A 30 km (19 mi) Longboarding Tour From Vienna's City Centre Beyond Town Limits and Back [Week Five of Six Week Health Challenge]

in #health7 years ago (edited)

For today's activity i chose longboarding and my favorite route to the Aupark, a riparian forest in Klosterneuburg. The beauty about this route is that I can ride the whole tour from the city center to the city limit and beyond the whole time on the board.

First I got myself a new set of bearings, because I never changed them in all those years. In this case the cheapest are actually the best, everybody loves the Bones REDS, they are the most durable.


The service guy gave me some tips how I could even use my old ones, which stil were good to go. He removes the red rings so that the bearing balls are completely free. Once a month he puts one drop of a special cleaner into them. The dust enters easier but also comes easier out. After a few turns my old ones ran smooth again, so now I have a spare set :)

My setup comsists of Carver CX.4 Trucks, they are made for pumping, that is you can ride it like a surfboard.
The front truck has a special geometry, you load the bushing by steering to one side and it snaps back with additional help of your hips and core muscles. In that way you can ride the board solely with the strength of your core, without using one leg for pushing. On a flat and smooth street I can build up quite a speed that way! Doing that for a few kilometers is a very good core workout :)

The rear truck Is a reverse kingpin so it is stable enough to ride the board in the traditional way too. The trucks are a little higher to prevent wheel bite. With the Loaded Poke, a relatively short and broad board I got a very versatile setup, commuting through the city, pumping, doing tricks with the kicktail, and speeding on slopes.

I also got myself sliding wheels, but I'm a footbreaker 4 life, so a pair of skater sneakers with a flat sole are also part of my equipment.

Before every ride I tighten all the screws (same applies to snowboards) because they can get loose with time through the vibrations acting on the board.

Last but not least you can see a helmet on the desk, which I urge everyone to wear, especially if you are a beginner, and if you are really clumsy when falling, a full face helmet, elbow, knee and wrist protectors should also be in your repertoire.

All clear now to take the board for a ride, lets go!
First down the Mariahilfer Street and along the Vienna Ring.


I posted a lot of the Vienna Ring in my bike ride post, so I show you the Danube Canal next.


Is it golden hour already? I planed the tour for the morning but plans and me don't mix that well :)


This trucks are made for pumping, so I show you how this works, the front pin is vertical, look how specific the axe moves.


A little downhill, remember though that this is not a downhill board, 50 km/h(30mph) should be ok, but especially with this trucks I would tighten the bushings. I got the Orangatang 4 President wheels with the lowest durometer to have a smoother ride over all the cracks and pebbles in the city. They got a good mixture between sliding capabilities, grip and speed.


I'm always astonished how talented some of those street artists are.



Boats everywhere.


Swan lake, but as beautiful as they are, we are on a mission to move.



Its getting colder outside of Vienna as you can clearly see by the ice.



Got myself carried away, but I have 15 km to return and a lot of it uphills :)


I just love swans.



Back in Vienna, but stil a long way to the centre.


From the skyline in the background I got stil 5 km to go.



Looks like a scenery from A Westside Story.



Townhall, same sight, different means of transportation.


I'm glad to live in a country where woman can communicate their rights.


Endspurt, legs where a little shacky at the end, not so much from the length but pushing uphills really burns the standing quadriceps and the pushing calf.


The whole tour was 30 km/19 mi in length and took me slightly less than 3 hours at a relaxing pace. Since a couple of seasons I ride exclusively goofy stand, that means with the right leg in front, to be proficient on both sides and for symmetry. It's astonishing that my weaker side still didn't catch up although I don't ride regular stance at all anymore.

Big thanks @sweetsssj and @healthsquared, you give me the kick I need to pursue my beloved activities:)

Until next time,


This is so super coolioooo!

