~A little bit about me and my Fibromyalgia~

in #health7 years ago


I'm half the women I used to be

For about two years now, I've been struggling with pain all over my body but mostly in my back and neck. I've had some tests and a Scan confirmed I had an herniated disc. The pain is everywhere, from my head to my toes. Finally, when I saw my doctor, he told me it was fibromyalgia.

I used to be rather active but not athletic. I worked my 40-45 hours a week in the hospital and didn't complain at all. I could even do 16 hours in a row! And before that, I was going to school to become a nurse during the week, and worked on the weekends in a daycare or as an orderly in the hospital. I've also raised my wonderful son who is now 22 years old, alone with the help of my mother.

Now, I have to lie down several times a day because I'm exhausted from doing simple work around the house. I even have trouble picking up things on the floor. I didn't want to take too much medication for the pain but now I'll have no choice, I'm waiting for my appointment at the doctor to see what I can do.

From all that, comes a bit of depression. When you're still "young" and wake up in the morning feeling 85 years old, it's hard on the soul. I can't do has much in a day as would want to. I have to rely on my mom and my boyfriend to help me with the chores in and out of the house. And when I push my body to its limits, I regret it for about a week.

Fortunately, i'm a person who adapts very well and I believe someone's or something's watching over me. In January, I was on medical leave from work because of the pain and depression. I couldn't imagine myself going back to work in the hospital, it was too hard for me. That's when a new Residence in mental health opened up. I applied and got the job right away. The job there as a nurse is much less stressful because the patients are stabilized and learning to go back in society. I can also lie down twice in my workday to rest my body when i'm in pain. It couldn't be better. I love my work and my patients and I am grateful that I can pursue it.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain processes pain signals.

Symptoms sometimes begin after a physical trauma, surgery, infection or significant psychological stress. In other cases, symptoms gradually accumulate over time with no single triggering event.

Women are more likely to develop fibromyalgia than are men. Many people who have fibromyalgia also have tension headaches, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety and depression.

While there is no cure for fibromyalgia, a variety of medications can help control symptoms. Exercise, relaxation and stress-reduction measures also may help.

Je suis la moitié de la femme que j'étais

Depuis environ deux ans, je lutte contre la douleur qui envahie mon corps, surtout dans le dos et le cou. J'ai eu des tests et un Scan a confirmé que j'avais une hernie discale. La douleur est partout, de ma tête à mes orteils. Puis, quand j'ai vu mon médecin, il m'a annoncé que c'était la fibromyalgie.

J'étais plutôt active mais pas sportive. Je travaillais mes 40-45 heures par semaine à l'hôpital et je ne me plaignais pas. Je pouvais même faire 16 heures de suite! Et avant cela, j'allais à l'école pour devenir infirmière pendant la semaine, et je travaillais le week-end dans une garderie ou comme Préposée à l'hôpital. J'ai également élevée mon magnifique fils qui a maintenant 22 ans, seule avec l'aide de ma mère.

Maintenant, je dois m'allonger plusieurs fois par jour parce que je suis épuisé par du travail simple autour de la maison. J'ai même du mal à prendre des choses sur le sol. Je ne veux pas prendre trop de médicaments pour la douleur, mais maintenant je n'aurai pas le choix, j'attends mon rendez-vous avec le médecin.

Avec tout cela, vient un peu de dépression. Lorsque vous êtes encore «jeune» et que vous vous sentez comme une personne de 85 ans le matin au réveil, c'est difficile sur le moral. Je ne peux pas faire beaucoup de choses dans une journée. Je dois accepter et demander de l'aide à min copain et à ma mère. Et si je pousse mon corps jusqu'à ses limites, je le regrette pendant une semaine.

Heureusement, je suis une personne qui s'adapte très bien et je crois que quelqu'un d'autre ou quelque chose veille sur moi...En janvier, j'étais en congé médical du travail en raison de la douleur et de la dépression. Je ne pouvais pas m'imaginer retourner au travail à l'hôpital, c'était trop dur pour moi. C'est alors qu'une nouvelle maison en santé mentale s'est ouverte. J'ai postulé et obtenu le travail tout de suite. Le travail est beaucoup moins stressant qu'à l'hôpital. Les patients sont stable et en apprentissage pour retourner dans la société. Je peux aussi m'étendre deux fois dans ma journée de travail pour me reposer quand j'ai mal. Ça ne pourrait pas être mieux. J'adore mon travail et mes patients et je suis reconnaissant de pouvoir le poursuivre.

Qu'est-ce que la fibromyalgie?

La fibromyalgie est un trouble de douleur musculo-squelettique répandue accompagnée de problèmes de fatigue, de sommeil, de mémoire et d'humeur. Les chercheurs croient que la fibromyalgie amplifie les sensations douloureuses en affectant la façon dont votre cerveau traite les signaux de la douleur.

