How To #14 How can blockchain technology improve healthcare?

in #health6 years ago

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The revolution created by the advent of blockchain technology has been spreading across multiple channels and industries, the latest one being healthcare.

According to a study conducted recently nearly 56% of healthcare companies are looking to have a commercial blockchain implementation by the year 2020. With everyone from healthcare companies to technological experts wondering on the possible gains to be had from blockchain technology, let us take a look at how it can transform healthcare for the better.

Blockchain in healthcare:

With the blockchain technology, we can expect that the patient will be the center point of the system and there will be more security, availability, and interoperability of data regarding their health care across platforms.

Currently, the medical data is segregated into multiple segments, and it is available individually at different service providers. And all of them are not necessarily using the same database or platform to maintain the records. And with every new system in place, we are looking at an entirely new language as well.

This is also the reason why the medical records are often scattered and not easily accessible. And given that every second is precious in healthcare, it is necessary to have critical information on hand as and when required without delays. Introducing blockchain into the system will help provide this access with much more ease ensuring faster appropriate treatment for every patient.

Safety with blockchain:

Another feature that we often find stressful or ambiguous with medical records is that currently they can be easily manipulated, for they are stored in different systems, and not everyone has the same level of security standards. Entirely a few hospitals and healthcare facilities often come under the attack of hackers.

But with blockchain, the information will be distributed between multiple parties eliminating the possibility of these ransomware attacks.

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Keeping medical records:

Medical records are quite crucial for they have a deciding impact on every patient’s treatment. Currently, they are prone to inaccuracies. It is the responsibility of the healthcare personnel to ensure that the medical records are accurate and it is not accessible by everyone. Again this could be a significant setback when the patient records are maintained across multiple systems in different places.

The most straightforward example is the prescription of the patient which is filled in by different people including the pharmacist and the physician. When you have a blockchain to record the events or in this case the prescriptions, you could resolve the multiple issues that come with maintaining various systems.

You would have access to accurate medical records, with precise history to ensure that the patients receive the best of the treatment and at the right time as well.

Blockchain in nursing:

The data on the number of wearable devices, health records, patient portals, etc. are increasing every day and there is also an increasing need to keep the tab on these records, analyze them to come up with better health care strategies.

This responsibility often lies with the nursing department and they can highly benefit with the blockchain for the data will be accurate, and there will be no reason for misleading information.

A distributed database, blockchain can provide the healthcare industry with the much-needed security, accuracy, and accessibility paving the way for improved health care.

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