Don't Drink What???

in #health8 years ago

My O.J. Not Healthy?????

Or is that OMG and what's next on the food list I can't consume any longer?

Let's clarify

Let me explain by asking a question first:

It is not to say do not drink it... but be aware of the high sugar content and the ramifications of it. Do you consider Coca Cola a healthy drink and if you put in some meager amount of Vitamin C into that Coke would it then be a good drink for your Child?

A glass pasteurized Orange Juice has the same amount of Sugar as a can of soda. They pasteurize it to kill any bacteria that would shorten the shelf life. In that pasteurization process the Vitamin C content is also severely diminished... so the add synthetic Ascorbic Acid (created from corn starches and sulfuric acid (Sounds delightful huh)), which also has only a portion of the full Vitamin C complex. Sometimes they even need to add flavoring back in... so much for 100% pure.

The High Sugar Content does not justify the vitamin content, but this is not just for Orange Juice... it is for all fruit juices like Apple, Pineapple, Cranberry, Etc..

These so called "Healthy Juices" are laden with sugars that trigger insulin resistance response. Now freshly squeezed juice has less sugar and a more natural source, however it is sugar none the less. If you eat the full fruit instead, you will have far less sugar due to the fiber and the way it digests, will not spike the insulin as much as the juice.


Lemon in Water the Vitamin C is good for you and that Lemons contain a lot of it. But there is more to lemon than just Vitamin C, as their fiber and acidity also slow digestion and normalize your PH and blood sugar levels... more info here. This will offset the meager sugars found in the fruit as compared to Orange, Apple, Pineapple, Etc..

An orange will contain approximately 9 grams of Sugar compared to 2.5 grams in a lemon... but here is the caveat; you use less Lemon than Orange for juice, as well as the higher acidity level of the Lemon offsets the sugar by far.


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: fingo9, naturehasaremedy


I was also shocked when my doctor told me, no more orange juice because of the high sugar content and the acidity. I must say it has been over a year now, I last had a glass and our orange season is just around the corner, oh the seductions in life.

Ahh... You must bite the (orange) so to say.

Thank You... we are under the assault of misconception, lack of education and false foods... the more we know the more we can protect ourselves and family.

We used to give our son orange juice whenever he wanted it, figuring it was good for him. But he is only 5 and has had three cavities. So now we just give him ice water or plain milk.

Or take a glass of water and squeeze half an orange... eventually they will get used to it.

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