Could you be protein deficient? Here are the hidden signs.

in #health7 years ago

Hello everyone, Today I'll cover the basic nutrition of Bodybuilding.

Yep you guessed it correct. PROTEIN

People in fitness industry know the foremost importance of protein.

Protein is composed of long-chain amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle. I'll not go into the science and chemical composition behind.

How do you know if you're eating enough? Here are my top 5 signs to check whether you are lacking in it:
Below are some symptoms that can be related to inadequate protein.

This is a general list and there are many others.

1.You have low energy and suffer from fatigue.

You need to be eating protein at every meal and snack to keep your blood sugar levels intact and therefore provide you with sustainable energy every day.

2.Food cravings.

One of protein's most critical functions is keeping your blood sugar steady—which means if you're lacking, your glucose levels will be all over the place, encouraging you to reach for a quick fix like candy. Thus people make wrong decisions and eat too many carbohydrates which causes insulin spikes and dips.

3.Your muscles feel weak and you have poor workout recovery.

You’re probably already aware that protein is needed to build new muscle mass. That's why it is recommended to eat protein after post-workout. A low protein diet can result in muscle wasting meaning even though your training is intense you won't see any results.

4.Thin hair and weak nails.

If you want super strong and healthy nails it's all about the protein! Although, keep in mind, this can also be a sign of other conditions, like thyroid trouble.

5.You feel anxious and moody.

Amino acids are the building blocks for neurotransmitters which control your mood. Proteins help the brain produce hormones like dopamine and serotonin that help bring on positive feelings like calm, excitement and positivity. That's why it is recommended to do at least 30 min of workout every day. It can be cardio, weight training, sprinting, etc.

Where can I get quality protein from?

  1. If you're eating processed foods and lots of carbs and sugars, start replacing those with whole foods like fresh meat, fish, chicken, dairy, eggs, plus whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. There's great protein in plant foods as well as in animal products.
  2. If you're vegan, great protein sources include whole grains, lentils, soy, beans, nuts, seeds, and vegetables.
  3. If you don’t like protein foods or you are a vegan, consider a whey protein powder. That is equivalent to eating 4 whole eggs. All you have to do is gulp down a shake.

The question is how much protein do I need?
Some studies show that 56 grams per day for men, and 46 grams per day for women is sufficient.

But the “right” amount of protein depends on many factors, including activity levels, age, muscle mass, and current state of health. Like if you are heavily into weight training, you may need one gram of protein per pound of body weight. So for 150 lb you need 150g of protein.

Personally I feel like you need a gram of protein per kilo of body weight. So if you weigh 60 kilos you need to eat 60 grams of protein. That amount can be easily consumed per day.

Thanks for reading. :)
Stay tuned for more!!!

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Sure. I'll definitely check. Cheers :)

There's also alternative for lactose intolerant people as you mentioned Whey's soy based protein powder, basically whey made out of soy. And it really depends what are your goals but for beginners I think kilo per body weight is good. Good stuff.

Whey cannot be made from soy, it's from milk. Soy is plant based protein.

Yeah, soy is plant based protein. For lactose intolerant, there are animal protein, soy protein.
Soon, I'll be making a article on whey protein for dummies. But, thanks for the review.

I didn't say whey is made from soy, I said there's alternative protein powder made from soy which is basically like whey but from soy. And that's what I'm using. I know what whey and soy is. I maybe complicated a bit but you'll understand.

A slight misunderstanding there. No worries, cheers mate :)

No prob, do you have any real food alternative suggestion for whey? That is really good after the workout, absorbed fast and low on fat?

You can try chicken breast which is really lean source. You get approx 30gm protein per 100gm chicken breast. That's more than a scoop can offer. But if you are in hurry, Protein powder are best alternatives, specially for people like me. :)

Great, thanks!

Such good information. Everything you've written definitely ✔'s out and I have been reading the same info everywhere for the past 3 years. This is real helpful for you beginning people!

Glad you liked it. :)

Great post! I was particularly interested reading about the muscle fatigue symptom. I have gotten that a lot. I don't do the protein powders though. You gotta be really careful with those and make sure you are not taking them too much because it could mess up your kidneys because they have to work extra hard to metabolize those powders. I ended up having temporary problems with my kidneys because of it. Now, I get my protein from fish, chicken and soy milk.

That's a very good source of protein and that to lean protein. That's the problem with protein powder, you have to be very careful while consumption. I take those on heavy workout sessions, and post workout. I scoop per day is sufficient to meet your goals. Glad you liked the post. :)

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