Reaching Peak Frustration With Doctor Negligence & Medical Incompetence: Desperation & Despair At 3AM

in #health7 years ago

I've been awake since about 3am. I know when something is askew in my life. Over the years I've been able to identify myself react in certain ways that tend to signal an event horizon of sorts where I've reached a point that requires radically different thinking or a change in course.

In this case, I have a fair idea about why I find myself with a coffee typing this post while it's still dark outside. My wife and I have reached a point of total exhaustion with the medical system and everything... everything about how it operates, how it trains people and the incentive structure that is critical to its machinery.

I apologise if I resort to generalisations in this post. Some of you may be vary rare individuals in terms of being formally medically trained and possessing anything more than a superficial care for your clients. To those individuals, I thank you for your contribution to the "profession" but your modus operandi does not fit our lifetime of interaction with the system. My writing is based on what we've experienced.

I encourage you to read my wife's posts at @beulinator for more details on the medical particulars. I'd need to take annual leave to form any sort of holistic summary here. Instead I'm going to relate the "straw that broke the camel's back" moment that recently took the form of a visit to a GP to get a simple referral.

This picture would reflect our frustration and pain but in my wife's case, sitting like that would be too painful so just getting well enough to suffer in a position like the one pictured here would be dream come true for us.

Long story not so long, my wife has a number of serious medical conditions, two of which are Lymes disease (an infection caused by a bacteria known as Borrelia) and endometriosis (an excruciatingly painful disorder in which the tissue that forms the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterine cavity).

After a lifetime of experiencing the symptoms of both ailments, becoming intimately aware of how the body deteriorates with them and attempting to guide inept medical practitioners through their checklists before being ejected from the consultation with a slap on the bum and a "she'll be right" in order to make way for the next paying client, we have developed a well grounded, detailed and first hand set of knowledge on these issues; I dare say more so than the doctors who seem to just google it when we're discussing our issues.

The most recent encounter with a doctor has, for me, set us on a new course out of sheer infuriation. My wife's symptoms have been worsening of late. She'll now be up most of the night groaning and crying in pain. Have you ever had to suffer the experience of a loved one rolling around in the dark wishing for anything that would ease the immeasurable suffering that they're experiencing? It's a feeling of total flacid uselessness. Ever watched a war movie where the screams and moans of the dying blanket the scene? Swap the combat zone for the bedroom and that's literally our experience.

The hormones that my wife has been on for years to stop periods have recently become less effective. It's been over a decade since her last period and, as we recently found out, this comes at a significant risk of other complications such as clots. Not one medical practitioner has alerted us to these additional risks despite prescribing the hormones in an ongoing fashion.

These can't be avoided either. Periods are simply too damaging and painful to endure. As a child my wife came very close to gutting her own belly with a kitchen knife to cut out the pain in her abdomen in a desperate attempt to alleviate pain through either home-surgery or death. This is the reality of not having access to this medication and, this is the reality that is returning to us now even while on the medication.

Simple enough, you'd think? Just go to a gynecologist, again, and get yet another professional assessment - which will likely involve recommending yet another surgical scraping, we're up to two of those already just for the endo... let alone the other surgery that the doctors performed simply "to open you up and have a look at what's going on as we just don't know".

The image I sit with for hours on end every time my wife goes under the knife. Experience has taught me that she's never come out improved; always with new pain, symptoms and immobility. The only thing that reduces is our time, financial and emotional resources which consistently decline every time we deal with medical professionals.

A referral is required from a GP in order to see such a specialist... so that we did. This doctor proceeded to take a very brief medical history. The condescension is indescribable. I'll give an example. My wife's weight has ballooned due to thyroid issues that have come along in addition to or perhaps as a consequence of the various other issues. Another trouble that was labelled "fine" by a GP, only to alarm another one who prescribed more medication. This GP said, without bothering to look any further into the situation, that we need to eat less. How insulting! We actually eat very well and have recently changed to follow a more vegan diet. We have counted calories, weighed meals, calculated macro-nutrient ratios, timed consumption of foods to suit the body's wake and rest cycles, exercised (up to the point that the ailments made movement so painful that even walking is sometimes not possible).

