The Harmful Parasite that is Living Inside of 250 Million Americans - Part 2steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health8 years ago (edited)

85-90% of Americans have a very harmful parasite living inside of them. How did it get there? Who put it there? Why is it there?


Welcome to Part 2


Part 1 began in the year 1900 and ended in 1981 when Donald Rumsfeld (CEO of G D Searle, now a subsidiary of Pfizer Pharmaceutical), Samuel Skinner and Arthur Hull Hayes Jr colluded to have FDA approval for Aspartame granted - a food additive that scientists knew was toxic, and unfit for human consumption from as early as the year 1808.

These men (and their predecessors) manipulated the system for themselves and the big food conglomerates and hid critical and damning data from the FDA. G D Searle funded 100 scientific studies on Aspartame and the mice that they tested the product on became sick, developed tumours and died pre-maturely. Searle hid these facts from the studies that they presented to the FDA and submitted that Aspartame was safe for human consumption - they lied and no-one has been prosecuted or spent time in jail, they never do - they are doing what they are told to do - they are protected, encouraged and promoted every step of the way.

Aspartame (artificial sweetener), other refined sugars, preservatives and unnatural elements have worked their way into practically every non-whole food that you see today - and they are making us sick and killing us. Most people then put their faith in Big Pharma drugs in the hope that they will counteract the damage that these poisons have done to their bodies but they are only introducing more toxins into their bodies - that's some business model and they are making out of it at every opportunity.

What they are doing now is even worse - because they know more than they did yet they still aren't addressing the core issue. They are about to inflict a whole new kind of hurt on you (if they haven't already) and this new global agenda is already in full swing and it is just another deception in this sorry and sordid tale.

Don't forget to read Part 1 - Let Part 2 Begin!

Truth Fears No Investigation - Let's Investigate

2013 - More Lies & More Pain


The year is 2013 and Governments have been found out and are now trying to sell us the illusion that they are trying to clean up the mess that they created.

In March 2013, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg kicks starts things by banning the sale of sodas over 16 ounces. While that was a start, it was little more than a token gesture.

In September 2013, Paul van der Velpen, the head of Amsterdam's Health Services spoke out and called sugar an addictive drug that should be tightly regulated. He said:

This may seem exaggerated and far-fetched, but sugar is the most dangerous drug of the times and can still be easily acquired everywhere.

Mr Van der Velpen cites research claiming that sugar, unlike fat or other foods, interferes with the body's appetite creating an insatiable desire to carry on eating, an effect he accuses the food industry of using to increase consumption of their products.

Paul van der Velpen was right!

Sugar Tax

sugar tax.jpg

How does the government now fix the problem that they helped to create? Tax us of course - after-all, it our fault for trusting them. That is how the minds of these psychopaths work.

Taking Bloomberg's lead, in September 2013, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto proposed a 10% per liter tax on all soft drinks, with the 'intention of reducing the number of patients with diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases' in Mexico, which has one of the world's highest rates of obesity.

With the intention of taking more money out of the pockets of the lower and middle class via yet another tax is what he meant to say.

What is the outcome that we see in Mexico after two years of sugar taxation?

Mexico Sugar Tax - Wall Street Journal.jpg

No surprises here, sugar is more addictive than cocaine and heroin as you saw in Part 1

Denmark instituted a soft drink tax in the 1930s, but announced in January 2013 that they were abolishing it because it was ineffective. We only had to look to Denmark to know that a sugar would not work yet now we have governments all over the world discussing or implementing sugar taxes - and they know that it won't work.

France, Hungary, Ireland, Mexico, Norway, South Africa and the United Kingdom either have sugar tax legislation implemented or soon will, and many other countries like Australia are discussing its introduction now - is this happening in your country? I guarantee you that if you haven't heard of sugar tax yet you soon will.

While the US doesn't have a nationwide sugar tax Berkeley, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Oakland, Albany (CA), Boulder and Cook County, Illinois have introduced their own sugar taxes with more cities expected to come onboard soon.

Closing Thoughts


If the first two articles have taught us anything it is that our government and corporations are intentionally killing us and that we can't believe one word they say.

Part 3 will dive straight into exposing the damage that these sugars are doing to our bodies and I will name the parasite that is growing inside of so many people today as it slowly but surely kills billions of people from the inside out.

This was a shorter post for two reasons. Some people said that Part 1 was a bit long. The other being that we have reached a hard-fork in the story. Please let me know in the comments if you prefer the longer or shorter format.

Is there a sugar tax in place, or being discussed in your part of the world? Let me and everyone else know what's going on in your neck of the woods please.

Thank you for reading my post and I hope that it was a blessing to you. I look forward to sharing Part 3 with you shortly.

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Part 1 - The Harmful Parasite that is Living Inside of 250 Million Americans

EXPOSED: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


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Big Pharma Spends Much More $$$ On Marketing Than It Does On Research - Fact


Sugar the Most Dangerous Drug of the Times - Dutch Study

Daily Telegraph - Sugar is addictive and the most dangerous drug of the times

Soda Sales in Mexico Rise Despite Sugar Tax

Wikipedia - Sugary Drinks Tax

Images: 1 2 3 4


Where is part 3?

I'm working on it now. I took a 6 month break after posting part 2. Follow me and I will post it soon.

Already done.

I feel like this kind of content lends itself well to long form. But it's your series, I'm just along for the ride. I haven't even bothered looking up the parasite you allude to because I want to read it through your series. Good work, keep it up!

Thank you for the encouragement and feedback. Your preference has been noted. I'll name the parasite and what it does in the next post. I'm glad that you have patience.

Can't wait to read about this parasite, I usually research research research, and most of the info about sugar is new, but I'm gonna hold off until the end to see how insidious the PTB are.
I didn't log on most of the weekend and I was so happy to see this first in my feed of 60 items, thank you for writing this and can't wait to hear the next part, (last part?).
There's a little typo in the Denmark sugar tax paragraph, me thinks you meant to say, because it was ineffective :).

Not long to wait now. I'll name it in the next post. I foresee two more posts, maybe more depending on the length of it.

We now know how it got there and who put it there so that is two boxes ticked. The next one name it and what it is doing to our bodies. Then I'll provide solutions which will probably be another post.

Denmark typo has been corrected, thanks for letting me know.

Have an awesome day!

Aspartame is in part excreted by a genetically modified bacteria, with an added amino acid.
It is not technically GMO because there is no modified DNA in the final product. Still, it is not naturally produced. It is, however, still able to be classed under the label "natural flavoring".

Aspartame has also been found to be carcinogenic by the European Ramazzini Foundation
The FDA, predictably, does not concur.

Hello again
Tried again to chat with you. Again steemit chat required a user name and password. I had registered last week and when I tried to sign in with the user name and password I had just registered with, it said user name not found or incorrect password. I had just put it in and wrote it down for my own records. Tried again today, same thing.

I know you said you "registered last week" but I hope you didn't get confused and think that uses the same login as steemit chat. Steemit chat is different login/pass from stemit blockchain, you must register through steemit chat for username.

Yes, I went directly to "steemit chat" and registered with different user and PW

Shame. I am also on discord if that helps? No stress - we'll get there.

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