War wirklich nett Dich endlich kennenzulernen 💃

Dankeschön 😀 Ja war super das Meetup und ich fand die Gespräche sehr erfrischend, hat mich sehr gefreut auch dich näher kennenzulernen 🙇🏻‍♂️

Cooler Post! Hast nen Upvote ;)
Fahre selbst ein Loaded TanTien Flex 2 mit den gleichen Wheels. ^^
Welche Trucks kannst du zum bumpen denn empfehlen? Tue mich da mit meinem langen Board und den momentanen Achsen noch soo schwer..^^ aber geht schon

Hab ich auch, das Model vor dem Update und mit purple Wheels, verwende ich aber kaum eben wegen diesen Trucks :) Pumpen geht aber, hab einen gesehen der das macht und dann selber auch probiert, halt nicht zu fest einstellen und am besten bergab und kurze Strecken :) Mit meinem Setup gehts Kilometer weit auf ebener Strecke. Ich hab die Carver CX.4, die sind ein bischen stabiler z.b. für Fakies. Wenn du aber am ultimativen Surffeeling interessiert bist dann die Carver C7, schnellster und smoothigster pump. Sind beide aber 150er Trucks, könnte zu Wheelbite beim Tan Tien führen, Riser Pads sind aber dabei.

Setup auf ther loaded homepage:

• Tan Tien Deck
• Paris V2 180 / 50° Trucks
• 70mm Stimulus (80a, orange) Wheels
• Bearings, bearing spacers, hardware

Sehr geil! Danke :D Pumpen ist halt schon echt geil um längere Strecken zu fressen..^^
Mir sind meine Trucks nur leider jetzt schon zu weich für n manual oder nose manual.
Darauf muss ich beim Pumpen dann wohl ganz verzichten..^^
Was hälst du von double trucks? die c7 gehen ja schon in die Richtung :)

Die Sidewinders habe ich nie probiert, hab gelesen das die Turns nicht so authentisch sind wie von den C7ern, die kenn ich aber auch nicht. Würd mich reizen beide mal auszuprobieren. Nachteil ist halt das du 2 Bushings pro Truck hast und viel mehr Verschleiß denk ich.

Joo! Vielleicht komm ich mal an beide, dann hau ich n Test raus :D
Das kann natürlich sehr gut sein!

Super post ! Das schaut sehr änlich zu dem Boostedboard, hast du so was probiert ?

Danke, nö noch nicht probiert, bin noch auf manuellem Antrieb und hab immer noch einen Muskelkater im linken Wadl :)

Nice ride to take us along with you. This is a beautiful story @street.yoga. I enjoyed your photo essay style with the Giffs and images in between. I especially loved the golden hour landscape and the mural. What a lovely city to live in :)

You are very welcome my dear! I'm glad I could capture a moment on my tour to please your emotions.

I must get myself a longboard (for that great core work out). But first to find a flat piece of road to practice on. Or move to Vienna.

This are special pumping trucks, I saw people pumping with regular trucks too, but in the beginning it will be more of a leg workout:)

Love the way to told the story of this ride man. I like the little gif's showing parts of the journey!
I've been working to bring all my friends from the longboarding community to Steemit, because so many of them are great content creators who have been so far doing it for nothing.
If you want to help / get all your longboard posts promoted, I am building a facebook group called Longboarding on Steemit, to try to grow our accounts all together. Would love for you to join.
Also I voted on and resteemed your post!

Thank you for your support, a longboard community on steemit would be great. You should create a discord channel as well, since I am on steemit I barely have the motivation to visit facebook :)

Great idea, you make a good point!
Done and done, here it is: https://discord.gg/q44v7Z

wieder mal ein top post! :)

Man tut was man kann :)

Ich komm in letzter Zeit überhaupt nicht mehr zum Posten... Wir sehen uns beim Stammtisch, right? CU

this looks like fun, Vienna is such a beutiiful city, ive spent 2 years there over all the times I have been there. They just opened an apple store, the first in Austria.

Glad you enjoyed your stay. The more I explore the city, the more I like it.

used to do this by bike... quite tough if it's windy!

This post has received a 0.22 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

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