Crypto Talk #6 Bitcoin Alternative Mobilecoin: Signal Inventor Announces New Cryptocurrency.

in #crypto6 years ago

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Much excitement around Bitcoin and Co. characterized the past year, but concrete, useful applications took some time to come.

There was an announcement by the experts in 2017 that Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology would rescue the world. Digital Fingerprints will turn everything. But, Although, there were few visible examples we could see and they have justified this news.

Today demand for processing capacity for Cryptocurrency transactions increases. Along with it, tensions between two Bitcoin trailer warehouses are increasing. On the one hand are those who want to address the processing bottleneck in the currency by making the size of the “Blocks” double recorded in the blockchain. While, there are traditionalists who, like the leading developers of Bitcoin, want to stick to the old system.

Industrialists and others in favor of enlargement want to make Bitcoin a payment method for the mass market. The battle was supposed to end last November in 2017, but the planned "hard fork" was delayed. The result of the dispute may well be critical to the future of the world's first cryptocurrency.

There is the latest news in the field of Cryptocurrency that signal inventor Moxie Marlinspike has announced a new cryptocurrency with Mobilecoin. The potential Bitcoin alternative should be easy to use and secure.

Bitcoin Alternative Mobilecoin: Transactions via Messenger:

Moxie Marlinspike is regarded as the inventor of the Signal Protocol, which is also used by Whatsapp, as well as of the same name secure messenger. Now, Marlinspike has teamed up with the developers to develop an alternative to the burgeoning cryptocurrency Bitcoin.

Mobilecoin aims to make it easy for users to use and be safe and enable transactions in messenger apps like Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, etc.

Mobilecoin does not rely on the Bitcoin blockchain but on the alternative payment network "The Stellar Consensus Protocol," which according to Wired should be faster and more efficient. The confirmation of transactions and the key management are to take over individual servers, so-called nodes.

Privacy is said to be ensured by Intel's proprietary Guard Extensions (SGX) software, a hardware-encrypted range of Intel CPUs that cannot be accessed by operating systems or software. Details of the technical background of the Mobilecoins system might be published publically by them.

Main Key Features:

  • Easy key management
  • User and planet-friendly
  • Sub-second transactions
  • Privacy

Meet the Team:

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Mobilecoin: Focus on security and usability:

In addition to safety, Marlinspike was instrumental in the development of Mobilecoin, which he accompanied as a technical consultant, but above all, user-friendliness. Unlike the currently dominant Cryptocurrency Bitcoin, which is presently eliminated due to the now extremely high volatility and the increase in value to currently just under $ 20,000 as a means of payment, Mobilecoin users should use the Bitcoin alternative really for sending money.

However, the first critics have already suggested to Mobilecoin that the dependency of the Cryptocurrency on Intel's SGX could quickly prove to be a weakness of the entire system. Marlinspike had already used SGX at Signal to let users find contacts there without disclosing their contact details.

One thing is sure that the Mobilecoin will change the whole industry of Cryptocurrency and it would be quite easy for the investors to deal with it.