The doctor then went on to sell (and I mean sell) a fancy new drug called Saxenda. The way she spoke of it, you could tell there was some personal gain in it for her. We actually voice recorded the consultation as evidence. The drug comes with a fancy welcome pack with a box that has a magnetic lid. Inside are glossy brochures with smiling faces. Just like a pamphlet from a prestige vehicle showroom.

The doctor could not peddle this enough. Apparently all her family are on it and they are now super models. It costs hundreds of dollars a month and she wouldn't talk about side effects. Then, she said, that you could simply get a stomach band.


To recommend radical surgery and further increase the stress on the body and reduce quality of life is insane, especially when bands are designed to stop those who simply can't avoid eating excessive quantities. We'd already told her that we eat very little and are particular about quality, so restricting the ability to eat large quantities would not impact the situation at all. I'd call that completely negligent.

We continued with our folder (yes we have binders of medical information, test results, consultation notes etc. that we've accumulated over the years) and produced the positive test for the Borrelia bacteria that was produced by a labroatory in Sydney. That was a costly and involved exercise in itself. Urine and blood had to be collected, refrigerated and transported via medical courier to Sydney where the tests were conducted. The doctor simply dismissed it saying "Lyme isn't native to this country".

I don't normally behave like this, but I could have jumped over her desk and ended her ability to inappropriately practice medicine then and there, such was my fury. Japanese people aren't native to Australia either, yet they exist here. Income tax isn't native to this country yet it exists here. What we were dealing with was a faith based religion, not a dispassionate application of the scientific method.

Why bother ordering new tests if she was simply going to dismiss the findings in cases where they conflicted with her "feelings" of reality? After protest, she reluctantly wrote in her file "Lyme like symptoms".

I'm now at the point where I feel like a fundamental change in course is required. I'm not opposed to moving country. I'm not opposed to anything really, in the pursuit of any increase of life quality for my wife. Now I believe that our suffering has only been exacerbated by doctors and the medical profession with their preconceived conclusions and rigid dismissive thinking. On top of that, I can't begin to describe the tens of thousands of dollars that have been sunk into our pursuit of health. Naturally, the state taxes us to redistribute our wealth leaving us with only limited funds to, you know, try to get through a night without screaming and moaning in pain.

I think that from now on, if an individual has the letters M.D. after their name, then they are not worthy of consulting on our case. I am now in desperate search for perhaps other suffers who have found natural or unorthodox methods of repairing the body. We are making arrangements for international consultations with well studied individuals who hopefully can provide us with some options because, frankly, life is bleak.

My wife hasn't had a pain free day since being a young school girl. Just to experience what a few hours in the absence of pain feels like would be a gift I'd love to offer her. She sometimes writes of her struggles, physical and emotional on her blog at @beulinator if you're interested in following in more detail. This has been an exercise for me in getting some thoughts onto the blockchain for posterity and clarifying in my mind how desperate times require desperate measures.

Thanks for for reading the frustrated ramblings of a loving husband and I wish you a pain free (and doctor free) day!

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Sorry to hear about your wife's struggles. Pain is truly debilitating and demoralizing. She obviously deserves some relief and I hope she can get it. Good thing she a has a great husband who cares so much. I just watched a video by this person and recommend you look into and reach out to him too. He seems to be well respected and perhaps can offer some natural options for your wife. Good luck to both of you. She is in my prayers.

Hi @thaicryptokitty, thank you deeply for your concerned reply and my apologies for the delayed response. Pain is one of those things that can't be described without personal experience, like explaining colour to someone blind from birth. Ah yes, we've already been in contact with Clive and are scheduling consultations with him presently. Thanks for the tip!

Fantastic to hear and glad you have such a good outlook and loving soul. Hang in there and God bless you and your wife. I hope her pain can be put to an end.

