To track or not to track? Tracking my obsession with self-tracking....

in #health6 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: To track or not to track? Tracking my obsession with self-tracking....

I've moved to Hive, along with most other people, following Justin Sun's takeover of Steem in the Spring of 2020. I believe hive is a lot more decentralised than Steem!


I guess tracking or monitoring anything puts you in a better position to make changes (if you want to) or be reassured that you're on the right track anyway and don't really need to think about it.
I tracked food and drink intake for a while and noticed some interesting patterns that I hadn't been aware of. When I'm working I can get very involved in what I'm doing and either forget to eat or eat any rubbish that comes to hand without really noticing. I had the strange experience of filling the fridge at the weekend "not seeing" the food during the week and then being surprised by all the stuff that was there the following weekend. I try and have proper mealtimes now, preferably sitting down at a table, and I only buy food for a few days at a time apart from staples.
It was also quite interesting tracking a small number of accounts that posted in #needleworkmonday as part of the #minnowuprising - watching patterns that emerged (all pretty predictable) but also finding out things about my own account (like I was actually quite good at curation) and making changes.
So, I would agree: tracking what you are tracking from time to time is a good idea :)

Food intake is something I'm deliberately not tracking atm - I had my lunch @11.30 today and then an ice cream sundae for actual lunch... I know it's a ting though.

Yr right that blogging is a form of tracking!

I find the whole thing fascinating... so fascinating that I think I'm just gonna make this 'my thang' on steemit.

Tracking yr self tracking habitz... Although I'm not sure if this is a healthy circle!

Posted using Partiko Android

This just made me laugh! Have you been eating blue Smarties?

No - just on a MASSIVE sugar high

Posted using Partiko Android

I am also keen on tracking and recording. Particularly finances.

Spreadsheets can be so useful to get a real picture of what is going on - and to modify behaviours accordingly.

Host of Here Comes The News on MSP Waves Radio.

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

I couldn't agree more... expenditure tracking has changed my life... I need to get back to my 'no spend days' challenge at some point soon!

Posted using Partiko Android

I am for tracking, the data is very powerful in terms of what you can apply it to enhance your life (i.e health and money) and keep you more accountable.

It fascinates me... it has to be a growth area going forwards too!

Posted using Partiko Android

Tracking can definitely be beneficial and give you a clearer picture on your life. Currently I track money and exercise.

I think it works as a life enhancer, as a general rule!

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah, yes. I'm a tracker too. For me, it's been money and studying that has been the most transforming.
I used to have a fitbit and while it was fun to see how much I had walked (often 30k+ when my little one was a baby) it didn't encourage me to do more or less.
I've found that if I try to track 'spiritual' things as you call them, then that makes them less worth although not entirely worthless. Mainly because I start doing them for the tracking and not for the activity itself.

I've heard other people say that about steps and young kids.

As to the spirituality thing, I think it does have that tendency, yes!

Posted using Partiko Android

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