EXPOSED: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Part 1

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Comparing the CDC’s Stated Pledge, Mission & Role against Historical Evidence, Track Record & Case Studies.

Welcome to Part 1 of this series. This is an issue close to my heart and I'm genuinely excited to have you join me as we take a closer look at the The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from angles that the lame stream media and Gov't sweep under the carpet.

Truth Fears No Investigation - Let's Investigate!


I can already see some of the CDC apologists beginning to consider their response/defense of the CDC in the comments section. Let's put this to bed right out of the gate in Part 1 so that we can spend the rest of our time focusing on the historical evidence and data.

I'm the first to acknowledge that the CDC has done some good things. If it was all lies then it would be too easy to spot the lies, cover-ups and propaganda - propagandists know this all to well so they typically mix fact with fiction so as to disguise their propaganda (Rule 101 - never forget this).

By now we should already know now that the CDC, Big Pharma, Gov't and Media has plenty of propagandist fanboys at their disposal - let's not kid ourselves.

Propaganda Sponge Bob.jpg

I'm not one of them - if you want propaganda switch over to CNN, Fox or any number of compromised media outlets > forget that you ever read this > and bury your head back in the sand. I'm going to share some of the things that they 'forgot' to tell you and let you arrive at your own conclusions.

If you like propaganda @steemtruth isn't for you.

Let's begin with some background on the CDC - it's origins date back to 1798 when it's great-grandaddy was known as the United States Public Health Service.

The United States Public Health Service (PHS) was founded in 1798. The Public Health Service Act of 1944 was structured as the primary division of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW; which was established in 1953), which later became the United States Department of Health and Human Services in 1979–1980. The PHS comprises all Agency Divisions of Health and Human Services and the Commissioned Corps, including the CDC.

Now let's take a look at the CDC website to see what they publicly state they are (or should) be doing - in Part 2 we will begin examining the historical evidence, track record and case studies of the CDC and compare them side by side - and let the the cards fall where they may.

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That's what the CDC website says - this is the most 'boring' post of the series so a Big Thank You for reading this far and sticking with it - we needed to get this post out of the way because we'll be referencing back to the Stated Mission, Role and 'Pledge to the American People' of the CDC in the coming days - we must keep them accountable!

Part 2 will take a look at some of the historical evidence as we begin to peel back the layers and expose the underbelly of the CDC so that you can arrive at an informed decision.

My Daddy always told me - there are two sides to every story. In a court of law we have a prosecution and a defence - so that a jury can hear both sides of the story before arriving at a conclusion, hopefully the correct one! If you found two kids fighting/arguing in the schoolyard would you sentence one of them before hearing both sides?

Far too often we forget to apply these very basic principles to our every day lives.

The lame stream media keep 'telling' us what to think/believe and they keep ramming their agendas down our throats.

Enough is enough - I can't be bought - I won't be bought - I am not controlled opposition - it's time to get to work!

I'm here to share the other side, always!

If you enjoyed this post please share it. All Comments, Upvotes and Follow's are greatly appreciated. They will allow me to keep investigating and sharing truth and that's all that I want to do! Thank you for reading my post and for giving me a few minutes of valuable time today. It's greatly appreciated!

Stay tuned (and follow me) if you wish to be notified when Part 2 goes live.

If you have any research data, ideas, links or points to add to this expose' please share them in the comments section below.

Some background posts that you Must See

Robert De Niro says - "EVERYONE MUST SEE VAXXED" on NBC Today Show

Jim Carrey Demands the Removal of Mercury from Vaccines


I haven't researched vaccines in the context of the current debate, but I'd rather have a vaccine than polio.

Remember scientific agencies like the CDC report to politicians so their mission is tricky. For example; I was once at training for an ongoing joint-study conducted by a few different three-letter agencies regarding bacteria in our food supply, and I asked why we weren't including a particularly nasty one... .the reply being it was too politically sensitive to include. So they do the best they can knowing Congress will spike any findings that offend too many lobbyists. That's our system.... gotta love it! ;-)

The question isn't only about whether to vaccine or not though that is an important one that each parent must make. The other problem is parents being forced to have their children injected with 3 vaccines in 1 injection because Merck has the patent for MMR but not for the single vaccines. If you dig deeper you will find that very few 'CDC/mercury/aluminium opponents' are anti-vaccine. They simply want to be given the choice to have their children vaccinated with single vaccines, and space them out responsibly. Please view my other posts for more info on this.

You've also hit the nail on the head, while passing the buck and exonerating Gov't employees - and that's one of the biggest problems that we have today - right down the line people are be so easily bought, manipulated and controlled.

The buck has to stop somewhere and all too often it's the brave whistleblowers that step up to the plate to become the martyrs for truth. We've all seen what the 'system' does to them, yet they still do it - that's quite the disincentive for a potential whistleblower to speak out.

The vast majority of people working for the Gov't are very good people. and to be fair, most of them don't know what is going on higher up in the chain of command - but enough do as it only takes one. Surely some of them have inclingings that something isn't right, or that certain things don't add up for them - I would hope that they ask questions and keep asking questions until they are satisfied with the answers.

That's why we need to have uncomfortable conversations. People need to wake up, one conversation at a time and it's our job to help facilitate that any way that we can.

The buck has to stop somewhere - we can't keep kicking the can down the road while simultaneously making excuses for other people and expect change. The buck stops with you, and me and every one else.

If the politicians won't stand up - and the Gov't employees won't stand up - then who is left to stand up other than us?

Thanks for your comment. I really appreciate it and for the record you didn't say anything that I thought was wrong. You gave me an opportunity to share a few more of my thoughts/perspectives and I'm grateful to you for giving me that opportunity.

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