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RE: ~A little bit about me and my Fibromyalgia~

in #health7 years ago

I was a massage therapist for 7 years. I had tons of fibro clients so I sort of got to specialize in it. They reported relief that would last for a week or two but always come back. The techniques I used were myofascial release and craniosacral, if you can find anyone who does those.

However, and this is not to be construed as medical advice, I think fibromyalgia has an environmental cause. Quebec appears to fluoridate their water if that is where you live and fluoride is one of the main suspects. I would eliminate that and try a very strict anti-inflammatory diet such as GAPS. (Under the direction of a qualified healthcare professional, of course) Interestingly, when I lived in Oregon, I had many clients with fibromyalgia and never saw a single lupus case. Here in "La Louisiane", it's all lupus and no fibro.

In my opinion as an alternative healthcare provider, you're not likely to achieve satisfactory results from conventional or what we call "allopathic" medicine. However, that doesn't mean I can just tell you to see a naturopath or an accupuncturist or a massage therapist. I wish it were not the case, but you're going to have to do a lot of digging on your own to find credible information and an experienced specialist. There are unfortunately a great deal of resources arrayed against you.

Please let me know if I may be of assistance.
Good luck!


Wow that's a lot of great info you're giving me there! I bought a book I haven't read yet but the subjects goes like you are saying so I think I won't wait anymore and get a jump into it!

My main problem these days are pain and a big big loss of appetite... I'm sure they're related because since I don't have appetite, I eat junk and the junk gives me pain :( All foods give me nausea...

What you're saying about the water makes a lot of sense...I think i'll start drinking bottled water first and see how it goes...

Thanks a lot for all your info, I'll keep your name in case I have questions ;)

You can also remove fluoride from water using a deionizer with ion exchange resin. Fluoride can also show up in foods and beverages processed with fluoridated water, see this study which comes from a part of the world where fluoride is present in the ground water.

As you mention, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome appear to share a common cause. I recommend studying the inflammatory response.

Based on the eating habits you describe, it sounds like you may have an excess of Yin energy if you are open to Eastern medical theories. This is a relatively new concept for me but I'm including it in case you find it helpful.

Again, I am not a medical professional and my comments are not to be construed as medical advice, but I am happy to help if I can. I hope you can find a suitable professional to supervise your recovery.

Wow read a part of the yin text you attached and it's very interesting! Even if i'm a nurse, I don't always believe that medication is the answer and i'm open to other theories, so i'll read it thoroughly later, thanks again :)

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