Les symptômes commencent parfois après un traumatisme physique, une chirurgie, une infection ou un stress psychologique significatif. Dans d'autres cas, les symptômes s'accumulent graduellement au fil du temps sans événement de déclenchement unique.

Les femmes sont plus susceptibles de développer une fibromyalgie que les hommes. Beaucoup de personnes atteintes de fibromyalgie ont également des maux de tête de tension, des troubles de l'articulation temporo-mandibulaire (ATM), du syndrome du côlon irritable, de l'anxiété et de la dépression.

Alors qu'il n'y a aucun traitement pour fibromyalgie, une variété de médicaments peut aider à contrôler les symptômes. Des mesures d'exercice, de relaxation et de réduction du stress peuvent également vous aider.

Source for the Fibromyalgia text: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/fibromyalgia/home/ovc-20317786


I was a massage therapist for 7 years. I had tons of fibro clients so I sort of got to specialize in it. They reported relief that would last for a week or two but always come back. The techniques I used were myofascial release and craniosacral, if you can find anyone who does those.

However, and this is not to be construed as medical advice, I think fibromyalgia has an environmental cause. Quebec appears to fluoridate their water if that is where you live and fluoride is one of the main suspects. I would eliminate that and try a very strict anti-inflammatory diet such as GAPS. (Under the direction of a qualified healthcare professional, of course) Interestingly, when I lived in Oregon, I had many clients with fibromyalgia and never saw a single lupus case. Here in "La Louisiane", it's all lupus and no fibro.

In my opinion as an alternative healthcare provider, you're not likely to achieve satisfactory results from conventional or what we call "allopathic" medicine. However, that doesn't mean I can just tell you to see a naturopath or an accupuncturist or a massage therapist. I wish it were not the case, but you're going to have to do a lot of digging on your own to find credible information and an experienced specialist. There are unfortunately a great deal of resources arrayed against you.

Please let me know if I may be of assistance.
Good luck!

Wow that's a lot of great info you're giving me there! I bought a book I haven't read yet but the subjects goes like you are saying so I think I won't wait anymore and get a jump into it!

My main problem these days are pain and a big big loss of appetite... I'm sure they're related because since I don't have appetite, I eat junk and the junk gives me pain :( All foods give me nausea...

What you're saying about the water makes a lot of sense...I think i'll start drinking bottled water first and see how it goes...

Thanks a lot for all your info, I'll keep your name in case I have questions ;)

You can also remove fluoride from water using a deionizer with ion exchange resin. Fluoride can also show up in foods and beverages processed with fluoridated water, see this study which comes from a part of the world where fluoride is present in the ground water.

As you mention, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome appear to share a common cause. I recommend studying the inflammatory response.

Based on the eating habits you describe, it sounds like you may have an excess of Yin energy if you are open to Eastern medical theories. This is a relatively new concept for me but I'm including it in case you find it helpful.

Again, I am not a medical professional and my comments are not to be construed as medical advice, but I am happy to help if I can. I hope you can find a suitable professional to supervise your recovery.

Wow read a part of the yin text you attached and it's very interesting! Even if i'm a nurse, I don't always believe that medication is the answer and i'm open to other theories, so i'll read it thoroughly later, thanks again :)

Once I thought that I had Fibromyalgia because I am getting weaker until stiffness sets in then pain, then bone changes.

I wish you well.

I can relate because I have had "Fibro" (that is what I call it) for 16 years now. I have been in every single kind of therapy imaginable and knowing how to cope with it is key. The do's and don'ts. You are so fortunate to have a job where you can rest during the day. I can no longer work. Best wishes my friend! : )

Wish you well. God bless..

Thanks a lot :)

Have you heard of tinctures? A friend of mine also has fibromyalgia.. he says it really helps him

Oh I used to take some to prevent the flu and it worked, i'll check this out, thanks a lot :))

This post has received a 1.04 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

Oh désolé pour toi :(
J'en reviens pas que tu travailles toujours... Prend soins de toi ! Je t'embrasse fort !!!

Merci! On a tous un obstacle a traverser dans la vie ;) c'est le mien ...

I have resteemed. This resonates with me so much. Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm glad you have been able to continue to work.

Hope it'll continue like this as long as possible :)

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Thanks for sharing! I have been struggling for the last two years trying to figure out what's going on with me. Besides pain do you happen to have other symptoms? Anxiety, extreme fatigue, mental "fog"? Doctors are leaning towards gerd or silent reflux but fibro has gone up too!

All the symptoms you are listing comes with Fibromyalgia... You should talk to you doctor.. Good Luck! :))

Thank you! Yes I will continue to ask about it if these feelings don't subside. I have to apologize to everyone who has a silent disease like fibromyalgia. I was always one of those who didn't believe it. Always skeptical and couldn't understand what people are going through. No that I'm on the other side I feel horrible for ever thinking that. It's a terrible struggle. Hugs xx

Don't worry, we learn something new everyday :)

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