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RE: Recapping our Series on Mercury Toxicity to Lead Into the Final Stage of Regaining Health - Detox!

in #health7 years ago

Nice post. I have stopped all fluoride intake but a four fillings, which are allamgamy (???) or something not sure if this is mercury as I don't go to the dentist anymore as they just seem to pump out filing when I have no pain or discomfort. Pulling coconut oil and washing do me fine :)


I would highly suggest you be very careful oil pulling if you have silver (amalgam/mercury) fillings in your mouth.

Why do you say that? Would really like to know because I have hear about the Coco Oil but I also have this silver amalgam in.

@juanmiguelsalas and @vibeof100monkeys I was mercury toxic from amalgam fillings with 15 of them total. I had a lot more than most people do, but at one point before I had them removed I was trying everything I could to increase my health so I could have them replaced. I tried oil pulling for three days and became violently ill from all the mercury that it was pulling from my fillings and circulating in my body. I know there are some people who only have one or two fillings that use oil pulling and don't have to drastic of side effects. After the three days I knew it was doing more harm to pull loose mercury than it was helping me and two days after I stopped one of my amalgam filling fell right out! It was one that was holding two pieces of a very broken tooth together so then I had an exposed nerve issue that became infected. After all that I did some research and it is just generally not recommended to do oil pulling with mercury fillings in because of how it affects the mercury. Do what you like but I would STRONGLY suggest you research diligently first :-)

I was just asking, do not want to do anything atm but look for some info about all this ... it is good to know ur experience. I will see how it is to get them out here. I need to know someone who know how to do it properly I suppose.

Yes get as much information as possible but BE SURE TO GET THEM OUT ASAP!

If you have any questions you can ask us any time.


Thanks a lot!!!
I need to see how I can do that here in Germany ... Til now I know I should ask for a special dentist who know how to remove them without problem ... It is right?

You can use this site to find a dentist that uses the SMART protocol to remove toxic fillings and keep you save, they have them listed for most countries.

Why it that? I think the amalgam I never got a choice. Hence I dont go to the dentist anymore teeth never felt better!

Yes, amalgam fillings are 50% mercury by weight and one of the most serious sources of mercury poisoning. Unfortunately it is still a standard of care to use amalgam fillings in "modern" dental practices in the US, and many dentists are not even educated on the risks of the neurotoxin they are regularly installing in people's mouths.

It's an extreme threat to public health and therefore extremely important for individuals to do their own research and learn about mercury for themselves!

I didn't get a choice here in the UK and they were badly put in. Have been to the dentist since and not needed a filling since. Would like to get the removed but could never afford it here!

I don't have a dentist as I don't agree with them. Last items i looked it was an 18 month waiting list. Then they will only remove if there damaged. So private is the only was and that costs thousands!

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