Herbal Tea please! ๐โ
Hello guys and tea lovers!!
Let's talk about herbal tea!!and why not? cause Who doesn't love herbal tea? Honestly, I don't know a person in my life so far who doesn't love tea (herbal, green, white or black, doesnt matter).
One of the best ways to relax myself is to take a bath with essential oils, drinking one cup of tea while watching a movie or reading a book, and ofc, having my cats around me!! This is like... the perfect night that a girl wants in order to relax and spend some time alone. But I must tell you, DO NOT underestimate that CUP OF TEA.....cause it is everything!
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This beverage is like no other. And I mean it! Hot or cold, tea has some "super powers". Drinking tea is a daily habit and I rarely skip it! And I encourage you to do the same!! I have a different feeling when I have tea. Its similar to happiness and some relaxing effect, but I cant prove it. Maybe its just me, I don't know...but also The healthy benefits of herbal tea are amazing! Because these plants are pure medicine, let's not forget this! Ofc, they are not as strong as their extracts are , but for long periods of time when consuming it, TEA becomes a natural medicine, a natural remedy! Herbals were the first to be considered medicine thousands years ago and it's not me who's saying this, its pure science baby! So, grab a cup and start making some tea!
What is actually herbal tea?
Herbal Tea is a drink/beverage that is made from the infusion or decoction of herbs and spices in hot water.
To not confuse herbal tea with tea. Because tea comes from the tea plant, named Cammelia Sinensis and it reffers to green, black, white, oolong tea, assam, darjeeling, and some others.
Herbal teas have different properties, depending the plant. For example, if you make mint tea you can use it for constipation or to improve digestion. But if you choose to have lavander tea, the effects will be related with insomnia, relaxation of the body, anxiety or sleep disorders.
Herbal tea can be made of dried flowers, leaves, seeds or root.
According to Wikipedia, Infusion is the process of extracting chemical compounds or flavors from plant material in a solvent such as water, oil or alcohol, by allowing the material to remain suspended in the solvent over time (a process often called sleeping).
In other words, when you're making herbal infusion or herbal tea, you need to pour boiling water over the plants and let them steep for a couple of minutes. Then you strain the herbal tea.
Decoction is a method of extraction by boiling herbal or plant material to dissolve the chemicals of the material, which may include stems, roots, bark and rhizomes. As you can see, decoction is ussualy made to extract fluids from the hard parts of the plant. Decoction can be used to make herbal teas, leaf teas, coffees or tinctures.
Decoctions and infusions may produce liquids with differing chemical properties as the temperature and/or preparation difference may result in more oil-soluble chemicals in decoctions versus infusions.
These two methods of making herbal tea differ, but the result cna be similar in their effects, general appearence and taste.
Take a look at these Lavander flowers! Isnt it wonderful? Lavander tea is great one that has relaxing properties and fights with insomnia.
And the little one is Milo, my only baby-cat boy! ๐ฑโ๐ค๐ฑ
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This is my entry for your #HappyBirthdayContest, my dear friend @vegan.niinja! Sorry for taking me so long!:d and once again, Happy Birthday and wish you all the blessings in the world! :)
So, here is what I thought about this tea! Why not to serve it at your birthday? It is a versatile beverage, can be served cold or hot. It's healthy and have a lot of flavors, and everyone can choose their favorite. We can make lavander tea, chamomile tea, strawberry and vanilla tea, mint tea, green tea!! And..... I made some souvenirs for the guests, to remember them of your great birthday!! A handmade card with a teabag. All these handmade cards are made by me, it's a little hobby of mine: creating stuff!
And this is my virtual present for you!! Maybe I'll have the chance to give you this present in real life haha! cause.... the distance is not to much:p
It's a gift basket for you! Tea theme again:) It has one cup, one container for tea, a cuple of teas (vanilla and lemon green tea, blueberries tea, earl grey black tea, some vegan cookies to enjoy your tea and some agave syrup if you want it sweeter! Enjoy!
Or we can have the tea with some cookies, like these amazing brownies of yours!! or these muffins !! Soo yummy! Or just a slice of healthy sweet bread with some coconut butter and raspverry chia jam, like I did!!
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Here's an old photo of me, picking up wild flowers and looking for wild herbs that I can dry and make some super healthy tea! This was an amazing time, back then! Cause it's been a while since last time I did this:) Nature has its ways to bring us to life! Walking through nature and admiring its beauty its a good way to relax:)
Wild Chamomile ๐ผ๐ผ
And like I said earlier, this is how it looks a perfect night for me!
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Have a wonderful Sunday everyone while enjoying a cup of tea!!
Stay healthy!
Miss Deli
What a relaxing post. Thank you.
