Do Vaccines Cause Autism?

in #health8 years ago (edited)

After Trump made another throw away comment this week, I decided it was important to reflect upon this topic. 

In Trumps tweet it stated: "Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!" 

This literally makes me cringe/laugh at the same time, as someone so dissimilar to a doctor, autism expert, neurologist anything similar could make these kinds of comments. 

So where to begin? This website sums it up pretty well...

So although anti-vac people state there is no evidence to support that vaccines don't cause autism, I beg to differ. It isn't hard to find reliable sources and studies to show that it is simply silly to believe that a vaccine causes autism. 

Now let me say here- I'm not particularly for or against vaccines, I haven't ever had to make that decision and I firmly suggest you make your own judgement on that- but were not talking about whether vaccines are good or bad, were stating they cause a progressive neurological disorder. 

Anyway back to the studies... 

  • this one is pretty clear, although seems kind of government based. Maybe thats enough to settle your mind on the case, I however would like further studies and research by not so governmental agencies to prove some things. 

"In the United Kingdom, researchers evaluated 498 autistic children born from 1979 through 1992 who were identified by computerized health records from 8 health districts [5]. Although a trend toward increasing autism diagnoses by year of birth was confirmed, no change in the rates of autism diagnoses after the 1987 introduction of MMR vaccine was observed. Further, MMR vaccination rates of autistic children were similar to those of the entire study population. Also, investigators did not observe a clustering of autism diagnoses relative to the time that children received MMR vaccine, nor did they observe a difference in age at autism diagnosis between those vaccinated and not vaccinated or between those vaccinated before or after 18 months of age. These authors also found no differences in autism rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated children when they extended their analysis to include a longer time after MMR exposure or a second dose of MMR [6].

In California, researchers compared year-specific MMR vaccination rates of kindergarten students with the yearly autism case load of the California Department of Developmental Services during 1980–1994 [8]. As was observed in the United Kingdom, the increase in the number of autism diagnoses did not correlate with MMR vaccination rates." 

And much much more, if you care to look. 

So I can hear you saying, ok well if vaccines don't cause autism, what does? Answer is out, but here are some things to think about. 

Simply researching studies into findings of alternative 'causes' of autism sometimes is a good idea instead of blurting out something someone else may or may not have made up, like this :

This study suggests its down to the genetics i.e. chromosomes or even having a defective oxytocin function within your body. 

I just want to round this ramble out by giving you one last thing to think about before you firmly believe the cause of Autism. You can of course believe something Trump is saying, but as many have said before he knows how to play to people, he knows how to catch media attention and get people talking, of course he’s going to go on about something that effects 1 in every 100 kids now. And dont think that just because the number seems to have risen or is particularly high, that it actually has changed. People have ALWAYS been autistic or been on the scale of autism, they were just misplaced for being troubled or different. 

Isaac Newton was seen to be troubled, he locked himself away for 2 whole years in a room and refused to see anyone and ended up writing one of the most well known scientific/physic books of all time- Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687. Alongside Einstein, Darwin and Mozart. All people that were known for being different but none the less exceptionally talented.

 Autism was around and prominent WAY before vaccines were even invented. 

I'm not saying that you think vaccines are the sole cause of autism, but it’d be silly to think that so many people hundreds of years ago were faced with autism before the times of technology, vaccines all the other BS ‘causes’ of autism. 

Here are some more more journals/studies/research into the cause of autism:

Maybe you'll find that vaccines really do cause Autism, or maybe you'll learn something new. Either way, I hope you understood my passion for the subject, as I believe it is so so unfair to solely blame parents for wanting to protect their child (getting the vaccines), and then inducing them into a world of torment. As someone who works with children with all ranges of autism, it isn't fair. 

All opinions stated below will be responded to IF portrayed in the correct manner, have a nice weekend :-) 


Sorry but you are wrong, Trump is following the studies of real doctors who simply state there is a relationship between this disease and vaccine. Anyway, people must be free to decide if they want a vaccine or not: you can not impose what to inject inside the body of a human being, that is a medical dictatorship!

Vaccines do not, in any capacity, cause autism. Period. There is no legitimate study showing it, because it doesn't happen. The increase in autism diagnosis is derived from a radically better understanding of the symptoms of the variety of manifestations across the autism spectrum. Basically, we know better now what autism looks like and can appropriately diagnose it.

Ever wonder why cancer diagnosis is increasing so drastically in recent decades/years? Why shock of the century, its for the same reason. We are better able to identify and make the diagnosis.

Vaccination does not cause autism, the only thing vaccination does is prevent people from getting diseases. Is it perfect? No. Do people still have alergic reactions to the vaccinations, at similar rates as they would to any other possible medical treatment? Yes they do. Should everyone still get vaccinated? Yes, yes they should. Are people endangering the lives of other people and peoples children by not getting their children vaccinated? YES, YES THEY ARE!

Part of what makes vaccines effective is the phenomenon of Herd Immunity a non vaccinated child weakens the herd immunity and potentially puts even vaccinated children at risk of developing a disease they would otherwise have never come in contact with.

Were not getting vaccinated hazardous only to the people choosing not to (or choosing for their children) get vaccinated, It would be fine. Its their lives. But this choice has ramifications for other people and other peoples children. Anti-Vaxers are putting them at risk with these choices.

