
Why do you say that? Would really like to know because I have hear about the Coco Oil but I also have this silver amalgam in.

@juanmiguelsalas and @vibeof100monkeys I was mercury toxic from amalgam fillings with 15 of them total. I had a lot more than most people do, but at one point before I had them removed I was trying everything I could to increase my health so I could have them replaced. I tried oil pulling for three days and became violently ill from all the mercury that it was pulling from my fillings and circulating in my body. I know there are some people who only have one or two fillings that use oil pulling and don't have to drastic of side effects. After the three days I knew it was doing more harm to pull loose mercury than it was helping me and two days after I stopped one of my amalgam filling fell right out! It was one that was holding two pieces of a very broken tooth together so then I had an exposed nerve issue that became infected. After all that I did some research and it is just generally not recommended to do oil pulling with mercury fillings in because of how it affects the mercury. Do what you like but I would STRONGLY suggest you research diligently first :-)

I was just asking, do not want to do anything atm but look for some info about all this ... it is good to know ur experience. I will see how it is to get them out here. I need to know someone who know how to do it properly I suppose.

Yes get as much information as possible but BE SURE TO GET THEM OUT ASAP!

If you have any questions you can ask us any time.


Thanks a lot!!!
I need to see how I can do that here in Germany ... Til now I know I should ask for a special dentist who know how to remove them without problem ... It is right?

You can use this site to find a dentist that uses the SMART protocol to remove toxic fillings and keep you save, they have them listed for most countries.

Why it that? I think the amalgam I never got a choice. Hence I dont go to the dentist anymore teeth never felt better!

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