I drink Herbal Tea from time to time, mostly medicinally. I have a friend that will mix a combination that is good for what ever ails me.
I drink Green Tea by the gallon. Literally, I make it one gallon at a time and start drinking it as soon as I am done with coffee.
My grandmother was so fond of chamomile that she planted some in the garden where my grandfather homesteaded. 60 years later it was a problem in some of our fields :) Not that I don't take some to 'de stress'.
I also use a very strong concoction of brown tea on my hair, as a rinse. It is rumored to thicken and prevent fall out. I don't know if it works, but I still have most of my hair. Just that some of it is disguised as skin.
Thanks for a great post.
Thank you @bigtom13!! for your kindly and truly comment!
Well, green tea is amazing! its properties are super popular! But I read once that the recommended dose is up to 0.75l. Do a little research, you find a lot more information in english. But...if this works for you, then go for it! Every body works different!
I never heard of brown tea before. But I use rosemary for my hair from time to time, whenever I have the time!
I usually start the day with green tea mixed with turmeric and manuka honey. I've tried some herbal teas in the past and they are definitely interesting. Some are relaxing while other wake up the senses...but lately I stick to the green :)
Yeah, that sounds insane! (green tea, turmeric and manuka honey). I also do pretty much the same, meaning trying to have a morning drink with turmeric, cinnamon, chilli and ginger! Its a natural antibiotic! Green tea is wonderful! Stick with it if you like it. DOnt need to have something else if its working for you.:)
ohhh, we are definitely going to love each other if we ever meet in person! You have just described my perfect night in... Cats, tea, a bath and a book.
Here we have a wonderful herbal tea called Rooibos, which translates to red bush. My favourite is a Rooibos Camomile mix, with a drop of honey and a little almond tea.
I love your posts! You are doing super!
Yeah?:x I mean, as days pass by, we discover more similarities between us and its a fun thing!We share some things and it would be definitely awesome and mind-blowing if one day we'll meet! Also, you're pretty much my first girl-friend here on steemit, close to my heart so:d many hugssss my @princessmewmew!! โค๏ธ
I know Rooibos, I like it very much! I also know it as red tea. I had many combos of Rooibos but my fav is Rooibos and Vanilla!! cause Vanilla its my favorite 'taste' from all!! But I never heard of almond tea, googled it right now, I think I have an idea of what it taste is.
P.S. Thanks so much for your encouragaments!!! It means so much to me!!
ahhh! You're the best :)
Oops - I meant almond MILK! Silly me. I'm tired!
I also love the rooibos and vanilla tea :)
No problem, I meant it :), I usually express my feelings through words so, that sounds exactly as I feel.
I thought you wanna write milk, but after I googled it and saw that 'almond tea' exists, I said...maybe you wrote it write.
Almond tea, if you search it, its kind of a tea brulle. We have here in Romania, but its super unhealty cause has a lot of sugar. But tastes like wooww!
ooh! I must look into that ;)
Have a good day babe
I should make some herbal tea, I got a bunch of lavender that I have no idea what to with haha.
By the way, I love that photo of your kitty and herbs, pretty!
Yeah:d it was something natural. Just wanted to make a photo to my lavander bouqet and Milo came and whuuupp! Just lay down like a lazy cat! haha So, I make that photo! why not?
And yes, you can do yourself a lavander tea. Honestly, is one of may fav. I really really love the taste! It feels like you drink perfume haha
Hahahaha! When you said it tastes like you drink perfume I got turned off, well as long as the perfume not very strong I can live. I've had a lavender latte before it actually was quite tasty!
Hahahaha! When you said it tastes like you drink perfume I got turned off, well as long as the perfume not very strong I can live. I've had a lavender latte before it actually was quite tasty!
Yeah:d. The reason I'm saying this, is because I like my tea to be very strong, and the taste too. And the special flavor of lavander that I really love, it gets super intensifying, compared with other herbal teas. And I have the feeling that I "drink perfume" :d
Thanks for your great herbal tea post.
You're very welcome!
Haha, you know what I just did after reading your herbal tea post? I made myself some tea! I knew I was missing something tonight;) And with my cup of tea, I eat some carrots, lol, no cake in house today;) When there is no cake, than I eat veggies or fruits!!
Thanks for your wonderful contribution sweetie, I am a big tea lover, actually never drink coffee. Tea tastes good and makes me warm, I even drink it during summer, it keeps my body in harmony with the sun;)
Ohh how beautiful! No problem, it was my pleasure, I'm sorry for not doing it earlier. Hope you like my handmade cards with tea bags! Now I'm still home, and in 2 weeks I'll flight to Canada. But when I'm coming back, I can send you some if you want!! :x:X with all my heart for you:)