My Water Only Fasting Experience – Day 7

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Reporting Saturday September 2nd 2017

A daily update of my progress fasting on just water.

How Many Days Will I Go?

Still no idea, although I'm aiming for a maximum of 40 days.

I neglected to mention previously that I have already spoken with my doctor about it and although he said he wouldn’t recommend it, he didn’t see me having any big issues, but I will be keeping him informed of my progress. I’m hoping to spin him out with my results.
We’ll see.



Not Happy, Cat!

I had a terrible sleep last night which had nothing to do with the fast. Our cat, which I have a love hate relationship with, is getting quite old now and has a tendency to start up a constant meow during the night which she did a few times. I can’t just blame the cat for the poor sleep though. I also ended up staying up until just after 2am and I was awoken quite early by my son.

So, after a night of very little and broken sleep it was time to get ready for swimming.

In my last post (My Water Only Fasting Experience – DAY 6) I mentioned that I didn’t drink as much water yesterday as I had been. It was probably still much more than I would normally when not in this fast, but my urine was a little darker this morning and again no bowel movement (BM) which is normally part of my morning routine.

I didn’t have any hunger and didn’t miss coffee at all today and I enjoyed my big glass of water first thing.



Saturday Morning Fun

I wasn’t sure how I’d go at my weekly swim lesson for my son after having no food for 7 days but it wasn’t any different to normal weeks. The only thing I did do different this week, was to spend about 30 minutes in the sauna after swimming. I drank all the water in my 1 litre water bottle while in there and I was still thirsty.


I did feel slightly hungry and very tired on returning home and planned to have a lay down for a while. My urine had returned to a normal slightly coloured colour.



So much for a lay down

Just as I was about to have a bit of a snooze for the afternoon, we received a visitor, a friend of ours who decided to pop in out of the blue.

He enjoys a coffee from our coffee machine so I set about making him one. The aroma while grinding the beans was awesome but wasn’t enough to stir any craving for one myself. I sat back drinking my water, enjoying the coffee aroma in the room, as he enjoyed his latte.

Coffee for a friend and water for me

He left after a while and I set about making a start on this post. It wasn’t until around 5pm that I eventually did have a nap, sleeping for probably an hour and a half. After my sleep I noticed my urine was almost clear again.



Feeling Normal

I don’t really feel any hunger feelings at all since waking up this afternoon/evening. I was drinking quite a bit of water. I wasn’t even in the mood for my “fasting soup”, my mug of a mixture of Himalayan rock salt and Epsom salts, just over a teaspoon combined into a mug of hot water. Water was satisfying on its own.

I spent a few hours on the computer all the while consuming quite a few glasses of water yet my lips were a bit dry.
Off to bed at around midnight with no feelings of hunger at all.

I noticed a few times throughout the day that I’d occasionally have an urge to eat something. Not so from hunger at all, not to put something in my stomach, but to simply eat, to chew on something and enjoy it’s taste. I didn’t give into it, but it was interesting to note.

No BM at all today.

Sleeping came quite quickly. I didn’t have any feelings of hunger to bother with.


Tomorrow Will Be Day 8

Stay Tuned

So far I don’t have many plans for tomorrow. I’ll probably have a relaxing day at home and maybe watch a few movies or something. Stay tuned.

Thank you for reading this far. I plan on posting about my progress daily from now on so if you’d like to keep an eye on my progress, feel free to follow me, even if it’s just for a while to see my fasting posts. You can always stop following after that if you like, I won’t be offended.

Stay Hydrated & Steem On!


Rock'N'Roll From Melbourne, Australia


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