Coming from the UK where the medical system is by no means perfect, I was still amazed by how completely and utterly ineffective it is here. You really do feel like just an income to be moved on as quick as possible through the system. We've had more luck on Google!

I know that feeling of being in bed next to someone writhing in agony, but thankfully it isn't day after day, night after night for me.

What I will say is that I know a woman who has Lymes and other issues (not endometriosis though) and reached a point where she could barely string a sentence together. She has changed to all natural methods of dealing with it, is on a mostly paleo diet. Today you wouldn't know how bad she got. She really is such an approachable woman and I don't think she'd mind me letting you know she's on facebook, Robyn McGufficke, and would happily have you and your wife contact her.

Dear @minismallholding, thank you deeply for your genuine concern and the suggestion to contact Robyn. We'll certainly look into doing so. It's for me becoming a common theme the idea of abandoning the medical machine and adopting natural methods to allow the body the best chance of recovering without questionable intervention.

You really do feel like just an income to be moved on as quick as possible through the system. We've had more luck on Google!

This could have come from my very own keyboard. It's exactly our experience. Thanks again and my apologies for the slow reply.

No need to apologise. I think you've got a lot on your plate and I really hope your wife can find some relief.

Excellent publication @nolnocluap, I'm left without a word what I like this thing that crazy...

Crazy is exactly the right word @cargori. Thanks for the support and for reading.

I hear your frustration and anguish over this situation. I am not a medical doctor but have plenty of experience with those who are injected with god serum when they graduate. Heaven forbid that you may know something and ask intelligent questions.

I suffered from endometriosis starting when I was 12 years old. I ran the gambit of doctors an was told I would be fine after I had my first pregnancy! Imagine telling a 12-year old that! I did get married and had a saint for a husband to put up with all the pain and misery. I had four sons and the endometriosis only got progressively worse.

I found a doctor who said I should have a complete hysterectomy. But finding a surgeon that would do it was another story. At 47 I was too young!

I eventually found a doctor who would do the surgery. It was a long surgery as I had so much tissue growing outside the womb that needed to be removed. It has been 17 years going on 18 and I feel so much better. The excruciating pain is no longer there. I would have done it earlier if I had known.

I also have fibromyalgia. It has gotten better being on an almost vegan diet, all organic foods. I feel so much better eating no red meat. I am also careful with my alcohol intake. If I have a drink, I pay for it later.

If you or your wife would like to further discuss this topic (I know its rather personal) you may contact me through discord cecicastor#9739

Hi @cecicastor, thank you genuinely for your thoughtful and relatable reply and my apologies for taking a week to respond. Your contribution, really, warranted a more speedy response.

The similarities between your case and ours are striking. We too have hopes for positive change with a vegan diet and we'd love to touch base on discord.

Thank you again!

You can contact me on Discord at cecicastor#9739. I am sure you would like to keep most of this conversation private for obvious reasons. I am happy to help in any way that I can. Live is too short to suffer and not be able live it to its fullest.

I am so sorry to read about all this suffering your wife and you yourself have been through and still going through as of now. I am not sure if there are any words (or if I am able to find any) to mitigate any amount of your pain. I just want to say that I care, I sympathise, and I whole-heartedly wish for this pain and suffering to subside and go away. It’s the only support I can offer you and your wife.

Please let me know if you think there’s something more we all, as Steemians, can do for you.

Thank you genuinely for your kind thoughts @oleg326756 and my apologies for not responding to you sooner. In fact, just saying that you care and sympathise is actually help in itself and I feel it shows an understanding of the situation to not attempt to throw cheap words together that you'd typically see in the Hallmark Card style superficial response so thank you for that also.

Our genuine thanks for your support and interest! Perhaps the only thing that would be of benefit is awareness. I can't help but think that the more suffers are drawn together to share what works and what doesn't work, or even just to hear that they are not alone, the more the chance for a little reprieve in an otherwise difficult life.

