Depression - The 7 Essentials to Cure Depression Forever

in #health7 years ago

The 7 Essentials to Cure Depression.jpg

How to Deal With Depression

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 9% of the men in the US have daily feelings of depression and anxiety! That is A LOT. About 147 million men live in the USA and 9% of that number is 13.219.650... MEN.

This is way too much for the USA. Think about it... the USA and other western countries have the highest living standards on the whole planet... so why is this number so damn gigantic? I know why it is that colossal and I know how to deal with depression.

1. Purpose

Create your own purpose. Leave a mark on this earth, you don't want to die with regrets because you only lived to make other people happy. What about yourself my friend?! It is your duty to make yourself happy! Your brain demands it! Your boss, your wife or children do not come first - you come first.

Here are some purposes:

-Becoming financially independent

-Becoming a boxing champion

-Becoming the most aesthetic person in your town

-Building and managing your own political party

-Helping animals in need

-Traveling the world to see where you want to live

2. Fun

Life is game. So have fun, for at least 2 hours per day. My way to have fun is to lift weights. Otherwise, I just work on my purpose - aka mission - the entire time. I think about my business more than I think about sex (no joke).

I am obsessed with it and that is good because the people that are obsessed with what they do will become the pioneers and grandmasters of tomorrow.

Whatever it takes. Get outside and do something you would never dare back then because you were too scared and you had a reputation to lose (which you don't care about anymore). Experience life, join the army, sign up at that next MMA gym around the corner.

(I recommend to not eat too much cake)

3. Philosophy

You will have to understand the world around you to understand yourself better - I recommend that you search for the truth. A good place to find that is the internet.

You have to know the answers. The red pill on Reddit is a good place to start because they are talking about society without the politically correct filter that prevents people from digging far enough.

You also have to develop critical thinking, don't just take one side - see both sides. You must develop mental strength through going out of your comfort zone (which will be never easier to leave because depression gives you a certain "I don't give a fuck" feeling.

4. Strength

Ever seen a big man crying? I didn't. Not even in movies. I have never seen a big man crying.

They don't because they did their time battling themselves in the gym while dealing with life like everyone else. They are tougher because they are training their bodies and their minds.

People want to be around strong people like monkeys are always around the alpha monkey. You can fight back. People make way for you. You walk with your eyes forward.

“What is the point of being on this earth if you are going to be like everyone else?” - Arnold Schwarzenegger

This is just one aspect of strength. The other one is mental strength. You accept that reality is cruel and wants to destroy you every chance it gets.

Make getting mentally strong a habit -> Laugh when people nag or challenge you. Sign up at your local hardcore gym and push through your limits, through your comfort zone.

5. Self-Reliance

Strength and independence (freedom) are masculine traits. You will have to become strong and independent and no one can hurt you. Self-reliance is the key to freedom.

You can easily set boundaries and appropriate consequences when you are completely self-reliant because you don't need people to feel complete and happy!

How to become strong & independent? You build your own business or find other ways to earn money to support yourself. There is a reason they call a certain amount of money "fuck you money" because, with it, you can always quit.

6. Self-Improvement

How can one be depressed and at the same time be better than ever before? Become better every day and beat depression through mastery and the use of this guide.

Improve everything. Your mental and physical strength in the gym, your knowledge with books, talk to strangers to get good at socializing, learn every day.
Afraid of burning out for your business? Still, do it. Afraid of fainting while working out? Still, do it. Afraid of talking to that woman? Do it, do it, do it.

7. Repeat

Here is the list that you have to obey to get rid of depression for once and for all!

1. Create/Work on your purpose

2. Have fun for at least 2 hours per day

3. Learn or improve a valuable skill (for example copywriting)

4. Lift weights at least 3x per week

5. Become independent through your activities and knowledge

6. Improve yourself, read books, improve your style, learn to fight

7. If you have negative thoughts you must refocus on this list. Maybe 100 times per hour.

8. Repeat everything

9. Enjoy the process of becoming a successful, healthy and wealthy free man

Conclusion: I didn't suffer from depression in 3 years after I had depression for 12 years. This list works for me. I am however not sure if it works for clinical depression which is still a myth and not confirmed.
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This post gives me so much life. #1 on the list is my go to. It's what I have been doing heavily since burning out. I have made up in my mind that I will only move in the direction of my purpose and things that bring me energy. I am learning to remove life draining things out of my life. For #2 you should check out this book called "Play It Away" by Charlie Hoehn. It is basically the embodiment of #2. Brilliant read.

This post deserves a resteem.

I struggled with depression for 13 years. People claim that "Man up" does not help, but it really did in my case. Therapy was a waste of time, medication was a waste of sanity and even a stay in a clinic for psychotherapy was a waste of time. Well not really, I learned what does not work.

I am really glad that you like this post. I have by the way coached men for half a year and helped men where normal therapy didn't help. I stopped doing it because the negativity & sadness affected me. I learned that I can not just disconnect from what they say, some stories were really hardcore and when they start crying in front of you its just not what I want for the rest of my life.

I will surely check that book out. Is it about why fun keeps us sane?

Here are books that helped me to overcome depression

-Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
-No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert Glover
-Total Recall by Arnold Schwarzenegger
-The way of Men by Jack Donovan
-Becoming a Barbarian by Jack Donovan
-The Complete Transmissions by Paul Waggener
-Mastery by Robert Green

Yea carrying others burdens is a tough task and when I get new books it feels like christmas. Thanks for the list.

They will change your life, the information and knowledge in these books are on a level with Nietzsche and above. Incredibly powerful books.

Do you have more tips that help to deal with depression? :)

your post alywas very beautiful....i enjoy your post...,

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