Do better research, Dentists say sodium fluoride is good for your teeth and it is harmless, and yet with a little research you'll find is is very dangerous. The health "experts" say in small doses it is harmless, oh yeah? well they cant know each and every individual's exposure to fluoride in the water, for example during the summer months Australians are in contact and consume a lot of water that would be amounts that are dangerous. But they continue to put it on our dental products and drinking water.
No, boiling it concentrates it. And no, filters do not remove it unless you're willing to pay $1000 for a advanced filter system.
Source -

Why did I talk about fluoride? because you feel so confident in what you've been told and read about what they, the "experts" (possible pharma shills) say.
Anti-vaxxers aren't putting anybody at risk, if you believe vaxxed people are so safe YOU have nothing to worry about. And the anti-vaxxers have a choice and it should be rightfully made by them, not you.
Funny how you people are so pro-choice on things like abortion but not when it concerns "vaccines" that do cause autism in some if not most cases. -->

Your ridiculous sources make me laugh. You just gave a great example of confirmation bias. You want there to be problems and go out searching for any garbage you can to support it. Is fluoride in high concentrations super healthy? No not really. Is there some grand conspiracy to harm everyone ? No their isn't. Fluoride treatments are a large reason why people aren't riddled with cavities and getting large portions of their teeth pulled at early ages. It really does a good job strengthining enamel and promoting remineralization.

Nevertheless, vaccines DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM. Period. To believe that is both wrong and dangerous. Hopefully the rest of the world follows austrailians example and begins prosecuting "medical professionals" who are propagating this pseudoscientific nonsense.

I completely agree with the whole cancer thing, It is great that we can now see it, recognise it and deal with a lot more medically than in previous years. I however cannot comment on the vaccines side of it as I dont believe I have done enough research into it, thanks for taking a look though!

You don't need to do research into it. There isn't any research to be done. Go talk to your family physician. 99.99999% chance they will tell you vaccines are fine. Explain the risks associated with them (as there are with any other treatment) and you can get on with your day and life. You likely are not a doctor and as such lack the training to discern the difference between the real science and pseudoscience. Stop trusting the testimonials of internet weirdos and their "doctors". Just talk with your own who likely has already earned your actual trust.

although i respect your opinion and see where you're coming from, i believe its crucial to research into what you're putting into your body whether its pills, vaccines whatever. It is not enough to blindly trust someone like your GP or doctor, as after all you know your body best. From a UK perspective, the government is specifically linked with the health system, which does cause a concern for me. I hope you can see where I am coming from. (I am also not saying Im completely anti-vac, I just like to be aware! :-) )

Us humans feel uncumfortable when we cannot find an answer to what happens in the world. We tend to try to find an answer based on our world view.

It's seems to be against our nature to admit that we do not have the answers to certain things.

It's ok to say "I don't know" instead of embracing the crackpot unproven tinfoil theories that circulate on the internet.

I dont get if Trump is mocking the anti-vaxxers with their autism claim or? If he is, it's one thing he's good on

I personally believe his tweet is saying that parents are shipping their children off to have vaccines which results in autism. however this may be another of his sarcastic tweets! Although I dont think its good to pump our kids full of unknown chemicals, I also dont believe that it is the cause of autism :)

I believe there is truth to it. Here is my playlist on vaccines and autism.

Don't know if it is appropriate, but instead of writing all over again, I here copied my comment to this article by @alanfreestone45 in health

Subject about vaccines goes in every direction ! It is terriby emotional. So here is my personal point of view since ** I am** a mother of an autistic boy of 11 years old...

Comment by @cathou009

*My mother questionned the vaccines after her first 3 kids. So, becoming a mom, I read both sides and could not decide. So, I chose to postpone vaccine.
Well, my 11th year old son had no vaccines at all and has autism. The signs appeared exactly at the the same age other kids would have their shot around 18 months old-2 years old. We have a very healthy way of life. I breast-fed my 3. Neither my other two kids had vaccines.
My son has hypersensitivity to noise, makes flapping, has very specific interests, speaks in an unusual French way (we live in Québec, not in France).
Yes, I read countless medical articles on autism, both sides. I met so many different TSA kids at school and in life. Autism has many faces and now, I'm sure it is more complex than getting it because of vaccines. I have explored the path of antibiotic giving for otitis for kids under 2 years old (presence of a very though bacteria in the intestine) , the incidence of drugs that affects oxytocyn during labor specially in ceasarian (since the incidence of that medical procedure is on the rise this past 20 years) and that I experienced 3 times (could giving birth without). There is also the genetic path, since I have met families with more than one child with autism and no vaccines involved.
I'm a biomed & a 'neuro-diversity mom who might never have an answer. I prepare my son to be the more independant possible, help him to manage and understand his emotions, and guide him through the complex world of living in a society.
So I believe in others causes, even genetic, even vaccines even if my son son had none.
I'm kind of very suspicious when people think they trigger the cause.
I was glad to read your last line...
Please note that I'm not claiming that all cases of autism is caused by vaccines, nor that vaccination might not confer some benefits

Also, blue light that we encounter from looking at mobile phones, laptops, TV and Ipads can cause autism. Get yourself protected from as it as much as you can, blue light filters, download f lux on your laptop, and this filter out blue light etc

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