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2018 is a good year for bitcoin. although technological relatively new, currency digital already making waves in some of the industry. increase in the request has been increasing price significantly and many benefit a good time to invest in bitcoin and crypto other. but, you wonder crypto what a great for investment assets further in addition to bitcoin? here, I have chosen 7 cryptocurrency suitable for your investment this year. 1. litecoin (LTC) made by Lee in 2011, it was announced as an alternative to bitcoin. Lee basically set to reduce the time required to confirm the new deal and modify the way bitcoin mined to make sure anyone can participate. "my sight is the people who will use litecoin every day to purchase goods. the only option payment methods," said Lee. 2. monero (xmr) main attraction crypto monero is anonymity. with monero, details each transaction, including the sender, receiver and size, recorded in the public Ledger, but obscured, so there may be tracked. with monero in theory there is no way for others to connect the point between the sender, receiver or the size of the transaction. see also: what's monero - really cryptocurrency most anonymous? monero said recently that 45 musician, including Lana Del Ray, SIA and Dolly Parton, will receive monero as a means of payment. even will offer discount to those who pay with it. there are about 15,5 million xmr outstanding and, unlike bitcoin and litecoin, monero not had inventory coins remain. see also: guide how mining monero computers for beginners 3. neo Tung predict that neo, dubbed "ethereum China," will explode if China reduce his attitude towards ICO and bitcoin. ethereum is the second alternative behind bitcoin in terms of market capitalization reach $ 61 billion. so, it is clear, neo have a long way. founder goodbye hongfei recently participate in CNBC to eliminate the fear that crypto will too hot. "I would say there bubbles in the industry, but I would say it's okay," he said. "every technology very annoying, definitely will result in bubble, as happened to train or car." neo existing since 2014, when it is called "antshares". total supply neo now reached 65 million, from a total of 100 million coins. 4. cardano (any) cardano, which still relatively unknown, it seems important in the transaction personal and respond to the needs of the regulator, which prepare for the adoption of mass. CEO of them, Charles hoskinson, said that cardano handle problem "sustainability, interoperability and scalability" so crypto that can be turned into a "new things fun" and can be used by the billions of people and interact with the financial system. cardano still in the early stages (they call it as "era start up"). around 26 billion from a maximum of 45 billion coins current outstanding. 5. ripple (xrp) new York times ever describe the ripple as "a cross between the Western Union and currency Exchange, without the high cost of" because not just currency, but also the system in which the currency anywhere, including bitcoin, it can be traded. "ripple connect Bank, provider payment, Exchange digital assets and company through ripplenet to provide experience not limited to send money to around the world," said the creator. supply xrp at this time around 38,7 trillion of supply a maximum of 100 trillion ... a much more than the rest of crypto in this list. 6. iota (miota) big attraction of lota that he has no commercial level, mining or block. for each transaction you do, processing power you used to validate the two other transactions, make every owner iota also be a "miners" iota. basically, iota focuses to be the backbone of payment machine-to-machine safe on the Internet. iota praised as kriptocurrency first made without chain block. instead, it is based on the architecture of accounting distributed called "tangle," an innovation credited with allows iota to achieve the three levels of encryption key: transaction costs zero, the transaction off-line and scalability unlimited. supply maximum miota only under the 2,8 billion, and supply maximum already full at this time. 7. bitcoin cash (BCH) bitcoin cash is one of kriptocurrencies latest, developed in August 2017 as hard Fork bitcoin. what is it? essentially a new version of bitcoin that is not in accordance with the bitcoin the original. bitcoin cash created because some users frustrated with high prices and processing time slow. because bitcoin cash have limit block size larger, the creator said that crypto have more capacity to handle the transaction with rates lower and confirmation faster. However, on the other hand reasoning is loyalists bitcoin believe that the increase the size of the block endanger the nature of decentralization of crypto. division philosophical between bitcoin and bitcoin cash described correctly by Forbes as "cypherpunk vs. Silicon Valley." in mid-November, bitcoin cash briefly outperform the market capitalization ethereum to be crypto the most valuable second. since then he returned to the third position. supply current is 16,8 million, from the supply a maximum of 21 million. do not forget ,, fote I many thanks has follow me ..

Much informative, Thanks

Good choice :0

a remarkable post tells the issue of bitcoin, bitcoin is the most expensive price in the world thanks for sharing your friends

a very remarkable post, concluding Bitcoin's discussion from the introduction of Bitcoin, its history, to the concepts and how it works, then we will know that basically, Bitcoin is just one component part of the entire cryptographic digital currency based ecosystem. It can be said, electronic payment system that carried Bitcoin era is as a new alternative electronic payment.

Bitcoin is a very crazy digital currency in the United States, Indonesia and other beloved countries, but young people hope to be optimal again ,, I think as much as 50% of people under 35 have invested with Bitcoin, then 11 the other said that they would choose Bitcoin for investment in the coming year, rather than mainstream investments such as property, stocks and bonds. LBX's CEO and founder Benjamin Dives said the research has shown that there is a difference between young and senior generation about money. This shows that money is not always about the physical paper with the head of state alone. Bitcoins that can be mined online can also be called money.

Aspects of bitcoin and its aspects,People see the value of money free from government controls and fees charged by banks, as well as blockchain, to verify transactions. Bitcoin has been seen as a tool for private and anonymous transactions, and this is the preferred payment for drug and other illegal purchases.and some of the few prgrams or arguing bitcoin to be the currency of a fixed state.

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