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RE: The History Of Vaccines Series

in #health7 years ago

Vaccines, man this one should be more hot then it is. Personally I don believe the current 'schedule' they have for children is for the benefit of their health. You hit the nail on the head tying the poverty, poor working conditions and hygiene of people affected by these disease they created vaccine for. The fall of these diseases coincide with better water treatment and labor laws that created less free radicals to enter the frail and hungry of these days. They claim it was vaccines that was the key to this. Since I dont see these conditions as a threat to my children in this day and age I do not vaccinate them. I will never understand the argument of well my kid who is vaccinated is in danger from your unvaccinated child,lol. I have no problem keeping them home if there be a rubella/measles/mump/hepa,b,c outbreak. Thank you for sharing this.RESPECT


I will be going into herd immunity later on in the series once I cover the history f vaccines. In the past vaccines were made of horse hoof pus, cow pus and the pus of smallpox from other people. We can't imagine putting that in our body now. However, from what I've read we are putting horrible things in our body with the so called safe vaccines. I won't go into this issue now. My focus is on the base of beliefs built on to support our modern vaccine ideology.

Right on. I will continue to take in the info you offer. Hoof pus, wtf? Sometimes humans are dumb as F. I find it scary how easy the majority of people just accept what they are told by people they think they can trust. Ask questions for Fsake.

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