with a better mood.

These are the ways I de-stress myself. All of them may not work for you. What you should do is to try out things you find pleasure in when you are stressed out. If you meticulously do this, it will not take too long for you to discover the best way you can de-stress. Physical activities are the best way for you to relieve stress and have a better and sound mental health. You cannot function optimally when you are stressed. This underscores the importance of finding a way or ways to overcome stress whenever you experience it. I pray you discover how to do so if you have not yet. You may wish to try out mine and see if they can work for you.

Thanks for stopping by.

This is an entry for steemit weekly health challenge organised by @healthsquared. This is the main post for the challenge



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