Depression - 9 Politically Incorrect Reasons Why You Are Depressed & How to Fix Them

in #health7 years ago (edited)

9 Reasons Why You Are Depressed.jpg

Most men in the west feel that something is wrong but they can not tell why they feel that way. The purpose of this text is to expose these 9 rather “secret” reasons to you so that you can help yourself with the help of this article.

1. Feminism

Feminism made people jump on you when you are arguing in public with women. Feminism gives women jobs because they are women aka you not getting the job because they company needs to hire a woman. Feminism means that women get away with as free people while men would get 13 years for it. Feminism means that you have to obey women at all cost.

Solution: Be politically incorrect and don't follow the rules of the empire of nothing which is our automated ridiculous anti-male dead society.

2. Divorce

Divorce destroyed many men and men are still getting married. Warren Buffet says that you don't need to get experience in some things because you can learn from the experience from others.

Solution: Never get married, when you are divorced it is too late! And when you are divorced don't make the mistake to marry again.

3. Feminized Music

Too much depressing music nowadays on the radio. Men are crying in those songs, you don't understand what they are singing & they are objectified and treated like doormats by women in these videos.

Solution: Turn off the radio, sell your TV and listen to music on Youtube.

4. No Purpose

People think that having a job is a purpose. No, it ain't a purpose. A purpose is something you wake up for in the morning and which you think about when you go to sleep. For example becoming financially independent to finally build a group house so you can hang out with your Männerbund.

Solution: Find something you love to wake up for and which you dream about when you go to Sleep. Write down what you love doing and then look on the Internet on how to make money with that.

5. No Identity

People in our society have no identity. They are nobodies because they don't belong to a place. Being a father or a "Salesman" is no identity.
An identity is something you have in your family, in your männerbund.

Solution: Become a part of something larger than yourself.

6. Working a 9-5 Job

“How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 8:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so?" -Charles Bukowski

Solution: Become Self-Employed online or make enough money here on Steemit! That means hustle your ass off to be able to quit the 9-5.

7. Using the Car for Every Meter

Too many people use the car for every meter and then they wonder why they get fat and their hormones go crazy. They get high blood pressures, they get lazy & they forget how awesome it is to talk.

Solution: Stop using the car when you want to go grocery shopping or when you walk to the gym or visit someone.

8. A Bad Died Consisting of Sugar, Soy & Too Many Carbohydrates

A bad diet consisting of sugar, soy & too many Carbohydrates will make you fat and increase the estrogen household of men. With other words, these men become more neurotic & get man-boobs.

Solution: Replace Sugar with Protein-Snacks (For example protein bars), Replace Soy with healthy Carbohydrates like potatoes, rice & noodles and don't eat too much of that either.

9. Lack of Meaningful Relationships

People nowadays have no more friends or people they can call brothers. That is because people don't take their time to meet with their friends or they simply have none.

Solution: Find people you enjoy hanging out with other the internet and meet them. If you for example like lifting weights then sign up at the gym. If you like to build a group of men who improve themselves on a daily basis you look in self-improvement niches on the internet and meet them.

Conclusion: Fix these things and you will live a much better life. Not even your therapists will tell you these things because these are solutions and they stop making money from you if you fix your problems.
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Depressed priorities can create only a depressed mind, by design; so I recommend that you recognize the link between 1. your motivation, and 2. your motivations.

Do you know more tips to fix depression? I will add them to the list!

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