My Water Only Fasting Experience – Day 9

in #health7 years ago (edited)
  • Monday, September 4th 2017

A daily update of my progress fasting on just water.

Another relatively normal day

A few hunger pains here and there. Cravings, improved eyesight and better skin.



A good night sleep is a good thing

I woke up earlier than normal this morning for an early morning guitar lesson. Thankfully the cat didn’t interrupt my sleep last night.

I am having a ten week crash course with my teacher and we’re up to week four now. It’s all online which means it starts at 7am my time. It’s well worth it though, I’ve already made some great improvements.

Anyway, back to the fasting experience.

Urine was slightly coloured, nothing special. No movement from the back end though.

I wasn’t particularly thirsty and drank much less water in the morning than I had been.

I set about getting on with my work for the day.



Unwanted feelings

I started to feel some action in my intestines around midday. A bit of gurgling then an almost hunger pain like feeling. I took a break for lunch and had a 20 minute sleep letting off quite a few decent farts which seemed to ease the gurgling in my guts.

I had a hot shower after the nap and I’m not sure if I’m imagining it or not. Perhaps I’ve previously only paid attention to the white ones, but I noticed more dark whiskers growing in the area where my beard grows white.


My skin also looks a lot clearer and fresher. Perhaps it’s all the water?

After my shower the smell of food started to bring on sensations of hunger. Once again as I thought about it, it wasn’t real hunger. It was probably better described as cravings. The urge to chew on something.
I have heard and read that those cravings eventuate at some point. I wish they would hurry up and go.



Eyesight is still getting better

I checked around the room to see what I could now see that I couldn’t without it being blurry before I started the fast. I’m loving this new eyesight. It’s not quite 20:20 but if it keeps getting better it won’t be long until it is. I really hope it lasts long after the fast.

Urine was still slightly coloured as it had been throughout the day so far.

My water intake was still quite low compared to the previous days. Yesterday, I drank a lot. A lot more than most other days.



Those damn cravings

While the family enjoyed their dinner time, savoured the aroma and drank my water. The cravings came on once again while the smell and sight of food was about. I picked up my water intake and that helped me get through dinner time.

After dinner, with my son in bed, we settled into bed to watch a movie.

Urine was clear again.

Weight before bed: 65 kg

On going to sleep, I did notice some slight hunger pains. Not enough to stop me sleeping, but noticeable.


Tomorrow will be Day 10

Summing Up:

Apart from the cravings to eat something, today was pretty good. My eyesight has definitely improved and I’m starting to feel more energised. My skin feels and looks a lot better too and I’m pretty sure my beard is growing darker, we’ll see about that later.

Thank you for reading this far.

I plan on posting about my progress daily from now on so if you’d like to keep an eye on my progress, feel free to follow me, even if it’s just for a while to see my fasting posts.
You can always stop following after that if you like, I won’t be offended.
If you think your followers may be interesting in this do them a favour and resteem ;p


Stay Hydrated & Steem On!


Rock'N'Roll From Melbourne, Australia


Previous Posts:

Please, Leave a Comment Below.
I'd love to hear your thoughts, questions and tips (from experience only please).


Ive heard of people diekng from long fasts, specifically it was trending in Japan recently, be careful man! Have you considered atleast eating lemon juice, cucumber or soup broth?

Thank you @quattrophoto,
I'm prepared to stop the fast the moment I feel it's not going well.
Juice and broth fasts are good too, but I'm going for the full strength power of a total water only fast this time.

Very well done sir:)How long are you going ? I have done 3 days a couple of times, for the immune system reset and intermittent fasting for a couple of years on and of. Never these long one's. thinking about a 5 day one next time. Will follow you to see how is goes

Thank you for commenting.
I'm not sure how long. Up to a maximum of 40 days. That's the target.
The third day is the hardest I think. After that it's not so bad and it's been getting even easier.
Perhaps next time you do one of your 3 day water only fasts, push it for at ;east one more day and see how you go?

RESPECT! DAMN you gotta have a lot of discipline to do this 😱 Awesome to read the benefits you're experiencing. Going to give you a follow. How long is your water fast going to be for?

Thank you @bynaomi,
I'm not sure how long I'll keep up the fast.
My goal is to do a full 40 day water only fast, but I won't be too disappointed if I cut it short. So I really don't know how long it will be for, just that it will be up to a maximum of 40 days.
Steem on.

Won't tomorrow be day 10, not 11? 😊

You are so correct. Thank you for that.
I have fixed it now.
Steem on.

This is pretty cool. I was just talking to a few people yesterday about my desire to use Steemit as social accountability by posting as I reduce and give up soda and/or quit smoking for good.

I just found this post, so new to your journey. Are you going for a certain time period or until a desired result, etc.? Followed for more :)

Thank you @sixersfeds,
Steemit is great for this sort of thing. A permanent record of events.
I realised I should have been doing it from the start when I mad my first post after day 6.
I'm not sure how long I'll go, just to a maximum of 40 days.

I'm impressed you're still going. What's your end goal for doing this?

Yes, still going.
The end goal is improved health and getting a good 'clean out'.
It's already showing signs of doing that.
Steem on 'Cobber'.

Are you? Or would you consider drinking freshly distilled water, during/after your fasts?

I'm drinking filtered water. I have a great filtration system buiilt in under my sink at home and in the office, so I'm covered for good drinking water.
There is a photo of my filtration system in the previous post:

Awesome Thor. I'm interested to hear about the eyesight improvements. Is there a way you could quantify those improvements?

I'm planning on having an eye test once I've finished fasting.
I'll be able to compare my previous prescription with the results of the new test.
That's about as good as I can do.
Even if I can't prove it, I'm loving the improvement so far.

Still enjoying reading your post... I never imagined anyone was doing such long fasts, and that it might be good for you. Funny about your eyesight, Is that something you were expecting?

Thank you @cycling-goldfish,
I'm glad you're enjoying the posts.
The eyesight improvement was a complete surprise, and welcome surprise.
BTW: I've just posted my report for Day 10 too.

Steem on.

Oh no! I can't imagine my day without food. Good for you sir! Congrats! You've gone far. Water is really good to our body. I heard it can help lose your weight faster.

Thank you @athenabree08,
I have lost about 4 or 5 kilos so far but seem to have been sitting at the same weight for a few days now. I'm not really that big of a fellow so weight loss was not a goal of mine. I'll really need to work at putting weight back on when I've finished the fast.
Using good quality food that is, not junk.
Steem on.

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