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Excellent comment, I really like your work. I think it is very objective in the analysis and in what you want to convey. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

Thank you for comment. I will try to have better postings to people
Resteemed and 100% upvoted. Thank you for using my service!
Read here how the new green bot from Berlin works.

I think a lot about what I put in my body. You are what you eat and drink and breathe. Great story thank you for sharing.Peace

thank you.!

sugar is poison and you can't get around it easily because it's in everything. I use green stevia but still I can't elimiate it altogether.

Use it with a moderate amount. It will be toxic if we use it too much.

Sugar...I like it.

Many people like it. But limit it because it will be very dangerous for your health later

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