Honey, I did not know how serious the situation was with your wife,
I understand that frustration, honey.
spend each time by surgery and without any improvements what is going is deteriorating the situation, aggravating the pain.

I do not trust many doctors, the doctors of my country instead of improving, what they are getting worse. Many times they do not tell you how to improve the situation, but rather that they tend to very expensive treatments and that in the long run it will not be what you really need.
There will be good doctors, I will not say no! but many become rich with the suffering of the people, it is a trade!

many times I say that the world is of the bad or unjust, in the sense that many people who do not hurt anyone who just want to live in peace have bad things happen to them, and a person who does bad things does not happen to him! It is not that I wish anyone harm but it seems unfair.

It is terrible that a person who has a lot of desire to live has to go through all this and without any improvement, that's why it is admirable what you do for your wife because she does not suffer anything but her because you too, because it is very difficult to see the person you love with whom you want to spend the rest of your life, being by your bed suffering for something and you feeling the helplessness of not being able to do anything to improve it.

I know that you would do the impossible because it would improve, I really wish you with all my heart that the enermedad of your wife disappears and both of you stop suffering.

Being in that situation as you said is a terrible expense if you ever need help, do not forget Steemit I have seen many people who have helped them through health situations.

Hey @yanes94, thank you for the kind words of support! I'm sorry that it's taken almost a week to get back to you.

Yes the doctors here are certainly expensive too. The government subsidises the costs of many medications and treatments here but not any of the ones we require. we are financially on our own in this fight.

I think it's one of those truisms in life that bad experiences and early death come to those of more noble fabric while the corrupt and evil seem to be in general terms unrestricted by such ailments. I've long stopped searching for meaning in that! It's nice to hear that others feel the same.

Thanks again for your wonderful words of support.

I totally agree with your assessment of the medical community. It's not health care. It's illness management. The first looks to heal, the second doesn't.

I hope you find someone able to help with the situation!

Thanks for your support @aunt-deb and sorry for taking so long to say so. It's supportive to hear that other people have come to the same assessment!

Hi @nolnocluap & @beulinator. I know several people who are reversing & eliminating symptoms of Lyme with food medicine.

The most astounding is Charlene Andersen- who is a member of a forum I'm on (along with her husband).

I am sending you thoughts and energy and best hopes of recovery. So few people know about these options.

From that article:
"My list of health conditions grew: eczema all over my hands (to the point of second degree burns), tinnitus, worsening depression, worsening fatigue (fell asleep at work all the time, at meetings, at church, and driving a car), lower back/pelvic and sciatic nerve pain (couldn’t sit at all, worked standing up, constant pain with occasional howling-pain spasms; MRI revealed degenerative disc disease in 3 areas), systemic edema, blurry vision (eyeglasses were worn beginning in high school, worsening every year), paralyzation at times in hands and feet working its way into my torso (Joe had to be called to carry me out of work several times), allergies/sensitivities to all things (food, pollens, chemicals), continued amenhorrea, weight gain (at my heaviest 50 pounds overweight), inability to concentrate (couldn’t understand a sentence spoken to me in time to hear the next in a conversation), diagnosed with cervical dysplasia (treated with cryotherapy), migraines, heart pains, indigestion/reflux, bingeing (and at the end, vomiting – luckily only a few times), muscle twitching (over 100 twitches in 1-minute’s time), lumps in my breasts I was too afraid to have checked out, and one of the last but most difficult for everyone around me was my irritation and rage (a complete reversal of my laid back and sweet nature everyone knew me to have growing up)."

And now at age 40, she designs clothes (including vintage swimwear like she's wearing herself here) 2018-03-18_095247.jpg and enjoys a healthy life without pain

I understand a piece of that frustration. As someone who knows pain, and someone who has seen more than his fair share of doctors over his lifetime, I'm sorry for what your wife is going through. I don't know what to say, because I've heard it all and nothing helps. Still, very sorry that it's happening.

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